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研究生: 張宏育
Hongyu, Chang
論文名稱: William Pinar “currere”自傳式課程探究之評析
A Critique of the “currere” Autobiographical Curriculum Inquiry of William Pinar
指導教授: 莊明貞
Chuang, Ming-Jane
Gau, Shin-Jiann
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 207
中文關鍵詞: William Pinarcurrere自傳式課程探究課程研究方法論
英文關鍵詞: William Pinar, currere, autobiographical curriculum inquiry, methodology of curriculum inquiry
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:176下載:41
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  • 本研究主要針對William Pinar早期提出的“currere”自傳式課程探究進行分析和評論,因此我首先對於“currere”自傳式課程探究的意涵、理論基礎、方法論及發展脈絡進行探究;其次則分析應用研究實例;再者辯證
    “currere”自傳式課程探究的相關評述,並闡述其在本土應用的可能性。具體之研究目的有三項:一、探析William Pinar “currere”自傳式課程探究的方法論及其發展。二、分析William Pinar “currere”自傳式課程探究的應用研究實例。三、探討William Pinar “currere”自傳式課程探究的評述及其在國內應用的可能性。

    The aim of this study is to analyze and critique the autobiographical method of “currere,” which is the core of Pinar’s early work. I probe the meaning, theoretical foundations, methodology, and context of the development of Pinar’s method. Secondly, I analyze research examples utilizing this same method. Finally, I review relevant scholarly criticisms of Pinar’s method, articulating the possibilities for applying this method in Taiwan.
    To achieve the purposes above, I take “theoretical inquiry” as my research approach and acquire research and scholarly opinions from various prominent scholars in the field of curriculum research abroad through email communication. I make the following conclusions: First, the method of “currere” is based on the curriculum theorizing of Pinar’s early work. Second, the theoretical foundations of this method are phenomenology, existentialism, and psychoanalysis. Third, the method of “currere” is a systematic methodology. Fourth, the application of this method needs to be adapted to individual needs in a suitable way if it is going to be properly utilized and applied. Fifth, the application of this method should take ethical issues into consideration. Sixth, the possible applications of this method in Taiwan include but are not restricted to the following five themes/domains: reflection on one’s own curriculum experience, teacher education, the teacher’s personal practical knowledge, curriculum consciousness and curriculum leadership.
    I conclude that Pinar’s method of “currere” is a kind of self-study emphasizing subjective reflection of one’ s own experience as well as an interdisciplinary inquiry research method. In accordance with my findings, I offer some suggestions for improving school curriculum, curriculum for teacher education, and future study in Taiwan.

    第一章 緒論------------------------------------------------1 第一節 研究背景與動機-----------------------------------1 第二節 研究目的----------------------------------------6 第三節 研究範圍與架構-----------------------------------7 第四節 研究方法與步驟-----------------------------------9 第二章 William Pinar"currere"自傳式課程探究的方法論及其發展--13 第一節 "currere"自傳式課程探究-------------------------13 第二節 "currere"自傳式課程探究的方法論------------------24 第三節 "currere"自傳式課程探究的發展--------------------37 第三章 William Pinar"currere"自傳式探究在課程研究領域的應用--55 第一節 精神分析取向-個人型研究-------------------------55 第二節 精神分析取向-合作型研究-------------------------61 第三節 現象學取向研究----------------------------------74 第四節 綜合分析---------------------------------------80 第四章 "currere"自傳式課程探究的評述及其在本土應用的可能性----93 第一節 "currere"自傳式課程探究的評述-------------------93 第二節 "currere"自傳式課程探究在本土應用的可能性--------104 第五章 結論與建議-----------------------------------------119 第一節 結論------------------------------------------119 第二節 建議------------------------------------------126 參考文獻-------------------------------------------------129 附件一:Doerr(2000)生態課程大綱--------------------------148 附件二:Doerr(2000)生態課程概念圖------------------------151 附件三:Chehayl(2007)田野日誌撰寫提示問題-----------------152 附件四:Chehayl(2007)參與者”currere”時程表-------------154 附件五:Antrop-González(2005)應用語言學課程大綱-----------156 附件六:我與William Pinar的email通訊----------------------161 附件七:我與Richard Butt的email通訊-----------------------165 附件八:我與Hongyu Wang的email通訊------------------------172 附件九:我與Diane Brown的email通訊------------------------181 附件十:我與Peter Appelbaum 的email通訊-------------------192 附件十一:我與鍾鴻銘的email通訊----------------------------195 附件十二:我與René Antrop-González的email通訊-------------200

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