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研究生: 陳智源
論文名稱: 電腦多媒體輔助教學在高一「力與運動」課程的教學成效探討
指導教授: 黃福坤
Hwang, Fu-Kwun
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 物理學系
Department of Physics
論文出版年: 2003
畢業學年度: 91
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 118
中文關鍵詞: 電腦輔助教學力與運動
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:395下載:33
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1. 學生在教學前的力學迷思概念大多來自「衝力理論」,本研究驗證文獻中國內外學者所提及的迷思概念。
2. 實驗組A的教學成效優於對照組,顯示電腦多媒體輔助教學配合學生實際操作動畫的課程設計,有較好的教學成效。
3. 實驗組A及實驗組B在直觀物理型的概念表現上皆優於對照組,但在非直觀物理型的概念上無顯著差異。顯示電腦多媒體輔助教學能傳播有效的視覺碼,協助學生在直觀物理型的概念改變。
4. 學生利用物理模擬動畫有助於增加判斷物體運動軌跡的能力,但對造成運動的背後原因的理解幫助有限。
5. 學生肯定電腦多媒體輔助教學的功能,且認為「力與運動多媒體教材」中的動畫與影片對物理概念的了解有幫助,並希望未來的單元也能繼續使用多媒體教材

This research is to discuss the effects of computer assisted multimedia teaching on first year senior high school students in the “force and motion” unit and to observe their learning attitude toward computer assisted multimedia teaching .
The students were divided into three groups, group A (73 students), group B (74 students), and group C (110 students). Group A and group B underwent experiment with computer assisted multi-media teaching, and between the two groups, group A actually manipulate animation themselves. Different from group A and B, group C were taught in a traditional way.
We have found the following results:
1. Most of the students’ misconceptions about dynamics come from “impetus theory.” Most of the misconceptions found by this study are similar to these found in in the literature review.
2. Pre-test and Post-test results show that only group A is better than group C (significant difference). This shows that computer assisted multimedia teaching leads to better teaching effects, if the student can actually manipulate the animation in the curriculums.
3. Group A and group B perform better than group C in directly sense of physics conceptions, and the difference is significant, while there is no significant difference in theory of physics conceptions. This shows that computer assisted multimedia teaching can convey visual codes effectively; assisting students in altering their directly sense of physics conceptions .
4. With the help of simulated animator, students are more capable of judging the tracks of motion. However it doesn’t help much in students’ understanding of what causes the motion.
5. Students show positive attitude toward the function of multimedia computer assisted teaching, and they think that the animation and films of “force and motion” help understand physic conceptions. They hope that multimedia material can also be used in future units.

目 次 摘要------------------------------------------ I 目次-------------------------------------------IV 表次-------------------------------------------VII 圖次-------------------------------------------IX 第一章、緒論------------------------------------1 第一節、研究背景與動機-----------------------2 第二節、研究目的-----------------------------4 第三節、研究範圍及限制-----------------------5 第四節、名詞解釋-----------------------------6 第二章、文獻探討--------------------------------8 第一節、「力與運動」概念的探討----------------8 第二節、電腦多媒體輔助教學的探討-------------22 第三節、電腦多媒體輔助教學的學習理論---------33 第四節、介紹FCI(Fouce Concept Inventory)43 第三章、研究方法與工具--------------------------46 第一節、研究方法-----------------------------46 第二節、研究樣本-----------------------------47 第三節、研究工具的設計-----------------------48 第四節、研究步驟-----------------------------51 第五節、資料處理與分析-----------------------54 第四章、研究結果與探討--------------------------55 第一節、學生的學習成就表現比較---------------55 第二節、學生迷思概念的種類-------------------61 第三節、電腦多媒體輔助教學在不同類型概念上的教學成效-----------------------------------------72 第四節、學生使用物理動畫學習的特徵-----------79 第五節、學生對電腦多媒體輔助教學的感受-------86 第五章、結論與建議------------------------------94 第一節、結論---------------------------------94 第二節、建議---------------------------------97 參考文獻 中文部份-------------------------------------98 英文部份-------------------------------------100 附錄 附錄一、力與運動物理觀念評量(前測)---------103 附錄二、力與運動物理觀念評量(後測)---------108 附錄三、多媒體動畫教材學習後問卷-------------114 附錄四、高一基礎物理隨堂測驗-----------------116 附錄五、力與運動多媒體教材-------------------118

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