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研究生: 黃子芸
Huang, Zi-Yun
論文名稱: 社群媒體上的關係呈現對親密關係滿意度的影響: 成人親密關係依附傾向的調節效果
The Impact of Relational Presentation on Social Media on Intimate Relationship Satisfaction: The Moderating Effect of Adult Attachment Tendencies
指導教授: 聶西平
Nieh, Hsi-Ping
口試委員: 賴盈如
Lai, Ying-Ju
Wu, Chih-Wen
Nieh, Hsi-Ping
口試日期: 2024/01/31
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 幼兒與家庭科學學系
Department of Child and Family Science
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 100
中文關鍵詞: 依附傾向社群媒體關係呈現親密關係關係滿意度
英文關鍵詞: Attachment tendencies, social media, relational presentation, intimacy relationship, relationship satisfaction
研究方法: 調查研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400413
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:48下載:7
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  • 自從電腦與社群媒體問世,大大地改變了個人的社交方式與狀況,在親密關係之間也是 如此。本研究主要以依附理論(Bowlby,1969,出自 Shaver 與 Mikulincer,2009)與使用與 滿足理論(McQuail,1993)來探討兩個目的:一、了解現代未婚成年人的親密關係依附傾 向、在社群媒體上的關係呈現和親密關係滿意度的關係;二、探討親密關係依附傾向在社群 媒體上的關係呈現與親密關係滿意度之間的調節效果。依據文獻與依附理論設定四個主要假 設:一、社群媒體上的關係呈現愈高,親密關係滿意度愈高;二、焦慮與逃避依附傾向程度 愈高,個人親密關係滿意度愈低;三、焦慮依附傾向程度較高的人,若其在社群媒體上的關 係呈現越高,則親密關係滿意度越高;四、逃避依附傾向程度較高的人,若其在社群媒體上 的關係呈現越低,則親密關係滿意度越高。本研究透過 Surveycake 網路問卷平台發放問卷, 於西元 2023 年 7 至 10 月進行方便取樣,並利用篩選題機制立意取樣 19 至 30 歲,未婚有伴 侶之受訪者,有效資料為 411 份。本研究發現社群媒體上的關係呈現中的被動回應與自主產 製與親密關係滿意度呈現正相關。焦慮與逃避依附傾向皆與親密關係滿意度呈現顯著負相 關。焦慮依附傾向在被動回應、自主產製、社群媒體上的關係呈現與親密關係滿意度間具有 調節效果,高焦慮依附傾向,若是高頻率被動回應、自主產製及社群媒體上的關係呈現,則 親密關係滿意度會較高。逃避依附傾向在被動回應與親密關係滿意度之間具有調節效果,高 逃避依附傾向,若是高頻率被動回應,則親密關係滿意度也會較高。本研究首次將社群媒體 上的關係呈現具象化從呈現形式轉換成行為模式,並將社群媒體上的關係呈現、依附傾向與 親密關係滿意度三者擺在一起分析,但是研究也有限制,樣本蒐集偏誤、研究工具未測量並 進行對偶比較,未來研究建議可以進行長期追蹤研究,分析不同社群媒體或不同依附類型的差異。

    Since the advent of computers and social media, there has been a significant transformation in individuals' social behaviors and conditions, including those within intimate relationships. This study primarily employs Attachment Theory (Bowlby, 1969, cited in Shaver & Mikulincer, 2009) and Uses and Gratifications Theory (McQuail, 1993) to explore two main objectives: 1) to understand the relationship between attachment tendencies, relational presentation on social media, and intimacy relationship satisfaction among modern unmarried adults, and 2) to investigate the moderating effects of attachment tendencies on the relationship between relational presentation on social media and intimacy relationship satisfaction. Based on the literature and Attachment Theory, four main hypotheses are posited: 1) Higher levels of relational presentation on social media are associated with higher levels of intimacy relationship satisfaction; 2) Higher levels of anxiety and avoidance attachment tendencies are associated with lower levels of individual intimacy relationship satisfaction; 3) Among individuals with higher levels of anxiety attachment tendencies, higher relational presentation on social media is associated with higher levels of intimacy relationship satisfaction; 4) Among individuals with higher levels of avoidance attachment tendencies, lower relational presentation on social media is associated with higher levels of intimacy relationship satisfaction. This study conducted a survey using the Surveycake online platform from July to October, 2023, employing convenience sampling, and purposively sampled respondents aged 19 to 30 who were unmarried but in a relationship, resulting in 411 valid responses. The findings reveal a positive correlation between passive responses and active production in relational presentation on social media and intimacy relationship satisfaction. Both anxiety and avoidance attachment tendencies are significantly negatively correlated with intimacy relationship satisfaction. Anxiety attachment tendencies moderate the relationship between passive responses, active production, relational presentation on social media, and intimacy relationship satisfaction, indicating that higher anxiety attachment tendencies lead to higher levels of intimacy relationship satisfaction with increased frequency of passive responses, active production, and relational presentation on social media. Avoidance attachment tendencies moderate the relationship between passive responses and intimacy relationship satisfaction, suggesting that higher avoidance attachment tendencies result in higher levels of intimacy relationship satisfaction with increased frequency of passive responses. This study represents the first attempt to operationalize the relationships on social media by transitioning from presentation formats to behavioral patterns. It examines the relational presentation on social media, attachment tendencies, and intimate relationships satisfaction concurrently. However, the study is subject to limitations, including sampling biases and the absence of paired comparisons with research tools. Future research suggestions include longitudinal tracking studies to analyze variances among different social media platforms or attachment types.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景1 第二節 研究目的4 第三節 名詞釋義6 第二章 文獻探討8 第一節 親密關係滿意度8 第二節 社群媒體上的關係呈現10 第三節 親密關係依附傾向17 第四節 親密關係依附傾向的調節效果20 第三章 研究方法24 第一節 研究設計24 第二節 研究架構25 第三節 研究對象26 第四節 研究工具28 第五節 分析方法33 第四章 研究結果35 第一節 填答者基本資料35 第二節 依附傾向、社群媒體上的關係呈現及親密關係滿意度分佈39 第三節 人口變項與依附傾向、社群媒體上的關係呈現之關聯44 第四節 依附傾向、社群媒體中的關係呈現及親密關係滿意度之相關53 第五節 依附傾向之調節效果分析54 第五章 討論與建議65 第一節 討論65 第二節 研究限制72 第三節 研究貢獻與未來建議74 參考文獻 76 附錄91

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