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研究生: 陳玉衡
Yu-Heng Chen
論文名稱: 天氣因子對陽明山國家公園不同遊憩區遊客人數變動趨勢之分析
The study of the weather factors to the variation trend of the numbers of visitors at different recreational sites in Yangmingshan National Park
指導教授: 廖學誠
Liaw, Shyue-Cherng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 162
中文關鍵詞: 天氣因子遊客人數天氣指標旅遊舒適度陽明山遊憩區
英文關鍵詞: Weather factors, The numbers of visitors, Weather index, Travel comfort, Yangmingshan recreational sites
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:228下載:45
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  • 在戶外遊憩場域中,天氣是旅遊的資源,本身具觀光吸引力外,也是影響遊憩活動品質的重要因子之一。旅遊期間天氣條件的舒適程度,將影響遊客感知,進而影響遊客人數的變動趨勢。本研究欲檢視陽明山國家公園2000-2012年九處遊憩據點,其各項天氣條件的舒適感受是否呈現在遊客人數變化中,分析各遊憩區對於遊客人數變動具相關且達顯著影響之天氣因子,並評價其旅遊天氣舒適指標之適用性。資料選取園區內兩座氣象站量測的氣溫、雨量、濕度、風速、日照、降雨日數等六項因子,配合三項天氣指標:舒適度指數(Temperature Humidity Index, THI)、旅遊氣候指數(Tourism Climate Index, TCI)及人體舒適度指數(ssd)予以分級。研究方法採行量化分析,以描述性統計了解研究期間遊客人數及天氣因子之概況、使用t檢定(t-test)檢視天氣因子的顯著性、最後採用變異數分析(ANOVA)檢視各遊憩區具有解釋力的天氣指標。陽明山區遊客人數變動趨勢皆有季節規律性,對於天氣的感知偏重可分為四種類型。此外陽明山國家公園不同遊憩區之地理位置及觀光資源類型的差異,使得高海拔遊憩區之遊客人數變化受到天氣舒適感受影響較大,此結果可供日後遊憩區經營管理之參考。另外,天氣舒適指標分析,也顯示TCI指標的分級對陽明山高海拔地區的遊客人數解釋程度最高。

    Weather is one of the sources of tourism, and plays an important role in outdoor activities. It has the sightseeing attractiveness, and will be one of the important factors influencing the quality of outdoor activities. The comfort levels of weather will not only have significant influence on the perception of visitors, but also have further influence on the variation trend of visitors’ amount. The study is aimed to examine the variation trend of visitors’ amount caused by comfort levels of weather at 9 recreational sites in the Yangmingshan National Park. It also analyzes the influence of weather factors on the variation trend of visitors’ amount at each recreational site. In addition, the adaptability of the weather comfort index of traveling is also evaluated in this study. The six weather data, including temperatures, rainfalls, humidity, wind speeds, sunshine and rainy days, are collected from two weather stations at the park. These data are incorporated into three weather index, Temperature Humidity Index (THI), Tourism Climate Index (TCI), and SSD Index (ssd), for classification of comfort levels. The descriptive statistics is applied to understand the variations of the visitors’ amount caused by the weather factors. The study also uses t-test to examine the significance of weather factors. Moreover, the ANOVA is used to examine the adaptability of weather index at each recreational site. The variation trend of visitors’ amount at the Yangmingshan National Park has significant seasonal pattern, and the weather perception could be classified into four categories. In addition, based on the location and tourism sources at different recreational sites, the variation trend of visitors’ amount at higher elevation sites is variously affected by weather perception of comfort levels. This study result could be as reference for the management of recreational sites in the future. Besides, the weather comfort level analysis indicates that the classification of TCI index will be the highest explicable to the variation of the visitors’ amount at the high elevation recreational sites.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 文獻回顧與探討 3 第三節 研究設計與方法 21 第二章 陽明山國家公園遊憩區遊客人數分析 29 第一節 陽明山整體遊客人數概況 29 第二節 各個遊憩區遊客人數概況 33 第三節 小結 60 第三章 陽明山地區天氣因子分析 63 第一節 竹子湖氣象站氣象特性       63 第二節 鞍部氣象站氣象特性 78 第三節 小結 92 第四章 天氣因子與遊客人數關係之探討 95 第一節 遊客人數與天氣因子之相關分析 95 第二節 陽明山地區各月份天氣指數之計算 103 第三節 遊客人數與天氣指數之變異數分析 118 第四節 小結 130 第五章 結論與建議 133 第一節 結論 133 第二節 研究限制與建議 135 參考文獻 136 附錄 141 附錄一 陽明山國家公園各遊憩據點遊客人數(2000-2012) 141 附錄二 歷年遊憩據點遊客人數分配 146 附錄三 氣象站天氣數據(2000-2012) 148 附錄四 陽明山地區各月份天氣指標(2000-2012) 156 附錄五 各遊憩區不同天氣指標評價下的月均遊客數 159

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