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研究生: 李偉綾
Wei-ling Li
論文名稱: 部落格同儕互評對台灣高職生之英文寫作能力與學習態度之效益研究
The Effects of Integrating Blogging into Peer Feedback Revision on English Writing Perfromance and Attitude of Vocational High School Students in Taiwan
指導教授: 周中天
Chou, Chung-Tien
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 173
中文關鍵詞: 部落格同儕互評英文寫作寫作能力寫作態度高職生
英文關鍵詞: blog, peer feedback, English writing, writing performance, writing attitude, vocational high school students
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:419下載:20
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  • Blog是近年來新興的個人交流、知識管理、和網路發表意見的工具,且逐漸被應用於教育和語言學習上。本研究旨在探討應用Blog進行英文寫作結合同儕互評對於高職生英文寫作能力與寫作態度之影響。研究時間為5個月,參與對象為台中市某高職二年級的兩班學生。兩班分別為Blog寫作組(實驗組)和傳統紙筆寫作組(對照組),共44位學生。Blog寫作組 ( 20人 )和傳統紙筆寫作組 ( 24人 )在20次作文課中在寫作前測和後測之間,寫了3篇英文作文。 Blog寫作組3篇文章皆發表在blog上, 同儕互評給予意見,加以修改後,再由老師給意見,做第二次修改後才由老師評分。而傳統紙筆寫作組則是每篇文章寫在紙上,老師給意見,加以修改後由老師評分。所有參與活動的學生在活動前後各撰寫一篇英文作文作為前後測。 為了更客觀的評量學生作文能力的進步情形,此研究用the grammar checker program (以及the Vocabprofiler (http://www.lextutor.ca/vp/eng/) 兩軟體來研究學生的句子平均長度全文長度、type-token ratio、及lexical density,以了解學生寫作內容和用字差異; 並且用前後測文中T-Unit數、每句T-Unit長度來比較兩組學生文法結構的複雜度進步情形。在寫作態度方面,作文前測時兩組同時填寫一份寫作態度量表;寫作文後測時,再填寫同樣的寫作態度量表。Blog寫作組則另外寫一份Blog評量問卷以了解實驗組對此活動的看法與建議。本研究採用單因子共變數分析 (ANCOVA) 及單一樣本T考驗 (One sample T-test) 探討蒐集的資料。

    1.Blog 寫作互評組比起傳統紙筆寫作組在全文長度、Type-token ratio、lexical density及T-Units數上較有進步, 但並無顯著差異。
    例如,獎勵制度和公開示範好的同儕互評意見及部落格,可以作為讓學生更用心的誘因。而更嚴謹設計的規範、 老師更多的介入、及更多上課時間用於訓練同儕互評寫作修改等等,都是不可或缺的。而且每小組只有2~3人對增加意見和回饋似乎略嫌少了些。


    Blogs have been used as a convenient tool for personal interaction, knowledge management, and expression of online opinions with wide popularity in recent years, and they are increasingly being applied to education and language learning. The current study investigated the effectiveness of blog-integrated peer feedback revision on the writing performance and attitude of vocational high school students in Taiwan. The duration of the experiment lasted for approximately five months, and the participants were students of two classes in a vocational high school in Taichung City. The participants were divided into two groups: one class was the experimental group (the blog-integrated group) and the other was the control group (the traditional paper-and-pen writing group), with a total of 44 students. The experimental group (the blog-integrated group) consisted of 20 students while the control group (the traditional paper-and pen writing group) was composed of 24 students. Both groups wrote three in-class essays besides the writing pre-test and writing post-test in the 20-week composition courses. The experimental group (the blog-integrated group) wrote all the three essays, gave peer feedback, and revised their first draft on the blogs. After the revision, they handed in their second draft for teacher feedback. The third draft, revised according to teacher feedback, was scored by the teacher afterwards. However, the control group wrote essays on paper for teacher feedback. Their revised second drafts were graded by the teacher. Every participant in the present study wrote one writing pre-test and post-test. To assess students’ improvement in writing performance more objectively, the researcher adopted the grammar checker program ( wgrammar/ default.asp ) and the Vocabprofiler system (http://www.lextutor.ca/vp/eng/) to examine students’ text length (i.e. content length & sentence length) and lexical richness (i.e. type-token ratio and lexical density) to have a better understanding of variances in writing content and diction. Moreover, the syntactic complexity, including T-Units and T-Unit length, were also examined to gain more insight into participants’ improvement in grammar structure. With regard to their writing attitude, both groups responded to the writing attitude questionnaire simultaneously when taking the writing pre-test, and took the same questionnaire in the writing post-test. The blog-integrated group filled out another blog-evaluation questionnaire to elicit students’ perceptions and recommendations with regard to the experimental design. The analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and one sample T-test were employed in the study for data analysis.
