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Author: 伍先至
Wu, Hsien-Chih
Thesis Title: 新物理下的希格斯雙光子衰變之數值分析
Diphoton Decay of Higgs in New Physics
Advisor: 陳傳仁
Chen, Chuan-Ren
Degree: 碩士
Department: 物理學系
Department of Physics
Thesis Publication Year: 2016
Academic Year: 104
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 57
Keywords (in Chinese): 希格斯粒子新物理雙光子衰變粒子物理
Keywords (in English): Higgs, New Physics, Diphoton Decay, Particle physics
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 139Downloads: 58
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  • 近一個世紀高能領域裡許多重大突破,且在近幾年內LHC實驗又證實希格斯粒子$H$的存在。本篇前段將會簡述粒子物理與希格斯粒子的背景知識,再補充一些實驗物理的介紹,最後重點討論希格斯粒子衰變至雙光子的過程,並且討論不同的新粒子在此過程中的貢獻與影響,再將LHC的實驗數據套入,找出新粒子被允許存在的質量和耦合強度的範圍。我們將分別分析的新粒子為自旋為0或1的玻色子,以及自旋為1/2的費米子,且探討其相關修正的具體定量結果。

    摘要...........................................i 致謝...........................................ii 1 Introduction 概論............................1 2 Background Materials 背景知識.................5 2.1 Standard Model 標準模型.....................5 2.2 Kinematics 運動學...........................7 2.3 Symmetries 對稱性...........................8 2.4 Quantum Mechanics 量子力學..................9 2.5 Perturbation Theory 微擾理論................13 2.6 Decay Widths and Cross Sections............16 2.7 Eexperiment 實驗...........................18 3 Higgs particle 希格斯粒子.....................23 3.1 Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking..............24 3.2 Goldstone Mechanism 戈德斯通機制............24 3.3 Higgs Mechanism 希格斯機制..................26 3.4 Higgs Production 希格斯生成.................31 3.5 Higgs Decay 希格斯衰變......................33 4 Higgs Decays involving New Particles.........41 4.1 Higgs decay to diphoton....................41 4.2 New W boson................................44 4.3 New Scalar Boson...........................46 4.4 New Lepton.................................49 5 Conclusion 結論..............................53 Reference 參考文獻..............................55

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