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研究生: 許碧純
Pi-Chun, Hsu
論文名稱: 臺灣兒童電視廣告規範研究
The Research of Advertising Regulation for Children Television in Taiwan
指導教授: 王維菁
Wang, Wei-Ching
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 大眾傳播研究所
Graduate Institute of Mass Communication
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 183
中文關鍵詞: 兒童廣告廣告規範廣告法規媒體自律社會他律
英文關鍵詞: Children advertising, Advertising regulation, Advertising legislation, Self-regulation, Supervision from civil society
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:182下載:7
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  • 電視乃是兒童最常接觸以及使用時間最長的大眾媒體之一,隨著兒童的長時間收視,電視廣告亦成為兒童最常接觸的電視文本之一,根據兒童福利聯盟基金會2010年食物廣告調查報告指出,臺灣兒童平均一年看到的電視廣告就高達33,696則,電視廣告對兒童的影響不可小覷。





    Television, one of mass media, occupies most of children’s time. Thus, children are easily and frequently exposed to TV advertising. According to the survey, food advertising on TV in 2010, which was proceeded by The Child Welfare League Foundation, indicated that children in Taiwan averagely have watched over 33,696 advertising per year. Therefore, the impact of television advertising on children cannot be overlooked.
    Early childhood plays an important role for children to develop their cognition. Television advertising not only shapes children’s life style and the habit of consumption but influences parent-child interaction. Furthermore, TV commercials, especially on the food products, also cause children’s obesity problem. So far, many countries, including countries in Europe, USA, Australia, and South Korea, have regulated television adverting for children. In Taiwan, the concern of the impact of media on children has increased in recent years. National Communications Commission has already announced the White Paper on the Rights and Interests of Communication Policy for Children and Teenager in which children advertising regulations have been included. However, regulations on children advertising in Taiwan leave much to be desired.
    Thus, this thesis focuses on the modification and supplementary on current regulations, taking American and European countries as reference, to give suggestions to policy in the future. There are three parts in this research. First, in chapter two, the definition of children and children advertising have been given. Children’s cognition development process and the impact of adverting on children are also presented in this chapter. In chapter three, we not only focus on the development and current situation in children advertising industry, but the differences of social, politic, and economic situation between USA, countries in Europe, and Taiwan. Finally, we analyze the regulation in USA, countries in Europe, and Taiwan, including legislation, self-regulation, and supervision from civil society, to find out how to reform the children’s adverting regulation in our country.

    The findings of this research:

    1.Current TV advertising regulations mainly depend on legislation, lacking of the self-regulation from the industry and supervision from civil society. Thus, this research suggests that the future children advertising regulation system should integrate self-regulation, legislation, and the supervision from civil society. Based on legislation, self-regulation should be set as priority.

    2.So far, the problem of self-regulation system is that there are no external self-regulation mechanisms for children advertising in Taiwan. Thus, Building an external self-regulation mechanisms is of top importance, and which should include guideline, channels for audience to give their suggestions or complains, and judgmental system with effective punishment program. Above all, we can use the media performance as the standard for license renewal to strengthen the enforcement in self-regulation system.

    3.Current law aims at general advertising. However, the advertising for children should be further regulated and the children communication act should be made. The legislation should take children’s character, value of consumption, and discrimination into consideration. Besides, ads for drugs, health foods, or online game should also be regulated. Finally, to avoid the interaction between commercial earnings and children’s programs quality, we suggest good children programs be rewarded regularly by the government.

    4.As for the supervision from civil society, social welfare groups play a vital role on child’s rights and interests. But the powers are scattered. In that, social welfare groups should target on integration and proper division of labor. On the other hand, the audience and media employees also need to equip themselves with media literacy. Besides, the composition of the Television Programs and Advertisings Advisory Committee of National Communications Commission requires more diversity. The government should listen to opinions from children ads industries to understand the trend of commercial industries, and to know how self-regulation can be conducted. What is more, this action also encourages the communication between government and industries.

    誌謝 I 中文摘要 III 英文摘要 V 目錄 VII 圖目錄 IX 表目錄 X 第一章 前言 P1 第一節 研究背景與動機 P1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題 P5 第三節 研究途徑與方法 P9 第四節 研究架構與章節安排 P16 第二章 兒童電視廣告之影響 P20 第一節 兒童與兒童電視廣告 P20 第二節 兒童認知發展與電視廣告 P24 第三節 兒童電視廣告的影響 P30 第四節 討論與小結 P42 第三章 臺灣兒童電視廣告產業之發展 P46 第一節 臺灣兒童廣告產業發展歷程 P46 第二節 臺灣兒童電視廣告產業變遷與現況 P49 第三節 臺灣政治經濟之影響 P56 第四節 小結 P60 第四章 兒童電視廣告規範 P62 第一節 規範兒童電視廣告之論述 P62 第二節 臺灣規範現況 P69 第三節 美國規範現況 P87 第四節 歐洲規範現況 P100 第五節 討論與建議 P109 第五章 結論與建議 P144 第一節 研究發現 P144 第二節 研究限制 P163 第三節 研究建議 P164 參考文獻 P165 附錄 P181

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