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研究生: 鄭心喬
論文名稱: 由奇美博物館法國名琴典藏 探索法國提琴製琴系統與傳承
指導教授: 黃均人
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 音樂學系
Department of Music
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 121
中文關鍵詞: 提琴製作製琴師尼可拉‧呂波珍‧巴蒂斯特‧維姚姆
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:147下載:27
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  • 提琴的歷史距今約於四百多年,然而除了義大利之外,還有許多國家有著專屬於他們自己的傳承歷史。奇美博物館是目前傲視全球的提琴收藏中心,博物館以各個國家的製琴歷史為基礎,有系統、有脈絡的蒐羅了各個國家、各個學派重要的提琴樂器,目前館內典藏了上千把提琴,製琴家數量逼近千餘人,其館藏內容與規模都令人相當驚豔。

    第一章 緒論..................................1 第一節 研究動機與目的......................1 第二節 文獻回顧...........................3 第三節 研究範圍與方法......................6 第二章 法國提琴發展 萌芽期( - 1782年)...........9 第一節 時代背景...........................9 第二節 法國提琴的起源.....................19 第三節 法國其他製琴家.....................46 第三章 法國提琴發展 發展期(1782年-1825年).......53 第一節 時代背景...........................53 第二節 法國最重要的製琴師—尼可拉‧呂波.........56 第三節 尼可拉‧呂波的學生....................78 第四章 法國提琴發展 繁榮期(1825年-1900年).......86 第一節 時代背景...........................86 第二節 法國最著名的製琴家—珍‧巴蒂斯特‧維姚姆....89 第三節 法國其他製琴家......................108 第五章 結論...................................114 參考書目.......................................117

    壹、 書籍
    一、 外文
    Bachmann, Alberto. An encyclopedia of the violin. New York: Da Capo Press, 1966.

    Beament, James. The Violin Explained: Components, Mechanism, and Sound. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.

    Boyden, David D., Werner Baxhmann, Malcolm Boyd, Peter Cooke, