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研究生: 周宇傑
Chou, Yu-Chieh
論文名稱: 單回合下肢不同肌群離心阻力運動對本體感覺之影響
Effects of a single bout of eccentric exercise on proprioception of the different lower extremities of young men
指導教授: 陳忠慶
Chen, Chung-Ching
Wang, Ho-Seng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 41
中文關鍵詞: 延遲性肌肉酸痛位置對照覺重新復位覺
英文關鍵詞: Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, Position Matching Task, Repositioning Task
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202202742
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:107下載:0
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  • 背景: 過去研究發現從事單一肌群 (例如肘屈肌群) 等速離心運動引起延遲性肌肉酸痛 (DOMS) 時,會使本體感覺 (例如位置覺) 表現下降,且持續4-7天才能恢復至基準值 ; 但是,目前還不清楚人體下肢不同肌群從事離心阻力運動 (ERE) 引起DOMS時,是否會對下肢不同肌群的本體感覺測驗表現造成影響。由於人體下肢肌群在我們日常活動扮演重要角色,而且當本體感覺表現下降的話,可能降低運動表現與增加運動傷害風險。因此,本研究目的: 在於探討「人體進行下肢離心阻力運動對下肢不同肌群的本體感覺之影響」。方法: 召募8名坐式生活的健康成年男子為研究對象,分別進行一回合50次 (5組 × 10次) 之腿伸展 (膝伸肌群;KE)、俯臥捲腿 (膝屈肌群;KF)、站立提踵 (蹠屈肌群;PF) 等三個常見阻力訓練機台的ERE,做為引起下肢不同肌群DOMS之方式,並在ERE前、ERE後0-5天各分別進行一次坐姿、趴姿和站姿的重新復位覺與位置對照覺 (膝關節彎曲30度、45度、60度) 等不同本體感覺測驗以及DOMS測驗,並以三因子重複量數變異數與皮爾遜積差相關進行統計分析。結果: (一) KE、KF與PF肌群進行ERE後第1-3天恢復期間,三個下肢不同肌群引起DOMS程度皆比前測值來得大 (p < .05)。(二) KE、KF與PF肌群進行ERE後第0-5天的坐姿、趴姿與站姿的重新復位覺 (坐姿:1.4~3.0度、趴姿:1.9~6.1度、站姿:1.5~4.1度) 和位置對照覺 (坐姿:1.7~5.0度;、趴姿:3.0~6.0度、站姿:1.8~5.1度) 產生絕對誤差程度均明顯比前測來得大 (p <.05)。(三) 在KE-ERE後坐姿復位覺絕對誤差與股直肌 (60度: r = -.72;45度: r = -.73) 與股外側肌 (60度: r = -.78) 引起最大DOMS值之間有相關 (p <.05),而在對照覺絕對誤差與DOMS最大反應值則無相關 (p >.05)。(四) 在KE、KF、PF-ERE後的趴姿與站姿的復位覺、對照覺絕對誤差與最大DOMS值之間無相關 (p >.05)。結論: 本研究結果顯示,人體進行常見下肢不同部位ERE之後,引起DOMS現象會持續三天,但卻會對使本體感覺表現下降持續五天之久。所以,主觀DOMS感覺似乎無法反應至本體感覺表現下降的恢復程度上。因此,這些發現可提供給一般大眾做為從事高強度ERE初期之參考。

    Background: Previous studies have reported that the performance of proprioception (e.g. position sense) impaired following a single bout of maximal eccentric exercise-induced delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) of the unilateral limb muscle (e.g. the elbow flexors). However, it is not known whether the results of the unilateral limb muscles can be generalized to the lower extremities muscles. Since lower limb muscles play a crucial role in the activities of daily living, it may decrease athletic performance and increase the risk of sports injury as the performance level of proprioception declines. Therefore, the purpose of this study investigated the effects of several commons eccentric resistance exercises used in a gym on performance level of proprioception of different human lower limbs. Methods: Eight sedentary healthy men performed 5 sets of 10 high-intensive (80% of pre-exercise maximal isometric strength) eccentric resistance exercises (ERE) of leg extension, prone leg curl, and standing calf to induce DOMS of the lower limb muscles. Changes in repositioning tasks (RPT) and positioning matching tasks (PMT; 60˚, 45˚, 30˚ of knee extension) during sitting, prostrated and standing postures, and muscle soreness were measured before, immediately after, and 1-5 days after ERE. Each measure was compared by a three-way repeated-measures analysis of variance and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. Results: (1) DOMS was significantly developed at 1-3 post-ERE of three different muscles compared to baseline (p <.05); (2) Changes in RPT (e.g. prostrated: 2˚-6˚) and PMT (e.g. prostrated: 3˚-6˚) during sitting, prostrated and standing postures testing immediately to 5 days after ERE of knee extensors (KE) and flexors (KF) and plantar flexor (PF) were significantly greater than pre-ERE levels (p <.05); (3) The absolute errors of RPT of sitting posture, rectus femoris (e.g. 60˚: r = -.72) and vastus lateralis (60˚: r = -.78) post-ERE of the KE had a significant (p <.05) correlation with peak DOMS, however, there was no correlation between the absolute errors of PMT and peak DOMS post-ERE of the KE (p >.05); (4) The absolute errors between RPT and PMT of prostrated and standing postures post-ERE of the KE, KF and PF had no correlation with peak DOMS (p >.05). Conclusion: These results show that development of DOMS lasted for 3 day after performing three common ERE of the lower limbs, while performance level of proprioception impaired lasted for 5 day after ERE. It appears that the sensation of subjective DOMS after RER is not related to the recovery of proprioception markers. Thus, these findings of the present study may be provided reference for general people performing high-intensity of ERE at the beginning.

    目次 口試委員與系主任簽字之論文通過簽名表 i 論文授權書 ii 中文摘要 iii 英文摘要 v 謝誌 vii 目次 ix 圖次 xi 表次 xi 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 問題背景 1 第二節 研究目的 5 第三節 研究假設 5 第四節 操作性名詞定義 6 第五節 研究範圍與限制 7 第六節 研究重要性 7 第貳章 文獻探討 8 第一節 離心運動與肌肉損傷 8 第二節 離心運動對上下肢肌群之影響 11 第三節 離心運動對本體感覺之影響 12 第四節 離心運動引起肌肉損傷造成本體感覺表現下降之可能機轉 13 第五節 結語 14 第參章 研究方法 15 第一節 研究對象 15 第二節 實驗流程與步驟 15 第三節 實驗工具與測驗方法 17 第四節 實驗控制 22 第五節 統計分析 22 第肆章 結果 24 第伍章 討論 28 第陸章 結論與建議 34 引用文獻 35

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