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研究生: 謝采芸
Hsieh, Tsai-Yun
論文名稱: 高中初任雙語教師的信念與實踐:以數理科教師為例
Novice Bilingual Teachers' Beliefs and Practices in a Senior High School: A Case Study on Mathematics and Science Teachers
指導教授: 王宏均
Wang, Hung-Chun
口試委員: 徐筱玲
Hsu, Hsiao-Ling
Lo, Mei-Lan
Wang, Hung-Chun
口試日期: 2022/12/30
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 145
中文關鍵詞: 教師信念教學實踐雙語教育雙語教學英語授課內容和語言的整合學習
英文關鍵詞: teacher’s beliefs, teaching practices, bilingual education, bilingual teaching, English-medium instruction, Content and Language Integrated Learning
研究方法: 個案研究法內容分析法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300218
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:197下載:0
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  • 自「2030雙語政策」發布以來,雙語教育已成為臺灣一場新興的教育革命。為瞭解高中雙語教育推行成效,本研究採用質性研究內容分析法,以臺灣北部一所公立高中三位初任雙語教師作為研究對象,透過半結構性訪談、課室觀察和參與者日誌等資料來源,探討高中雙語教師對雙語教學的信念與其在雙語教學實踐所採取的策略。

    Bilingual education has become an education revolution in Taiwan since the release of the "Bilingual 2030" national policy. In order to understand the implementation of bilingual education in the contexts of senior high schools, the current research adopted a qualitative content analysis to explore the beliefs and practices of the three novice bilingual teachers in a public high school in northern Taiwan through semi-structured interviews, classroom observations and informants' journals as data sources.
    According to the results of this study, bilingual teachers' beliefs can be discussed with regard to nine aspects: (1) perceptions of "Bilingual 2030" Policy, (2) motivations for becoming a bilingual teacher, (3) translanguaging, (4) scaffolding, (5) foreign teachers as resources, (6) bilingual teacher professional learning communities, (7) implementation and effectiveness of bilingual education, (8) views and reflection on bilingual teaching, and (9) status quo and predicament of bilingual education. Moreover, bilingual teaching practices can be identified into seven themes, including (1) translanguaging, (2) using multimodal affordances for meaning making, (3) assessment of comprehension and learning, (4) teacher-student interaction, (5) collaboration with foreign teachers, (6) introduction to key terms, and (7) scaffolding techniques.
    The major findings of this study are as follows:
    (1)Bilingual teachers' beliefs and their English proficiency did not affect their motivations to participate in bilingual teaching.
    (2)Through collaboration with foreign teachers, collaborative teaching and participation in the target school' s bilingual teacher professional
    learning community, the proportionate use of English as the language of teaching could be increased and the English learning objectives of the course could be achieved.
    (3)Bilingual teachers can start with supplementing English proper nouns in the subject area at the initial stage of implementing bilingual teaching.
    (4)Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, some courses were taught online, and the bilingual teachers used technological tools and multimodal affordances to assist students in learning and discussion. However, owing to the lack of bilingual evaluation mechanism and the pressure of educational progress, it is difficult for bilingual teachers to effectively assess the effectiveness of students’ bilingual learning.
    In conclusion, this study provides feasible and specific suggestions for bilingual teaching models, bilingual teacher professional learning communities, bilingual policy implementation incentives and future research directions for teachers who are willing to implement and promote bilingual education, senior high schools, universities with bilingual teacher training programs, government agencies, and researchers.

    CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 Background and Motivation 1 Purpose of the Study 5 Research Questions 7 Significance of the Study 8 Definition of Terms 9 Bilingual Teachers 9 Teacher Professional Development 9 Collaborative Lesson Planning 10 Overview of the Study 11 Limitations of the Study 11 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 12 Bilingual Education 12 Theories of Bilingual Education 12 Models of Bilingual Education 14 Programs of Bilingual Education 16 Approaches to Bilingual Education 18 Content-Based Instruction (CBI) 19 Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) 20 English-Medium Instruction (EMI) 23 Implementation of Bilingual Education in Taiwan 25 CLIL in Taiwan 26 Bilingual Teaching Framework in Taiwan: 4C2++ 27 Immersion programs in Taiwan 28 The "FERTILE" Bilingual Model in Taiwan 30 Teachers' Beliefs 32 Nature and Significance of Teachers' Beliefs 32 Contextual Factors That Influence a Teacher's Belief Enactment 35 Research on Teachers' Beliefs and Practices in Taiwan 37 Summary 39 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY 40 Research Design 40 Research Setting 42 Research Site 42 Recruitment to the Bilingual Class 44 Curricula for the Bilingual Class 45 Informants 48 Research Instruments 51 Interviews 51 Class Observations, Field Notes and Memos 52 Informants’ Journals and Teaching Artifacts 55 Data Collection Procedures 58 Data Analysis 60 Procedures for Data Analysis 60 Data Trustworthiness 62 Credibility 62 Transferability 63 Confirmability 63 Dependability 64 Summary 64 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS 65 How the Bilingual Teachers Viewed Bilingual Education 65 Perceptions of "Bilingual 2030" Policy 65 Motivations for Becoming Bilingual Teachers 67 Translanguaging 69 Scaffolding 71 Foreign Teachers as Resources 72 Bilingual Teacher Professional Learning Communities 73 Implementation and Effectiveness of Bilingual Education 75 Views and Reflection on Bilingual Teaching 77 Status Quo and Predicament of Bilingual Education 81 Summary of Teachers' Beliefs 83 Pedagogies Employed in Bilingual Classrooms 84 Translanguaging 85 Using Multimodal Affordances for Meaning Making 89 Bilingual teaching materials 89 Visual aids 90 Language 92 Gestures 92 Assessment of Comprehension and Learning 93 Teacher-student Interaction 93 Collaboration with Foreign Teachers 94 Introduction to Key Terms 96 Scaffolding Techniques 97 Summary of Teachers' Practices 101 CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 103 Summary of the Major Research Findings 103 Bilingual Teachers' Beliefs of Bilingual Education 103 Bilingual Teachers' Practices in Bilingual Teaching 105 Charles 106 Tony 107 Amy 107 General Discussions on the Major Research Findings 108 Supportive and Restrictive Effects of Contextual Factors 111 Implications and Suggestions 113 Conclusion 119 REFERENCES 121 APPENDICES 128 Appendix A 128 Appendix B 129 Appendix C 131 Appendix D 134 Appendix E 136 Appendix F 137 Appendix G 140 Appendix H 142 Appendix I 144

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