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研究生: 李毓璱
論文名稱: 大學生住宿生活適應相關因素研究--以國立台灣大學為例
The Study of the Related Factors for the Undergraduate Students’ Adjustments to Dormitories’ Life
指導教授: 張雪梅
Chang, Hsueh-Mei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 公民教育與活動領導學系
Department of Civic Education and Leadership
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 231
中文關鍵詞: 大學生住宿生活適應宿舍社會氣氛宿舍輔導
英文關鍵詞: University Students, Adjustment of Life in Dorm, Dorms’Social Climate, Dorms’ Guidance
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:875下載:285
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  • 本研究旨在探討大學生住宿生活適應之相關因素,瞭解大學生住宿生活適應的現況、探究大學生對宿舍社會氣氛的知覺狀況、比較不同個人因素、宿舍環境因素的住宿學生在生活適應、宿舍社會氣氛知覺的差異情形、探討住宿生活適應與宿舍社會氣氛知覺的關係,依據問卷發現及研究結果提出建議,供學生事務單位作為宿舍輔導、寢室分配之參考,以增進住宿學生的住宿品質。

    The objective of this study is to examine factors related to university students’ necessary adjustments to life in dormitories’ accommodations. It examines the students’ adjustments to dormitories’ life at current time, the students’ perception of dorms’ social climate, different personal factors involved, necessary adjustments in students’ life derived from dorms’ environment factors, differences in students’ perception of dorms’ social climate and an examination of the relationship of between the adjustments for dorms’ accommodations and the perception of dorms’ social climate. Following, the study will offer suggestions based on survey’s findings and research results that can serve as reference for dormitories guidance and rooms allocations, carried by departments responsible for students’ affairs.
    The study uses survey research methodology, that includes a questionnaire titled “A Survey of the Adjustments required for dormitories’ accommodations and Perception of Dorms’ Social Climate”, based on relevant questionnaire compiled by specialists and researchers’ experience with students affairs work. The study uses undergraduate students living in National Taiwan University’s Dormitories as its study objects and includes 602 valid questionnaires. The questionnaires were divided into four sections: the first section deals with the adjustments for life in the Dorms and includes the following five aspects: Interpersonal Communication, Living Conditions, Emotional Adjustments, Accommodation Adjustments and Study Adjustments; The second section deals with perception of the social atmosphere in the dorms and includes the following ten orientations: Involvement , Support, Independence, Traditional Social Orientation, Competition, Academic Achievement, Intellectuality, Order and Organization, Student Influence and Innovation; The Third section includes open questions about student’s personal experience in Dorms’ accommodation; The fourth section includes two categories of information about the student – student’s Personal Information (such as sex, age, faculty, ID number, Family’s address, Family’s socio-economical status, time of accommodation in Dorms, the degree of involvement in Dorms’ decision making) and dorms’ Environment Information (such as Dorms’ category, Number of people in room, existence of Curfew Policy).
    This study sums up the following six conclusions: 1. In the course of adjustments to life in Dormitories, National Taiwan University’s undergraduates adjust best to “Interpersonal Communication”, and least to “Accommodation Adjustments”. 2. National Taiwan University’s undergraduates perceive the atmosphere of Dorms life as “Independent”, “Support” and “Innovation”, and not “Competition”, “Traditional Social Orientation”, “Intellectuality” nor “Academic Achievement”. 3. National Taiwan University’s undergraduates with different Personal Information (Sex, Age, Time of accommodation in Dorms, Degree of involvement in Dorms’ decision making) and different Environment Information (Dorms’ category, Existence of Curfew Policy) show different results in aspects related to Adjustment of Life. 4. National Taiwan University’s undergraduates with different Personal Information (Sex, Age, ID number, Family’s address, Time of accommodation in Dorms, The degree of involvement in Dorms’ decision making) and Environment Information (Dorms’ category, Number of people in room, Existence of Curfew Policy) show differences in their perception of different aspects related to the social climate in the dorms. 5. There seems to be an obvious correlation between the adjustments to life in dorms and dorm’s social climate. 6. The students think that the most difficult aspect to adjust in Dorms’ Life is the unsynchronized break time and differences in character between roommates that make joint life and mutual communication difficult. Therefore, rooms allocation method should enable free selection; actively organize students’ activities, in order to enhance the solidarity and fellowship between students who live in the dorms and the dorms’ centrality, and hence to improve the social climate in the dormitories.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 6 第三節 研究範圍與限制 7 第四節 重要名詞解釋 9 第二章 文獻探討 11 第一節 學生宿舍的教育功能及輔導管理 11 第二節 大學生生活適應之相關研究 23 第三節 宿舍社會氣氛的意涵、理論、衡量與相關研究 37 第四節 國立台灣大學學生宿舍現況分析 47 第三章 研究方法與過程 63 第一節 研究架構 63 第二節 研究假設 65 第三節 研究對象 66 第四節 研究工具 70 第五節 研究流程 82 第六節 資料處理 83 第四章 研究結果與討論 85 第一節 住宿生活適應之現況分析 85 第二節 宿舍社會氣氛知覺之現況分析 96 第三節 不同個人因素、宿舍環境因素與住宿生活適應之分 111 第四節 不同個人因素、宿舍環境因素與宿舍社會氣氛知覺之分析133 第五節 住宿生活適應與宿舍社會氣氛關係之分析 162 第六節 住宿學生的住宿經驗與建議 169 第五章 結論與建議 175 第一節 研究發現 175 第二節 結論 183 第三節 建議 188 參考文獻 195 壹、中文部分 195 貳、英文部分 199 附錄 203 附錄一「住宿生活適應與宿舍社會氣氛知覺調查」問卷草稿(專家諮詢用) 203 附錄二 問卷徵詢專家意見彙整表 215 附錄三「住宿生活適應與宿舍社會氣氛知覺調查」問卷(預試版本) 219 附錄四「住宿生活適應與宿舍社會氣氛知覺調查」問卷(正式版本) 225 附錄五 研究假設綜合分析表 231

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