    The major findings in the current study were summarized as follows:
    1. There were no significant differences in their overall writing performance between the experimental group and the traditional group. However, the experimental group made slightly more progress in terms of content length, type-token ratio, lexical density, and T-Units, although this was not statistically significant.
    2. There were no significant differences in the writing attitudes between the two groups. Further comparison revealed that students in the experimental group showed greater interest and motivation, felt less anxious and had an increased realization of the usefulness of English writing.
    3. The experimental group generally held a positive attitude toward writing on blogs, and blog-integrated peer feedback. The great majority of students perceived that the combination of blogs and peer feedback as beneficial to their English writing and agreed with the novelty and attraction of the design. Nevertheless, they also offered some practical suggestions. For example, the reward system or modeling of quality peer feedback and good blogs were recommended to be adopted as incentives to encourage students to devote themselves to the design. They also suggested that more rigidly structured guidelines, more intervention from teachers, and more class time in training, writing, and revision. Further, one or two members in a group may not be enough to provide diverse perspectives.

    Finally, the researcher provides practical pedagogical implications and suggestions concerning blog-integrated peer feedback and English writing instruction.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT(Chinese) i ABSTRACT ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv LIST OF TABLES ix LIST OF FIGURES xii CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Motivation and background 1 1.2 Purpose of the study 6 1.3 Research questions 7 1.4 Significance of the study 7 1.5 Definition of the terms 8 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 13 2.1 Writing instruction and writing process 13 2.1.1 Writing instruction 13 2.1.2 Writing process 15 2.2 Writing assessment and writing performance 16 2.3 Peer feedback 20 2.3.1 Advantages of peer feedback 21 2.3.2 Disadvantages of peer feedback 24 2.3.3 Suggestions for enhancing the effectiveness of peer feedback 26 2.4 Web-based learning 27 2.4.1 Definitions of web-based learning 27 2.4.2 Functions and advantages of web-based learning 28 2.4.3 Limitations of Web-based learning 31 2.4.4 Advantages and disadvantages of web-based peer feedback 31 2.4.5 Studies on web-based peer feedback 33 2.5 Weblogs 34 2.5.1 Definition 34 2.5.2 The history of blogs 36 2.5.3 Characteristics and the potential of blogs 38 2.5.4 The basic concept and rationale for using blogs in education: 41 2.5.5 The application of blogs in education 43 2.5.6 Advantages of blogs in the writing class 46 2.5.7 Disadvantages of blogs 51 2.6 Summary 52 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY 55 3.1 Research design 55 3.2 Participants 57 3.3 The setting 59 3.4 Instruments 59 3.4.1. The writing attitude questionnaire 60 3.4.2 The blog-evaluation questionnaire 60 3.4.3. Peer feedback checklist 61 3.5 Writing instruction and writing practices 62 3.5.1. Stage 1: Orientation 62 3.5.2. Stage 2: The same writing instructions for the two groups 64 3.5.3. Stage 3: Different writing and revising practices for the two groups 65 3.6 Data analysis 70 3.6.1 A quantitative analysis 70 Text length 71 Lexical richness 72 Syntactic complexity 72 Analysis of questionnaires 73 3.6.2 A qualitative analysis 74 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 75 4.1 Effects of blog-integrated peer feedback revision on students’ writing performance 76 4.1.1 Comparison on text length 76 Content length 77 Sentence Length 79 4.1.2 Comparison on lexical richness 81 Type-token ratio 81 Lexical Density 83 4.1.3 Comparison on syntactic complexity 85 T-Units 85 T-Unit length 87 4.2 Analysis of questionnaire data 90 4.2.1. Comparison on the writing attitudes between the two groups 90 Usefulness 91 Anxiety 92 Interest and motivation 94 Writing strategies 95 4.2.2 Results of experimental group’ responses to the blog-evaluation questionnaire 97 Learning effect 98 Confidence in the ability of peer students 99 Interaction and Preference 101 Responses to open-ended questions 103 4.3 Discussion 108 4.3. 