簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 楊金昌
Yang, Jin-Chang
論文名稱: 臺灣推動專任運動教練政策之研究
A Study of Policy Facilitation on Fulltime School Athletic Coaches in Taiwan
指導教授: 鄭志富
Cheng, Chih-Fu
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 267
中文關鍵詞: 專任運動教練政策法制化政策執行修正式德爾菲法體育政策
英文關鍵詞: Fulltime athletic coaches, policy legitimization, policy execution, modified Delphi method, sports policy
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000185
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:198下載:53
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  • 專任運動教練在臺灣是1986年推動一項重要的體育政策之一,期後於2003年推動專任運動教練政策法制化,賦予嶄新的風貌,也對整體的體育運動具有歷史性的重要意義與作用。本研究旨在分析專任運動教練政策法制化之形成背景因素,探討法制化後政策執行現況以及提出策進作為。本研究方法以文件分析法、焦點團體座談法及修正式德爾菲法,針對「養成制度」、「證照核發」、「分發任用」、「專業進修」及「績效評量」面向提出具體策進作為;再採問卷調查法對專任運動教練進行調查,以瞭解本研究政策的各面向重要性得以有效制定策進作為。本研究結論有三點,第一是專任運動教練是體育政策的一環,於2003年《國民體育法》與《教育人員任用條例》修正通過案,不僅獲得法源依據及明確教育人員角色定位,解決長期推動期間存在問題,也納為正式編制體系之首創,成為進入學校職場工作開拓的重要里程碑;第二為當前專任運動教練人才培育方面,應與時俱進隨時檢視政策發展,展現其各制度專業化的滾動修正,發揮引領人才培育之作用,逐步落實體育運動白皮書提及專任運動教練人才培育的重要希望工程;第三為本研究所提五個面向及22條次要項目的策進作為,透過焦點團體座談及修正式德爾菲專家意見調查問卷進行檢核及整合之專家意見後,獲得專家重要性及共識性,具有適切性,可供行政單位未來相關政策或方案之參考。綜論上述,本研究提出盡速建立養成制度、實習檢定資格制度、研訂專業進修與績效評量獎勵措施之短中長期的具體建議供行政機關未來施政方向之參考與政策執行的實務性建議。

    As one of Taiwan’s most important sports policies promoted in 1986, the fulltime athletic coach policy was made into law later in 2003, giving it a new look along with historical significance and role for sports overall. The purpose of this study is to analyze the background factors of the legalization of fulltime athletic coach policy, explore the current status of policy implementation after legalization, and propose strategies for implementation. Research methods adopted by this study included document analysis, focus group discussion, and modified Delphi method to propose specific implementation strategies for the "cultivation system", "certificate issuance", "allocation appointment", "professional training", and "performance appraisal". Furthermore, a questionnaire survey targeting the fulltime athletic coaches was conducted to investigate and understand the importance of the various aspects of this research policy as well as to formulate effective strategies. There were three conclusions from this study. The first was that fulltime athletic coaches are part of the sports policy, to which the amendment and approval of “National Sports Act “and “Act of Governing the Appointment of Educators” in 2003 not only enables this policy to obtain legal basis, define the role of educators, and solve problems during the long-term promotion, but also lets it be regarded as the first of the formal established systems and an important milestone for entering the school workplace. The second aspect was the talent cultivation for current fulltime athletic coaches which should keep pace with the times and review policy developments at any time, so as to show the rolling amendments of its various systems specialization, which give play to the role of leading talent cultivation, and to gradually implement the important hope project emphasized in sports white paper about the talent training for fulltime athletic coaches. The third was to propose strategic implementations of five aspects with 22 items. After reviewing and integrating expert opinions through focus group discussions and the revised Delphi expert opinion questionnaire, the importance and consensus of experts were obtained, which were relevant and suitable for the reference of related policies or plans of the administrative unit in the future. To sum up the above, this study puts forward short, medium, and long-term concrete suggestions for establishing a training system, an internship qualification system, and developing professional training and performance evaluation incentive measures as soon as possible as practical reference to administrative agencies for their policy direction and implementation in the future.

    謝 辭 i 中文摘要 ii 英文摘要 iii 目 次 v 表 次 viii 圖 次 x 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與待答問題 5 第三節 研究方法與步驟 7 第四節 研究範圍與限制 13 第五節 名詞釋義 17 第貳章 文獻探討 21 第一節 專任運動教練政策法制化之緣起 21 第二節 專任運動教練政策法制化後相關研究 33 第三節 國外推動運動教練相關政策之探討 55 第四節 本章小結 71 第參章 研究設計與實施 77 第一節 研究架構 77 第二節 研究參與者 79 第三節 研究工具 87 第四節 研究實施 95 第五節 研究資料處理 97 第六節 研究倫理 105 第肆章 研究結果分析與討論 109 第一節 專任運動教練法制化形成過程之分析 109 第二節 專任運動教練政策法制化後執行情形之焦點團體座談結果分析 119 第三節 專任運動教練政策改進建議之修正式德爾菲專家意見調查問卷結果分析 147 第四節 專任運動教練政策改進建議之描述性統計結果分析 183 第五節 綜合討論 193 第伍章 結論與建議 211 第一節 結論 211 第二節 建議 215 第三節 研究者反思 221 參考文獻 223 附錄 238 附錄一 臺灣推動專任運動教練政策之研究 (焦點團體座談會議) 238 附錄二 臺灣推動專任運動教練政策執行之策進作為研究問卷 (學者專家審查用版本) 240 附錄三 臺灣推動專任運動教練政策執行之策進作為研究問卷 (學者專家審查結果彙整表) 246 附錄四 臺灣推動專任運動教練政策之策進作為問卷 (修正式德爾菲) (第一次正式調查問卷) 252 附錄五 臺灣推動專任運動教練政策之策進作為問卷 (修正式德爾菲) (第二次正式調查問卷) 258 附錄六 臺灣推動專任運動教練政策之策進作為問卷 (專任運動教練版本) 264

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