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研究生: 吳思美
Jariyaporn Lertsurapakdee
論文名稱: 從宗教與非宗教的角度探討泰國人工作的意義
Meaning of Working for Thai People under Religious vs. Non-Religious Perspectives
指導教授: 許書瑋
Hsu, Shu-Wei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 全球經營與策略研究所
Graduate Institute of Global Business and Strategy
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 78
英文關鍵詞: Meaning of work, Religious vs. Non-religious, Cultural and beliefs, Constructivist paradigm
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000472
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:122下載:12
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  • Globalization has increased the interaction between people from different cultures, beliefs, and backgrounds. In the workplace, cultural difference is a tough challenge since it leads to a different way to conduct and govern different backgrounds of employees. The ability of a multi-cultural company to lead their employees toward the success and reach to the fullest potential matters. This study discusses how different cultures, religious beliefs, and backgrounds affect an individual’s motivation differently towards the meaning of work and life. Therefore, this study investigated the influence factors towards the meaning of work for Thai people under religious and non-religious perspectives.

    This study is conducted with a qualitative method by using a semi-structured interview. Thirty participants were interviewed in this research. They are Thai people who are currently working in Thailand and have been working for more than four months up to five years. This research brought out findings that indicated the factor that influences the meaning of work for Thai people under the perspectives of religious and non-religious beliefs. By obtaining this information, it provides suitable strategies for international companies and organizations to best handle well with the right tactics and solutions, to understand what motivates their employees, to work and what are the reasons behind why they do what they do, and what are their purposes. As understanding more would help the company, able to guide and govern the employees toward suitable directions, lessen the diversity and reach toward success.

    ABSTRACT I TABLE OF CONTENTS II LIST OF TABLES IV LIST OF FIGURES V CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 Section 1 Background of the Study 1 Section 2 Statement of the Problem 4 Section 3 Research Purpose 5 Section 4 Research Questions 5 Section 5 Significance of the Study 6 Section 6 Definitions of Terms 7 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 8 Section 1 Meaning of Work 8 Section 2 Constructivist Paradigm 9 Section 3 Cultural Beliefs in Thai aspects 12 Section 4 Religious Beliefs 14 Section 5 Non-religious Beliefs 16 Section 6 Meaning of Work for Thai Aspects 17 Section 7 Summary 18 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODS 19 Section 1 Research Approach 19 Section 2 The Characteristics of Qualitative Research 20 Section 3 Research Framework 22 Section 4 Sampling Strategies and Criteria 22 Section 5 Data Collection 28 Section 6 Data Analysis 29 Section 7 Research Quality 31 Section 8 Strategies for Promoting Validity and Reliability 33 Section 9 Research Procedure 35 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS 38 Section 1 Religion Influences on MOW 38 CHAPTER V DISCUSSION & CONCLUSION 51 Section 1 Discussion 51 Section 2 Religious Perspectives 51 Section 3 Non-religious Perspectives 56 Section 4 Cultural Roots & Beliefs 60 Section 5 Implications 66 Section 6 Conclusion 67 Limitations 68 Suggestions for Future Study 69 REFERENCES 70 APPENDIX A: INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 76 APPENDIX B: TENTATIVE QUESTIONS 78


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