1 Discussion and comparison of participants’ writing performance between the two groups 108 4.3.2 Discussion and comparison of the subjects’ writing attitude 113 4.3.3. Discussion of subjects’ opinions toward blog-integrated peer feedback 119 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION 123 5.1 Summary of the findings 123 5.2 Limitations of the study 125 5.3 Directions for future research 125 5.4 Pedagogical implications 128 REFERENCES 132 Appendix A The Writing Attitude Questionnaire (寫作態度問卷) 144 Appendix B The Blog-Evaluation Questionnaire (Chinese Version) 146 Appendix C The Blog-Evaluation Questionnaire (English Version) 148 Appendix D The Blog-integrated Peer Feedback Checklist 150 Appendix E Guidelines for Defining T-Units 152 Appendix F The Percentage of Students’ Positive and Negative Responses to the Writing Attitude Questionnaire 153 Appendix G In-class Writing: Pre-test 157 Appendix H In-class Writing: Post-test 158 Appendix I Student Samples of the Blog-integrated Peer Feedback Revision 159 LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 The Difference between Web-based Learning Interaction and Traditional Classroom Interaction 30 Table 2.2 History of Blogs 37 Table 3.1 Distribution of the Subjects in the Study 58 Table 3.2 The Weekly Schedule and Writing Procedures for the Two Groups 69 Table 4.1 Summary of the Homogeneity of Within-Class Regression Coefficient of the Content Length of the Pre-tests 77 Table 4.2 Analysis of Covariance for the Content Length between the Two Groups 78 Table 4.3 Descriptive Statistics of the Means of the Content Length 79 Table 4.4 Summary of the Homogeneity of Within-class Regression Coefficient of the Sentence Length of the Pre-tests 80 Table 4.5 Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) for the Sentence Length between the Two Groups 80 Table 4.6 Descriptive Statistics of the Means of the Sentence Length on the Pretests and Posttests between the Two Groups 81 Table 4.7 Summary of the Homogeneity of Within-Class Regression Coefficient of the Type-token Ratio of the Pre-tests 82 Table 4.8 Analysis of Covariance for the Type-token Ratio between the Two Groups 82 Table 4.9 Descriptive Statistics of the Means of the Type-token Ratio on the pretests and post-tests between the Two Groups 83 Table 4.10 Summary of the Homogeneity of Within-Class Regression Coefficient of the Lexical Density of the Pre-tests 84 Table 4.11 Analysis of Covariance for the Lexical Density between the Two Groups 84 Table 4.12 Descriptive Statistics of the Means of the Lexical Density on the Pretests and Post-tests between the Two Groups 85 Table 4.13 Summary of the Homogeneity of Within-Class Regression Coefficient of the T-Units of the Pre-tests 86 Table 4.14 Analysis of Covariance for the T-Units between the Two Groups 86 Table 4.15 Descriptive Statistics of the Means of the T-Units on the Pretests and Post-tests between the Two Groups 87 Table 4.16 Summary of the Homogeneity of Within-Class Regression Coefficient of the T-Unit Length of the Pre-tests 88 Table 4.17 Analysis of Covariance for the T-Unit Length between the Two Groups 89 Table 4.18 Descriptive Statistics of the Means of the T-Unit Length on the pretests and post-tests between the two groups 89 Table 4.19 Summary of the Homogeneity of Within-Class Regression Coefficient of the Category, “Usefulness” 91 Table 4.20 Analysis of Covariance for “Usefulness” between the Two Groups 91 Table 4.21 Descriptive Statistics of the Means of “Usefulness” on the Pretests and Post-tests between the Two Groups 92 Table 4.22 Summary of the Homogeneity of Within-Class Regression Coefficient of the Category, “Anxiety” 92 Table 4.23 Analysis of Covariance for “Anxiety” between the Two Groups 93 Table 4.24 Descriptive Statistics of the Means of “Anxiety” on the Pretests and Post-tests between the Two Groups 93 Table 4.25 Summary of the Homogeneity of Within-Class Regression Coefficient of the category, “Interest and Motivation” 94 Table 4.26 Analysis of Covariance for “Interest and Motivation” between the Two Groups 94 Table 4.27 Descriptive Statistics of the Means of “Interest and Motivation” on the Pretests and Post-tests between the Two Groups 95 Table 4.28 Summary of the Homogeneity of Within-Class Regression Coefficient of the Category, “Writing Strategies” 96 Table 4.29 Analysis of Covariance for “Writing Strategies” between the Two Groups 96 Table 4.30 Descriptive Statistics of the Means of “Writing Strategies” on the Pretests and Post-tests between the Two Groups 97 Table 4.31 One Sample T-test Results of the Blog-evaluation Questionnaire in “Learning Effects” 99 Table 4.32 One Sample T-test Results of the blog-evaluation Questionnaire in “Confidence in the Ability of Peer Students” 100 Table 4.33 One Sample T-test Results of the blog-evaluation Questionnaire in “Interaction and Preference” 102 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 The potentials of Blogs 41 Figure 3.1 A Flow Chart of the Study Procedure 57 Figure 3.2 Overview of a Student’s Personal Blog 64

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