簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 王淑枝
Shu Chih Wang
論文名稱: 以生物區域主義為哲學基礎發展鄉土教學活動課程之行動研究
An action research of homeland study curriculum development on the philosophical basis of bioregionalism
指導教授: 周儒
Chou, Ju
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 環境教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Environmental Education
論文出版年: 1998
畢業學年度: 86
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 159頁
中文關鍵詞: 生物區域主義鄉土教學活動課程發展行動研究
英文關鍵詞: bioregionalism, homeland study curriculum development, action research
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:233下載:0
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  • 根據學者的研究,國小教師面對八十二年公佈新增的「鄉土教學活動課程」,最令他們困擾的是「專業能力不足」的問題。本研究以行動研究的方法進行國小鄉土教學活動課程的發展,目的即在解決教師所面臨的鄉土教學活動課程發展上的問題。



    According to educators* study , the biggest problem elementary school teachers will meet when teaching the homeland study , the newly advocated subject in 1992 in Taiwan is the educational profession issue. In this research , we adopted action research approach to develop homeland study curriculum and tried to help the teacher solve this problem.

    Before implementing this curriculum , we draw out two key elements from bioregionalism (bioregional thoughts) : to build a sense of place and get to reinhabitate our home, as main goals to construct the frame of curriculum content , and then decided the subgoals including knowing this place, feeling closeness or connectedness with local nature and caring for our home, etc. We concerned that : (1) Is it feasible to develop homeland study curriculum on the philosophical basis of bioregionalism? (2)What kind of problem the teachers will face when conducting this program? (3)What progress the teacher will make in the process?

    The researcher and teacher researcher collaborated to develop curriculum and design unit activity with following the guide of curriculum frame. We finished eight lessons including four outdoor sites finally. In the process, we revised the content, refined the teaching strategies, and reimplement the lessons in order to catch the central meaning of bioregionalism and achieve the ultimate aims of homeland study program.

    Over the whole semester's implementation, we collected teacher's reflection diaries, researcher's diaries, field observations, and other documents as data analysis resource. The teacher and students were also interviewed . After analyzing the information with triangulation technique, our findings show: (1) there is high feasibility to develop homeland study curriculum on the philosophical basis of bioregionalism. (2) The teacher faced three problems: being lack of professional knowledge, spending much more time to prepare, and warring about the safety problem. Nevertheless, the teacher had made progress in teaching competence. She felt more confident when teaching in the outdoors. Also she had known this place more deeply. Moreover, students gave many responses back in the class. We suggested teachers in the homeland study may use the bioregionalism to develop the curriculum with the start of understanding the content of bioregionalism first. Find an expert or collaborator to brain storm much more abundant materials, and go out have more field experiences to get ideas for teaching materials. We hope there will be more researchers jump into this study, as if theory transformation to practice and other related issues.

    Keywords: bioregionalism, homeland study curriculum development, action research.

    內 容 目 次 誌 謝***************************.i 中文摘要**************************....ii 英文摘要**************************...iii 內容目次**************************....v 圖目錄..**************************.....vi 表目錄***************************..vii 第一章:緒論 第一節 研究動機與重要性******************1 第二節 研究目的與課題*******************3 第三節 名詞界定*********************....4 第四節 研究限制*********************....6 第二章:文獻探討 第一節 生物區域主義*******************....8 第二節 生物區域教育與鄉土教育、環境教育*********..14 第三節 鄉土教學活動課程之發展**************..27 第四節 行動研究*********************..34 第三章:研究方法 第一節 研究方法與流程******************..43 第二節 資料收集與分析******************..48 第四章:行動歷程 第一節 研究情境與時程******************..50 第二節 問題發現與解決計劃****************..55 第三節 課程架構的擬定******************..58 第四節 課程的發展與實施*****************..64 第五節 課程總檢討********************..73 第五章:結果、發現與討論 第一節 利用生物區域主義發展鄉土課程之高度可行性*****..79 第二節 教師面臨的問題與挑戰***************..82 第三節 教師研究者的收獲與成長**************..86 第六章:結論與建議 第一節 結論************************93 第二節 建議***********************....95 參考文獻****************..********..99 附錄 附錄一 生物區域計劃網頁列舉************.*104 附錄二 現場觀察實地札記列舉*************.109 附錄三 教師省思札記列舉***************.111 附錄四 研究者札記列舉****************.113 附錄五 教師期中訪談記錄***************.115 附錄六 教師期末訪談記錄***************.125 附錄七 學生訪談列舉*****************.134 附錄八 學前問卷*******************.142 附錄九 活動學習單列舉****************.145 附錄十 鄉土活動課程架構***************.149 附錄十一 教學活動教案列舉**************.151 附錄十二 家長通知函*****************.153 附錄十三 效度檢核表*****************.155 附錄十四 課程設計參考資料**************.157 圖 目 錄 圖1 Hines(海尼斯)環境行為模式********.....*.25 圖2 環境課程發展模式**************...*..29 圖3 環境課程發展程序圖***************..30 圖4 Lewin 的行動研究模式**********.****38 圖5 Lewin 行動研究模式之修正********.***....39 圖6 研究流程圖****************....**..47 圖7 三峽的位置*****************.*.....51 圖8 三峽的地理優勢***************.*.....51 圖9 發展正向的環境行為*************.*.....59 表 目 錄 表1研究時程表****************.........**..54 表2主題活動名稱*****************.**..72


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