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研究生: 薛慶友
論文名稱: 國小高年級學生尊重與責任品德評量建構歷程之研究
指導教授: 李琪明
Lee, Chi-Ming
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 公民教育與活動領導學系
Department of Civic Education and Leadership
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 375
中文關鍵詞: 品德品德評量品德教育班級評量
英文關鍵詞: character or moral character, character or moral character assessment, moral and character education, classroom assessment
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:114下載:0
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  • 本研究旨在建構國小學生品德評量的深層理論基礎與具體實施方式,並透過多元評析與反思,以彰顯其教育價值與應用發展的可能性。研究者為達前述目的,分別透過文獻分析、焦點團體、量表發展與行動研究等,針對國小高年級學生尊重與責任品德,進行為期一學期的品德評量,最後又歷經理論回顧、專家學者意見徵詢、教師、家長與學生的問卷與訪談,以及研究者反思等多元評析,故得致主要結論如下:.

    The purpose of this study is to construct the theoretical foundations and concrete useful methods for character or moral character assessment for elementary school students. It also attempts to through multiple-analysis and reflection to emphasize the educational value and developing applications. In order to achieve these goals, the study adopted literature review, focus groups, scale development, and action research to conduct one term’s character or moral character assessment on the respect and responsibility of fifth and sixth graders in elementary school. Finally, through the theory review, opinions from experts and scholars, interviews and questionnaires from teachers, parents, and students, and the reflections of the researcher were used to arrive at the following conclusions.
    1.Development of character or moral character assessment is based on the ideals of “moral and character education” and “classroom assessment,” including conformity to moral education principles, moral and character values manifestation, moral communities construction, careful plan arrangements, incorporaiton into daily life, enhancement of moral practice, return to classroom context, emphasis on critical thinking, accommodation of assessment opportunities, usage of diverse methods, and presentation of qualitative and quantitative results.
    2.Implementation of character or moral character assessment includes the three stages of “planning,” “implementation,” and “feedback,” including eight areas that are interconnected and complete, which are: “verify the purpose,” “establish the objectives,” “delineate the scope and content,” “determine times,” “select methods and tools,” “collect, analyze, and record data,” “integrate and apply results,” and “propose reports” on character or moral character assessment.
    3.Before implementation of character or moral character assessment in this study, this study conducts communication among parents, teachers, and students, as well as explanations and understanding for the teacher-student evaluation procedures. The implementation process is conducted continuously at the three junctures of beginning of term, middle of term, and end of term. At the beginning of term, assessment seeks to provide a basis for diagnostic assessment, collecting the “preliminary” data on the development of students’ character or moral character. In the middle of term, assessment seeks to provide a basis for formative assessment, collecting data on “changing” in the development of students’ character or moral character. At the end of term, assessment seeks to provide a basis for summary assessment, collecting data on “changed” in the development of students’ character or moral character.
    4.The features and advantages the implementation process of character or moral character assessment in this study were the realization of various benefits of “assessment as learning,” including functions such as evaluation, reflection, reminder, supervision, improvement, transference, and communication.
    5.The limitations and shortcomings the implementation process of character or moral character assessment in this study were caused by students’ insufficient understanding of values in character or moral character, external interference (such as parental physical punishment), time- and energy-consuming assessment process, difficulty in dealing with behavioral problems of students, limited improvement on delinquent behavior of students, and internal and external communication (between teachers and students, parents and teachers, or parents and children) that still needs improvement.
    6.The keys for continued future promotion in character or moral character assessment include: (1) participants must understand that the nature of character or moral character assessment is a macro (concern for the moral development of students in the development process) as well as micro (observation of moral speech and behavior in the campus life of students) task ; (2) change the consideration of character or moral character assessment, improve upon the shortcoming of using scores to evaluate personal character or moral character ; (3) establish professionalism of teachers, improve upon past character or moral character assessment methods that have drawn criticism; (4) evaluate implementation of character or moral character assessment, such as the assessment process can deepen the concept of character or moral character assessment and establish clear and definitive principles for assessment; (5) construct schools or classrooms into moral communities, promote moral and character education through various courses or activities; (6) seek support and accommodation from parents, jointly participate in the implementation process of character or moral character assessment.
    Based on these conclusions, this study proposed several suggestions for educational administrative authorities in promoting moral and character education, for teachers conducting character or moral character assessment, as well as further research.

    謝 誌 ….…………………………………………..……..Ⅰ 中文摘要 ..……………………..………………………….….Ⅲ 英文摘要 ..…..……………………………………………..…Ⅴ 目 次…....…………..…………………………………......Ⅸ 表 次 ..……………..…………………………………...XI 圖 次.………………….…………...…………….....…XIII 第一章 緒論………………………………………...……..….1 第一節 研究背景與動機……………...……………………………1 第二節 研究目的……………………………………………….......8 第三節 名詞釋義……………………………………………...…....9 第四節 研究範圍與限制 ………………………………………....11 第二章 文獻探討………………………………….………....13 第一節 品德教育的理念與發展…..……..………………………..13 第二節 班級評量的意涵與實施………………..…………………39 第三節 品德評量的發展與建立…………………………………..89 第三章 研究設計與實施..………………………….........…115 第一節 研究架構與流程..……………………………………......115 第二節 研究方法與步驟 …..…………………………………....117 第三節 研究工具信效度之建立 …..…………………………....139 第四章 研究結果與討論….………………………...……...159 第一節 品德評量之內涵與關係 ..………………………………159 第二節 品德評量之實施歷程與結果 …..………………………171 第三節 品德評量之多元反思與評析 ………………………....195 第五章 結論與建議….……………………………...…...…285 第一節 結論 ..…………………………………………………....285 第二節 建議 ..…………………………………………………....291 參考書目.…………………………………...………..……….297 中文部分 …………………………………………………………..297 英文部分 …………………………………………………………..302 附錄 .………………………………………………………....313 附錄一:焦點團體訪談大綱 ……………………………………..313 附錄二:焦點團體結果分析與回應………..……………………..314 附錄三:邀請函……………………………..……………………..318 附錄四:學期初「尊重」與「責任」行為檢核單 ……………..319 附錄五:學期初「尊重」與「責任」行為觀察檢核表…………323 附錄六:每週「尊重」與「責任」行為檢核單 ………………..325 附錄七:「尊重」與「責任」行為觀察紀錄……………………..328 附錄八:「尊重」與「責任」行為反省日誌……………………..330 附錄九:學期末「尊重」與「責任」行為檢核單 ……………..332 附錄十:學期品德評量通知單……………..……………………..335 附錄十一:品德評量學生問卷……………..……………………..337 附錄十二:品德評量教師問卷……………..…………………..…340 附錄十三:品德評量家長問卷………….….……………………..343 附錄十四:家長訪談大綱……………….….…………………..…344 附錄十五:學生訪談大綱………….………….…………………..345 附錄十六:專家效度問卷…………………………..…………..…346 附錄十七:專家效度問卷修正表………………..………………..354 附錄十八:「尊重」與「責任」品德行為表現檢核單(預試)..366 附錄十九:品德評量實施計畫……………………..……………..369 附錄二十:品德評量的實施說明(學生用)…..………………..372 附錄二十一:品德評量的實施說明(教師用) ………………..374

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