簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 郭慶輝
Kuo, Ching-Hui
論文名稱: 地道尋味-廣東湯溯源之旅
Authentic Flavor: A Journey and Memory of Cantonese Soup
指導教授: 王國欽
Wang, Kuo-Ching
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA)
Executive Master of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 166
中文關鍵詞: 廣東湯地道道地粵菜資源基礎核心能耐
英文關鍵詞: Cantonese Soup, Cantonese Cuisine, Resource-Based
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:272下載:13
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  • 這是一篇以「廣東湯」為主角,討論菜系文化中關於「地道(或道地)」特徵、脈絡和根源之研究。本研究跨越兩岸四地,歷時近兩年,將研究者的實務管理經歷和所學專業理論作為論文基礎,並以成長背景和近年因商務旅行所累積對廣東地區、文化及粵菜之觀察作為評論的能力與依據,最後實際訪談八間來自兩岸四地足以代表「地道廣東湯經營業者」的個案作為分析與經驗萃取的實證。



    This dissertation is based on the subject of Cantonese soup, and specially focus on cuisine’s “Authentic” feature, path and the root as the base of research. In this study, which lasted nearly two years, while researcher have travelled four cities across Taiwan Strait, the researcher practical management experience and theory of the profession as a research based, additional to have personal experience including family history and business travels to generate the knowledge about Guangdong region, its cultural background and Cantonese cuisine. As a result, there are eight famous restaurants are selected for one to one interview, these case study represents authentic Guangdong soup industry management as the extraction of empirical analysis and experience.

    This study based on Resource-based theory, as the main rationale and logical thinking, and present the concept with graphics and storytelling as writing style, aim to lead the readers to have real experience of the process and case interviews. The case studies used content analysis of qualitative research methods, in order to be objective and professional. The selection of restaurants for the interview, which is based on the recommendation from Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Macao and a total of 90 five-star hotels and three Taiwanese food experts, as a result of recommendation, a total of eight restaurants are consider as the most authentic, and able to represent the local Cantonese soup business industry, and then arranged their key personal to speak out their business model and strategy.

    The result of this study shows how inherited authentic Cantonese soup and found their key elements of success; also found different business model of authentic Cantonese soup industry, and their changes in the formation of core competence; and it starts from the original birthplace - Guangzhou, and move on to homogeneous culture in Hong Kong and Macao, finally to the heterogeneity of cultural transmission in Taiwan, the basic concept of the use of resources concerns and differences. This memory journey of authentic Cantonese Soup, it will be a journey of authentic heritage and evolution of Cantonese soup, sort out the context, can also hope for regional style cooking (or foreign, exotic cuisine) on the origin of the future development of local and foreign market to provide useful reference.

    謝誌………………………………………………………………… I 中英文摘要………………………………………………………IV 序章 滋味情感 壹之一 記憶中的地道味……………………………………… 03 壹之二 旅行中的地道味…………………………………………10 壹之三 廣東吃貨地道味…………………………………………15 貳章 留韻傳奇 貳之一 地道與道地………………………………………………22 貳之二 粵菜與廣東湯文化…………………………………25 參章 啟動尋味旅程 參之一 「地道係乜嘢?」………………………………………… 32 參之二 「點做?」尋找典範途徑…………………………… 36 參之三 「眾裡尋他」 相同地道 不同底蘊………… 42 肆章 溯源而行 肆之一 食在廣州第一家 廣州.廣州酒家………………………………………… 51 肆之二 老媽子的柴火瓦煲 廣州.媽子靚湯………………………………………… 59 肆之三 什麼都不用做的食肆 香港.蛇王芬……………………………………………… 65 肆之四 日日煲上萬碗湯 香港.鴻福堂……………………………………………… 74 肆之五 擺酒 V.S. 旅人憶 澳門.陶陶居……………………………………………… 82 肆之六 漂洋過海也不變 台北.寒舍艾美酒店.寒舍食譜……………………… 87 肆之七 台灣 日本 西洋菜 台北.大倉久和酒店.桃花林…………………………… 94 肆之八 鑊氣 台北.九記…………………………………………………99 伍章 萃取與型塑 伍之一 「搵到乜嘢?」風味地圖…………………………109 伍之二 「好叻」真有有一套!………………………………113 陸章 地道尋味.味尋道地 陸之一 地道 現在與未來………………………………………122 陸之二 「下一站」 家的風味………………………………127 參考文獻…………………………………………………………132 附表一:廣州電話訪問資訊………………………………………135 附表二:香港電話訪問資訊………………………………………138 附表三:澳州電話訪問資訊………………………………………141 附表四:台灣美食專家推薦名單………………………………144 附表五:資源基礎理論之資源分類彙整表……………145 附表六:資源基礎理論意涵之彙整表………………………147 附表七:分析單位歸納記錄表……………………………………148 感謝名單

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