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研究生: 陳怡君
Chen, Yi-Chun
論文名稱: 學術研究合作行為之探討: 以中央研究院地球科學研究所為例
An Exploration on Academic Research Cooperation: Case Study of Institute of Earth Science, Academia Sinica
指導教授: 柯皓仁
Ke, Hao-Ren
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 圖書資訊學研究所
Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 110
中文關鍵詞: 學術研究學術研究合作學科領域跨領域合作知識螺旋
英文關鍵詞: academic research, academic research cooperation, disciplines, interdisciplinary cooperation, knowledge spiral
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:86下載:13
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  •   學科合作如同拼圖般,需不斷地拼湊著學科領域的完整性,與連結其他學科之間相關的延伸性。在研究過程中,合作是不斷地在尋找可拼湊的區塊,如何將已知與未知的研究,透過多元的知識領域區塊做有效的串連與延伸。以落實學科研究發展的可行性,來擴大學科領域之間的研究版圖,或發掘學科本身的核心區塊,以整合學術領域之間完整的架構。如何去尋找、拼湊合作研究區塊的可能性?是須集結各類門專業知識,來擴充與探究學術研究的完整性。
      合作研究的因素:(一)合作研究關係的建立、(二)影響合作研究關係發展的條件、(三)尋找適的合合作夥伴要素、(四)合作過的夥伴繼續合作的原因、(五)合作人員的多寡對研究影響的因素、(六)個人特質影響合作研究進展的要素、(七) 研究人員在意的因素、(八)研究經驗與網絡關係影響合作的要素,由八項研究的合作層面,依序歸納為二十二種影響合作研究的因素。影響因素為:1.互補性、2. 態度、3. 研究目標、4.興趣、5.人格特質、6.研究成果、7.愉快、8. 研討會交流、9.能力、10.文獻、11.朋友、同事或推薦、12.學習、13.互信、14.品質、15. 經費、16. 時間安排、17.口碑、18.安全性、19.政策、20.師生或直屬關係、21.訪問、22.網路搜尋。
      合作研究的各種溝通管道:(一) 合作研究知識的認知與結合、(二)合作研究溝通模式的轉變,由兩項研究溝通的層面,依序歸納九種溝通介面的方式。溝通方式為:1.E-mail、2.當面溝通與當場特殊儀器操作學習、3.打電話、4.Skype、5.Facebook、6.LINE、7. WebEx、8.ResearchGate、9.Dropbox。

    Interdisciplinary cooperation is like putting together jigsaw puzzles. It requires constant construction of the integrity of one discipline while linking it with other related disciplines. During the course of research, cooperation is a process of looking for jigsaw blocks and finding the links between the known and unknown researches in order to effectively connect and extend the multidisciplinary blocks. It extends the research scopes of different disciplines or discovers the core blocks of the disciplines through the implementation of the feasibility of the development of disciplines in order to integrate the comprehensive structure among different disciplines. How to search and put together the possible interdisciplinary cooperation blocks? We have to combine all kinds of professional knowledge to expand and explore the integrity of academic research.
    Research cooperation is not only a connection between professional knowledge, but also a possibility of integrating a series of interdisciplinary researches. A variety of uncertain factors, interaction with others and the allocation of environment and resources are intertwined simultaneously. All kinds of complex factors directly or indirectly affect the process and development of the overall research cooperation.
    The process of looking for and developing research cooperation relationship is a series of behavior patterns. How do researchers connect all kinds of possibilities between interdisciplinary cooperation? How to seek and establish the cooperation channels? How to reach consensus during the cooperation? Explore the effect of different factors in research cooperation.
    This study takes the researcher in the Institute of Earth Science of Academia Sinica as an example to explore the behavior of academic research cooperation. This study adopts the semi-structured interview method. In-depth interviews have been conducted with fourteen researchers, including distinguished research fellows, research fellows, associate research fellows and assistant research fellows. Based on the literature review, the interviews focused on two parts: (1) discussion of the various factors affecting the cooperative research and (2) understanding the various communication channels of research cooperation in order to specifically present the behaviors that affect the research cooperation.
    Factors of research cooperation: (1) the establishment of research cooperation relationship; (2) the factors affecting the development of research cooperation; (3) factors of searching for suitable cooperation partners; (4) reasons of continuing the cooperation with previous partners; (5) the effect of the number of people involved on the research process; (6) the effect of personal factors or characteristics on the development of research; (7) the factors that the researchers caring about during the cooperation; (8) the experience of research cooperation and networking relationship. Based on the eight research cooperation facets, twenty two factors affecting the research cooperation are 1. Complementarity; 2. Attitude; 3. Research target; 4. Interest; 5. Personality traits; 6. Research achievement; 7. Pleasure; 8. Seminar exchange; 9. Ability; 10. Literature; 11. Friend or Colleague or Recommendation from companion; 12. Learning; 13. Trust; 14. Research quality; 15. Budget; 16. Schedule; 17. Reputation; 18. Safety; 19. Policy; 20. Direct or Teacher-student relationship; 21. Visiting; 22. Internet search.
    The communication channels of research cooperation: (1) cognition and combination of the knowledge of research cooperation; (2) change in the communication pattern of research cooperation. Through the two research communication facets, nine communication interfaces are as follows: 1. e-mail; 2. face-to face communication and special instrument operation and learning; 3. phone calls; 4. Skype; 5. Facebook; 6. LINE; 7. WebEx; 8.ResearchGate; 9.Dropbox.

    謝辭 I 摘要 II 表次 IX 圖次 XI 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 2 第二節 研究目的與問題 6 第三節 研究範圍與限制 8 第四節 名詞解釋 8 第二章 文獻探討 11 第一節 科學合作研究的起源 12 第二節 合作研究關係的建立 15 第三節 合作研究知識的認知與結合 19 第四節 影響合作研究的相關因素 29 第五節 合作研究的經驗與網絡關係 34 第六節 合作研溝通模式的轉變 36 第三章 研究設計 40 第一節 研究方法 40 第二節 研究架構 42 第三節 研究對象與資料蒐集 44 第四章 資料分析 50 第一節 受訪資料 50 第二節 訪談結果 52 第三節 綜合討論 89 第五章 結論與建議 96 第一節 結論 96 第二節 研究建議 103 參考文獻 104 附錄一 訪談問題 109 附錄二 訪談邀請函 110

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