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研究生: 巫瑀玲
Wu, Yu-Ling
論文名稱: 國際直銷從業人員在銷售拒絕情境下銷售信念之探索研究
An exploring study on the International Multi-level marketing (MLM ) Practitioner's Sales Belief under Rejection Situations
指導教授: 陳敦基
Chen, Dun-Ji
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA)
Executive Master of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 100
中文關鍵詞: 直銷控制源拒絕歸因風格行動控制
英文關鍵詞: direct marketing, control source, rejection, attribution style, action control
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.EMBA.042.2018.F08
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:141下載:0
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  • 台灣直銷市場從業人員每年退出率大約20 %,有人成功,也有人不成功。甚麼因素是影響他們成功的關鍵,本研究經訪談8位高階的領導人,發現直銷人員和公司之間並無雇傭關係,成功領導人不願花太多時間和精力成本去改變新人的想法或導正直銷人員的銷售信念。因此直銷人員的去留及是否可經營成功,個人的銷售信念就相對重要。

    直銷人員與一般銷售人員不同之處,在於他們常常被拒絕情境,一般人對直銷的印象並不好,直銷人員在面對銷售挫折或困難時常呈現不同的反應。對於直銷人員的歸因信念,或是面對被拒絕的情境下處理的心態,可能是影響工作表現的關鍵。因此,本研究以直銷人員為觀察對象,銷售事件為背景,針對台灣65位直銷人員為進行問卷調查,問卷內容主要採取四項心理量表,包括: (1)傳史量表(Biographical Inventory);(2)銷售工作控制源量表(Sales Locus of Control Scale);(3)拒絕歸因風格量表(Rejection Attributional Style Scale);(4)拒絕行動控制量表(Rejection Action Control Scale),以探討直銷人員的歸因信念對銷售人員成功的影響,並提出直銷人員心理特徵,藉以了解銷售信念對於工作態度以及行為之影響模式。


    The annual withdrawal rate of employees in Taiwan's direct marketing market is about 20%. Some people have succeeded and others have not. What factors are the key to their success? This study interviewed eight high-level leaders and found that there was no employment relationship between the direct seller and the company. Successful leaders did not want to spend too much time and effort on changing the new ideas or Direct sales staff sales beliefs. Therefore, the sales personnel’s retention and success can be achieved, and personal sales beliefs are relatively important.

    The difference between direct sales staff and general sales staff is that they are often rejected situations. Most people have poor impressions of direct sales. Direct sales personnel often react differently when faced with sales setbacks or difficulties. For the direct salesperson's attribution beliefs, or the mentality of dealing with situations that are rejected, it may be the key to affect job performance. Therefore, this study takes direct sales staff as the object of observation and sales events as the background, and conducts questionnaire surveys for 65 direct sellers in Taiwan. The questionnaire content mainly adopts four psychological scales, including: (1) Biographical Inventory (2) Sales Locus of Control Scale; (3) Rejection Attributional Style Scale; (4) Rejection Action Control Scale to Discuss the influence of the direct salesperson's attribution beliefs on the success of the salesperson, and propose the psychological characteristics of the direct salesperson, in order to understand the influence of sales belief on work attitude and behavior.

    The results of this study can be used to understand the competency or discomfort of direct selling partners and to direct the direct sales company's guidance or motivational education course, thereby reducing the exit rate and expanding the scale of the direct selling industry. The main empirical results and findings of this study are summarized as follows:
    1.The direct sellers with different backgrounds may find that their sales beliefs
    are different, and the differences mainly occur between different genders and ways of doing business.
    2.Those who engage in the direct sales industry in a full-time, part-time manner
    will have lower confidence scores for their control and control.
    3.People engaged in the direct selling industry in a full-time manner are more
    likely to obtain a higher income level and achieve higher job rankings, showing that full-time direct sales personnel perform better than others.
    4.Direct sales staff with different sales beliefs will also have different job
    5.For personnel with low operational control and low control over performance
    results, a higher percentage can achieve higher income levels and job rankings.
    6.In the face of sales refusal situations, direct salesmen are more likely than
    men to think sturdy. If you do not get stuck in thinking fixed people, then a higher percentage can reach a higher position.

    中文摘要 I ABSTRACT Ⅱ 目錄 Ⅳ 第一章 緒論 1 1-1 研究背景與動機 1 1-2 研究目的 2 1-3 研究範圍 3 1-4 研究流程 4 第二章 直銷產業現況、銷售獎勵制度分析、從業人員概況及文獻探討 6 2-1 直銷產業的現況與台灣直銷發展四大階段 6 2-2 直銷的定義與銷售獎勵制度分析 11 2-3 直銷從業人員概況 23 2-4 文獻探討 26 第三章 研究方法 34 3-1 直銷人員現況問題的探討 34 3-2 研究架構 35 3-3 研究假設 36 3-4 研究對象 37 3-5 研究工具 37 3-6 實施程序 40 3-7 資料分析 41 第四章 研究結果 42 4-1 直銷人員背景變項及三種銷售信念之現況分析 42 4-2 直銷人員背景變項對銷售信念之差異分析 44 4-3 直銷人員背景變項與工作表現之卡方檢定 48 4-4 直銷人員銷售信念與工作表現之卡方檢定 58 4-5 小結 66 第五章 結論與建議 68 5-1 研究結論 68 5-2 建議(研究限制與未來建議) 70 參考文獻 71 附錄: 研究問卷 80 附錄1 傳史量表(BI) 80 附錄2 銷售控制源量表(SLCS) 82 附錄3 拒絕歸因風格量表(RASS) 83 附錄4 拒絕行動控制量表(RACS) 86 附錄5 2016年世界100大跨國直銷公司榜單 88 附錄6 DSN發布的榜單,中國拿牌直銷公司的全球排名 100


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