研究生: |
林菊芳 Lin,Chu-Fang |
論文名稱: |
向量漸層網格寫實擬真表現之創作研究─國產稻米之推廣海報為例 A Study of Representation of Realism using Vector Gradient Mesh— |
指導教授: |
Kang, Tai-Sheng |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
設計學系 Department of Design |
論文出版年: | 2009 |
畢業學年度: | 97 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 99 |
中文關鍵詞: | 寫實擬真主義 、稻米推廣 、漸層網格工具 |
英文關鍵詞: | realism, rice promotion, vector gradient mesh tool |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:250 下載:10 |
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1. 藉由文獻探討,瞭解寫實擬真主義相關的繪畫風格與派別,以及寫實擬真海報設計中所使用的構圖、色彩表現、主題物件安排及獨特風格的結合。
2. 寫實擬真表現於視覺設計應用,透過現有案例進行構圖版型、色彩及表現技
3. 運用數位繪圖軟體的便捷多變的特性進行漸層網格的表現技法研究。
4. 整體呈現出推廣傳統產業是有其發展空間,增強觀者的印象是能產生推廣的
A Study of Representation of Realism using Vector Gradient Mesh—
An Example with Indigenous Rice Promotion Posters
Images of “realism” are embedded with realistic, tangible, and clear visual features. In the natural world, one of the principles of survival, mimicry, can explain it all. For instance, leaf butterflies have evolved to carry the color of yellow leaves for escape menace of predators and survival. The look they mimic helps them successfully avoid and survive crises and also adds another fascinating visual element to the natural world. Their fantastic work of “realistic illusion” has become the best example of realism.
The style of realism has been frequently applied in design practice, such as in the forms of advertisements, posters, illustrations, and displays. The diversified and rich uses of this style are ubiquitous in daily life. This study selected indigenous rice promotion posters as the theme and applied Vector Gradient Mesh Tool in computer illustration software to represent the style of realism on posters. The common images of the rice culture, such as a scarecrow, rice seedlings in water, strings of rice, and sprouting rice, were selected to be the main themes of the posters, so that the designed graphics could be easier to understand and interpret. Through design of posters, this research expected that the rice industry could be promoted and sustained, and there could be greater room for development of the rice culture.
The research directions and results were summarized as follows:
1. Through literature review, painting styles and schools of realism, composition and expression of colors, arrangement of themes and objects, and integration of unique styles in realism poster design were explored.
2. Application of representation of realism to visual designs was studied. Composition of elements, use of color, and representation techniques in existing cases were analyzed.
3. Convenient features of digital illustration software were utilized to investigate the representation technique of vector gradient mesh.
4. The overall results showed that there was room for further promotion of traditional industries, and promotion could be achieved by deepening viewers' impression. Thus, the designs of realism could be more highly accepted.
Keywords: realism, rice promotion, vector gradient mesh tool
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