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研究生: 王韋政
Wei-Cheng Wang
論文名稱: 台灣民眾野生動物價值傾向對飼養野生鳥類態度之影響
The Influences of Wildlife Value Orientation on Wild Bird Raising Attitude in Taiwan
指導教授: 王穎
Wang, Ying
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 137
中文關鍵詞: 野生鳥類野生動物價值傾向態度
英文關鍵詞: wild birds, wildlife value orientation, attitude
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:171下載:15
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  • 台灣部分民眾飼養野生鳥類的行為,經常成為國內保育與經營管理者所關注的一項保育議題。然而,有效地經營管理野生動物資源,除基礎資源調查外,人與動物之間的連結關係也是重要關鍵,因此了解民眾對野生動物的價值傾向及態度有其必要性。本研究自2012年12月至2013年3月間,針對台灣民眾以問卷訪查方式,調查野生動物價值傾向、飼養野生鳥類態度、飼養鳥類情況及保育活動參與意願。總計回收456位受訪者問卷,其中飼養野生鳥類共118位、飼養非野生鳥類共235位、無飼養鳥類共103位。57.6%之受訪民眾所飼養的野生鳥類來源是來自鳥店,而飼養原因以聲音優美佔56.8%,以作為陪伴為飼養目的佔51.3%,不同受訪者基本資料間之飼養鳥類情況有顯著性的差異。透過探索性因素分析,受訪民眾之野生動物價值傾向可分析出五個因素(「野生動物教育與體驗」、「反狩獵」、「符號象徵」、「負面嫌惡」、「野生動物使用」),飼養野生鳥類態度則分析出四個因素(「飼養野生鳥類」、「社會效益」、「溝通效益」、「飼養野生鳥類問題」)。比較不同受訪者基本資料間野生動物價值傾向及飼養野生鳥類態度之差異,其結果達顯著性水準。而野生動物價值傾向對飼養野生鳥類態度之影響,達顯著性水準。除此之外,野生動物價值傾向及飼養野生鳥類態度對飼養野生鳥類行為及保育活動參與意願之影響達顯著性水準,即當受訪者的「野生動物教育與體驗」、「野生動物使用」的價值傾向越強、「飼養野生鳥類」的態度越高、「反狩獵」的價值傾向越弱、「飼養野生鳥類問題」態度越低時,民眾飼養野生鳥類行為的比例就越高。當受訪者之「野生動物教育與體驗」與「符號象徵」價值傾向越強及「社會效益」與「溝通效益」的態度越高時,其保育活動參與意願則越高。本研究結果支持認知階層模型理論,同時可提供相關單位作為經營管理及環境教育規劃之參考。

    Some people in Taiwan raise wild birds, which concerns the conservation authorities and managers. In order to achieve an effective management of wildlife resource, besides the basic investigation, knowing the connective relationship between human and animals is also essential. Therefore, understanding people’s wildlife value orientations (WVO) and attitudes toward wild birds are necessary. Through questionnaire method, this study aims to survey WVO, wild-bird raising attitudes, bird-raising situations, and conservation activities intention of people from December, 2012 to March, 2013 in Taiwan. Of all the 456 respondents, 118 raise wild birds, 235 raise non-wild birds, and the other 103 respondents do not raise birds. The main source of wild birds raised as pets comes from bird shops (57.6%). The most common reason for raising wild birds is due to their beautiful voices (56.8%), and the main purpose of raising them is to keep as companion (51.3%). There are significant differences among the various backgrounds of respondents in bird-raising situations. Via factor analysis, five factors are concluded regarding WVO (“Wildlife education and experience”, “Anti-hunting”, “Symbolic”, “Negative repulsion”, and “Wildlife use”), and four factors are concluded regarding wild-birds raising attitudes (“Raising wild birds”, “Social benefits”, “Communication benefits”, and “Problem of raising wild birds” respectively). As for WVO and wild-bird raising attitudes, there are significantly differences among the various backgrounds of respondents. In addition, wild-bird raising attitudes are significantly affected by WVO. Furthermore, the behavior of raising wild birds and the intention of participating conservation activities are also significantly influenced by WVO and wild-bird raising attitudes, which means that the proportion of wild birds raising behavior gets higher when the respondents have stronger “Wildlife education and experience”, “Wildlife use” value orientations, and higher “Raising wild birds” attitudes as well as the respondents have weaker “Anti-hunting” value orientations and lower “Problem of raising wild birds” attitudes. Moreover, the proportion of the intention of participating conservation activities rises when the respondents have stronger “Wildlife education and experience” and “Symbolic” value orientation, higher “Social benefits” and “Communication benefits” attitudes. The findings of this study support the cognitive hierarchy model theory and further can provide guidance in environmental education and management for related institutes.

    摘要 I Abstract III 目錄 V 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 VIII 前言 1 一、鳥類與人類的關係及應用價值 1 二、飼養野生鳥類背後所潛藏的問題 2 三、國內外販售與飼養野生鳥類之情形 3 四、認知階層模型 8 五、野生動物價值傾向與態度 14 六、認知階層模型之應用 29 研究方法 33 一、研究架構 33 二、研究設計與施行 34 研究結果 43 一、描述性統計分析 43 二、受訪者基本資料與飼養鳥類情況之關係 57 三、野生動物價值傾向之因素分析與信度分析 59 四、飼養野生鳥類態度量表之因素分析 63 五、不同受訪者野生動物價值傾向及飼養野生鳥類態度之差異 67 六、野生動物價值傾向對飼養野生鳥類態度之影響 74 七、野生動物價值傾向及飼養野生鳥類態度對飼養野生鳥類行為之影響 79 八、野生動物價值傾向及飼養野生鳥類態度對保育活動參與意願之影響 82 討論 85 一、飼養野生鳥類情況 85 二、不同受訪者對野生動物價值傾向及飼養野生鳥類態度 88 三、野生動物價值傾向對飼養野生鳥類態度之影響 92 四、野生動物價值傾向及飼養野生鳥類態度對飼養野生鳥類行為之影響 94 五、野生動物價值傾向及飼養野生鳥類態度對保育活動參與意願之影響 97 結論與建議 99 一、結論 99 二、建議 102 參考文獻 104 附錄一、專家審查問卷意見 121 附錄二、預試問卷 128 附錄三、正式問卷 131 附錄四、野生動物保育法規摘要 134 附錄五、台灣野生鳥類保育名錄修訂內容 137

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