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Author: 黃俊榮
Huang, Jun-Rong
Thesis Title: 利用一價銠金屬催化不對稱加成反應合成掌性胺類化合物
Syntheses of Chiral Amines via Rh(I)-Catalyzed Asymmetric Addition Reactions
Advisor: 吳學亮
Wu, Hsyueh-Liang
Degree: 碩士
Department: 化學系
Department of Chemistry
Thesis Publication Year: 2019
Academic Year: 107
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 326
Keywords (in Chinese): 一價銠金屬掌性雙環雙烯配基不對稱加成反應憶思能共軛重氮酯類化合物
Keywords (in English): Rhodium (I), Bicyclo[2.2.1]chiral diene ligands, Asymmetric addition, Rivastigmine, Conjugate Diazoester
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
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一、 利用一價銠金屬催化有機硼酸對脂肪族醛亞胺進行不對稱芳基化反應 : 合成憶思能及NPS-R-568衍生物
二、 利用一價銠金屬與掌性雙烯配基所形成的錯合物催化共軛重氮酯類化合物與芳香胺進行加成反應

This thesis describes the syntheses of chiral amines from the asymmetric addition reactions catalyzed by the complexes generated from Rh(I) and bicyclo[2.2.1]chiral diene ligands. The content is divided into the following two parts.
I. Rh-Catalyzed Asymmetric Arylation of Aliphatic Aldimines: Syntheses of Rivastigmine and NPS-R-568 Thio Analogue.
A Rh(I)-catalyzed enantioselective arylation of aliphatic aldimines is reported in this work. In the presence of 3.0 mol % of Rh(I)-catalyst in situ generated from the [RhCl(C2H4)2]2 pre-catalyst and chiral bicyclo[2.2.1]heptadiene ligand L1g, addition reactions of aryl boronic acids 11 with aliphatic aldimines 14 afforded the desired products in 25–99% yields and with 94–>99.5% ee’s. Syntheses of Rivastigmine and NPS-R-568 thio analogue were achieved to demonstrate the synthetic potential of this method.
II. Regioselective and Enantioselective Addition of Arylamines to Conjugate Diazoester Catalyzed by Rh(I)/Chiral Diene Complexes
This work describes the regioselective and enantioselective addition of arylamines 84 to conjugate diazoester 83 catalyzed by a catalyst in situ generated from [RhCl(C2H4)2]2 pre-catalyst and chiral bicyclo[2.2.2]octadiene ligand L3c. The asymmetric addition reaction afforded predominantly amines 90 in 25–99% yields and with 96–>99.5% ee’s.
Key words: Rhodium (I)、Bicyclo[2.2.1]chiral diene ligands、Asymmetric addition、Rivastigmine、Conjugate Diazoester.

目錄 中文摘要 i Abstract iii 謝誌 v 第一章 緒論 1 第二章 文獻回顧(一) 6 2-1 掌性含磷配基(Chiral Phosphorus Ligand) 6 2-2 掌性雙烯配基 (Chiral Diene Ligand) 7 2-3掌性二亞碸配基 (Chiral Bis-sulfoxide Ligand)和掌性亞磺醯胺混合配基(Chiral sulfonamide hybrid ligand) 9 第三章 配基的設計與合成 21 3-1 製備本實驗室開發的掌性雙環[2.2.1]雙烯配基L1 22 3-2 製備本實驗室開發的掌性雙環醯胺類[2.2.1]雙烯配基L2 23 3-3 製備掌性雙環[2.2.2]雙烯配基L3 24 第四章 實驗結果與討論(一) 26 4-1配基效應探討 26 4-2反應溶劑效應探討 28 4-3添加劑效應探討 29 4-4添加劑當量數與濃度的探討 30 4-5反應溫度效應探討 33 4-6催化劑劑量探討 34 4-7利用最佳化條件進行一系列不同芳香基硼酸試劑的加成反應探討 35 4-8利用最佳化條件進行一系列不同脂肪族醛亞胺試劑的加成反應探討 38 4-9利用最佳化條件進行一系列對不同保護基醛亞胺試劑的加成反應探討 41 4-10進行動力學同位素效應的探討 42 4-11絕對立體化學的探討 45 第五章 合成應用 47 5-1合成NPS-R-568含硫衍生物((R)-4) 47 5-2合成憶思能(Rivastigmine) ((R)-6) 49 第六章 文獻回顧(二) 51 第七章 實驗結果與討論(二) 57 7-1合成β,γ-不飽和重氮酯類化合物83a 57 7-2親核試劑效應探討 58 7-3溫度效應探討 65 7-4配基效應探討 67 7-5反應溶劑效應探討 72 7-6反應滴加時間的探討 73 7-7親核劑效應的探討 74 7-8反應機構與立體化學探討 79 第八章 結論 84 第九章 實驗部分 86 參考文獻 156 附錄一:X-ray單晶數據與ORTEP解析圖譜 160 附錄二:核磁共振光譜圖 202

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