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研究生: 蘇志榮
論文名稱: 運動禁藥禁令理由的道德正當性反省
Examining the justification for banning performance-enhancing substance and practice
指導教授: 劉一民
Liu, I-Min
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2000
畢業學年度: 88
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 125
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:551下載:53
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  • 運動員使用「運動禁藥」的事件,已成為當代運動競賽場上最嚴重問題之一。一般說來,禁用「運動禁藥」的主張者,大多致力於禁用理由的正當性,而反對禁用主張者亦試圖在禁用理由的正當性上找出瑕疵。


    “Doping” has become one of the serious problems in contemporary athletics. Generally speaking, those who support to ban performance-enhancing substance and practice are devoted to justify the bans, on the other hand, those who have opposite opinions are trying to find fault with the reasons of the bans.
    In this paper, the justifiable reasons for banning performance-enhancing substance and practice were classified into four ethical arguments: rule, the ideal of the sports contest, harm and fairness. However, the critical opinions make the justifiable reasons in each ethical argument seem to be ambiguous and inconsistent. Therefore, “doping” in contemporary athletics turn to be an moral argument.
    The author of this paper thinks such moral dispute is similar with MacIntyrean description about contemporary moral disagreement. Based on three stages in MacIntyrean virtual theory : practice, the unity of a human life, the concept of a tradition, the author of this paper assumes the moral argument about “doping” should not on the justification for banning performance-enhancing substance and practice, but basically on the virtue in athletics. Most of the contemporary researches in sports ethics focus on setting and keeping up with the general norms and rules, which easily turns the sports ethics to passive preach.
    This thesis concludes that the cultivation of moral virtue in athletics lies not on establishing anti-fraudulent rules, but on emphasizing the internal goods of sports, to inspiring the self-improvement of athletes, considering the “eudaimonia” in athletic life, and promoting the collective goods in sports community.
    Keywords:Doping, MacIntyre, Virtue, Practice, “eudaimonia”

    口試委員與所長簽字證書 授權書 中文摘要-------------------------------------- i 英文摘要-------------------------------------- ii 謝誌------------------------------------------ iii 目次------------------------------------------ iv 圖次------------------------------------------ vii 第壹章、緒論------------------------------------- 1 第一節、研究動機------------------------------- 1 第二節、研究背景------------------------------- 3 第三節、研究課題與目的------------------------- 6 第四節、研究的特殊性與必要性------------------- 9 第五節、研究範圍與限制------------------------- 11 第六節、研究步驟與架構------------------------- 13 本章附註-------------------------------------- 17 第貳章、文獻探討--------------------------------- 19 第一節、「運動禁藥」的定義---------------------- 21 第二節、「運動禁藥」禁止使用的理由與批評意見-- 24 一、規則------------------------------------ 24 二、理想的運動競賽模式----------------------- 26 三、傷害------------------------------------- 28 四、公平性---------------------------------- 32 第三節、本章結語------------------------------- 38 本章附註-------------------------------------- 39 第參章、麥金泰爾對當代道德困境的洞見------------- 42 第一節、現代道德的分歧------------------------ 43 第二節、道德的衰退----------------------------- 47 第三節、規則道德觀----------------------------- 51 第四節、本章結語------------------------------- 54 本章附註-------------------------------------- 55 第肆章、麥金泰爾的德性論------------------------- 57 第一節、德性道德觀---------------------------- 58 第二節、重建德性的三個階段-------------------- 61 一、實踐----------------------------------- 62 二、人類生活的敘述整體--------------------- 67 三、傳統的概念----------------------------- 70 第三節、本章結語------------------------------ 75 第伍章、德性論與「運動禁藥」的使用----------------- 76 第一節、實踐與「運動禁藥」的使用---------------- 79 第二節、人類生活的敘述整體與「運動禁藥」的使用--- 95 第三節、傳統的概念與「運動禁藥」的使用----------99 第四節、本章結語------------------------------106 本章附註--------------------------------------108 第陸章、結論------------------------------------ 110 第一節、冰山一角----------------------------- 112 第二節、尋找運動競賽的美德------------------- 114 第三節、德性興盛的運動競賽世界--------------- 116 本章附註------------------------------------- 119 參考文獻---------------------------------------- 120 圖 次 頁次 圖一 ---------------------------------------- 16

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