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研究生: 張程昭
Chang Cheng Chao
論文名稱: Google Earth在國中區域地理教材的設計與應用---以中國地理為例
指導教授: 周學政
Chou, Hsueh-Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 164
中文關鍵詞: 資訊科技網路環境數位學習互動式學習遙測衛星影像
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:233下載:25
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  • 【論文摘要】近年來資訊科技的日新月異,網路環境的蓬勃帶動了數位學習的發展,運用大量的地圖資訊、新電腦科技、多媒體、網路平台、互動式學習等進行地理教學已為當前的重要趨勢,而Google Earth的出現則提供了一個新的學習;一個免費且簡單的平台應用工具。它是一個地圖的蒐尋網站、一套以3D遙測衛星影像方式呈現地表全貌之地圖軟體,它輕易地以不同角度來瀏覽地形與景觀;它亦提供了API之開發功能,透過KML語法加以建置主題導向的GIS服務,不但可應用在各層面,對於地理教育深具潛力;在地理教學上可謂一大創舉。將Google Earth融入國中地理教學教材中,可達到四個教學目的:1.改變傳統的教學模式;2.為地理課堂提供豐富的教材;3.提供多元的課外學習資源;4.激發學生學習地理的興趣。本研究旨在探討Google Earth在國中地理科教材的設計與應用,以國中區域地理做相關研究。首先針對國中地理教師使用Google Earth輔助教學做調查,進行問卷與質性訪談,據以驗證研究者所設計的課程內容之可行性,做為教材設計之參考。其次編製教案針對學生實施實驗教學,在教學後透過學生課後問卷、總結性評量及學生深度訪談,評估學生學習成果與滿意度,以做為未來實施Google Earth輔助地理教材設計的努力方向。本研究根據資料分析,導出下述結果:一、國中地理教師對於Google Earth應用於國中地理輔助教學的態度和意見,大多持正面肯定的看法。二、對於Google Earth應用於國中地理輔助教學的學習成果與滿意度調查結果分析如下:(一)學習成果部份:進行實驗教學因受限於上課時間的壓力,課後測驗結果顯示實驗組與對照組成績並無顯著差異,倘教學時間拉長,也許會有不同的結果。(二)滿意度部份:1.由學生課後問卷統計結果得知學生認為以Google Earth教學對地理概念學習的助益程度持肯定與正向反應。2.由學生開放性問卷與深度訪談結果顯示,以Google Earth輔助地理教學學生接受意願強,滿意度高。三、Google Earth輔助地理教學的設計原則: (一)空間知識: 1.格線功能:用以辨別方向並有助於教導經緯線與絕對位置的概念。 2.尺規功能:可直接量測任意兩點間距離,使距離的概念更為具體化。 3.日光控制模式功能:可呈現晝夜的變化,讓晝夜的更替更加具像化。 (二)空間關係:1.疊圖:同時呈現Google Earth的立體地貌與套疊的主題地圖間的關聯性,可以幫助了解不同地理要素間的因果關係。2.衛星影像:比較不同比例尺下的影像所呈現的地理現象與意義,及轉換不同視角選取最佳的衛星影像,讓學生思考空間的關聯性。(三)人地關係:1.照片:可用Google Earth定位的照片或自行新增並調整之。2.圖層:Google Earth的圖層內容基底是衛星影像圖,可豐富教學。3.歷史圖像:歷史圖像功能呈現出今昔衛星影像,可協助學生習得環境變遷的概念。

    The Design and Application of Google Earth in Regional Geography Teaching Materials of Junior high school— A Case of Chinese Geography  AbstractBy the rapidly changing of information technology, the ubiquitous of network environment has promoted the development of digital learning. Using huge amount of map information, the newest technology of computer, multimedia and interactive learning has become an important trend for geography teaching. The innovation of Google Earth provided a newly learning method— free and simple application tool. Google Earth is a search engine in type of map, and a set of map software showing the 3D surface pictures from the shooting of remote sensing satellite. We can use Google Earth to explore the terrain and landscapes with different angles and it also support the function of API acquisition. Constructing the theme-based GIS service through the language of KML not only can applied in any levels ,but also potentially influence the geography education, so this is a significant initiative in teaching of geography. If we integrated the Google Earth in the teaching materials of junior high school, it can be satisfied in four goals of teaching: 1. changing the traditional model of teaching; 2. providing plentiful materials for teaching; 3. providing variety of resource for extracurricular learning; 4. inspiring student’s interesting to learn geography.    This research will mainly discuss the design and application of Google Earth in geography teaching materials for junior high school by the case research of regional geography. First, we will investigate the practical using of Google Earth for teaching support by questionnaires and qualitative interviews, examining the feasibility of course content which designed by researcher and providing references for the textbook designation . Next, we will implement the experimental teaching with complied teaching plan, and give examinations, summary evaluations and depth interviews after class for estimating the results and satisfactions. We expect to use these results for developing the teaching support of geography by the application of Google Earth.   This research obtained results as blow according to the data analysis:1.    Most of teachers in junior high schools hold optimistic attitude and opinions toward the application of Google Earth in the geography support teaching.2.    The investigation of results and satisfaction about the application of Google Earth in support teaching, analyzed as blow:(1)    The results of learning:Because the experimental teaching was limited by the stress from class time, therefore, the difference of scores is not significant between experimental group and control group. It might have different results if we extended the teaching time.(2)    The satisfaction:a.    The results of statistic from questionnaires after class shows that students holds optimistic attitude toward the degree of help about learning geography by using Google Earth.b.    Based on the open questionnaires and depth interviews, students have powerful intention for learning with highly satisfaction to the support teaching by using Google Earth.3.    The principle of designation for teaching geography by Google Earths:(1)    The knowledge of spacea.    The grid:Google Earth is helpful to distinguish the direction and recognize the longitude and latitude, including the conception of the absolute positioning.b.    The ruler:Using ruler can directly measure the length between two points, materializing the conception of distance.c.    Sunlight controller:Showing variations and visualizing the transformation of day and night.(2)    The relationship between spacesa.    Present the relationship between three-dimensional topography and map overlaying for realizing the causal relationship in different geographic elements.b.    Satellite images:Comparing the geographical phenomena and meaning at different scales of image and choosing the best image by shifting different angles, making students thinking the relationship between spaces.(3)    The relationship between person and locationa.    Photos:Photos can be located by Google Earth, or personally added and adjusted.b.    LayersTeaching can be abundant to the base of layers in Google Earth images which shot by satellites.c.    Historical imagesHistorical images shows contrasts between today and past, helping students for learning the conception of environmental changes.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 2 第二節 研究目的 3 第三節 研究範圍與限制 4 第四節 研究流程 5 第二章 文獻回顧 6 第一節 情境學習理論相關文獻回顧 7 第二節 資訊科技融入地理教學 15 第三節 網路教學 22 第四節 Google Earth在地理教學上的應用與相關研究回顧 27 第三章 研究設計與實施 32 第一節 研究架構 32 第二節 教學實驗設計 34 第三節 研究對象 69 第四節 研究方法與研究工具 71 第五節 實施程序 76 第六節 資料處理 78 第四章  資料分析與研究結果 80 第一節 樣本資料描述與分析 80 第二節 教學實驗成果分析 97 第三節 質性訪談摘要與分析 109 第四節 研究發現 118 第五章  結論與建議 123 第一節 結論 123 第二節 建議 127 參考文獻 129 附錄一 Google Earth簡介、功能說明與操作示例 135 附錄二 教師問卷 153 附錄三 學生課後問卷調查 155 附錄四   學生實驗教學後總結性評量試題 159

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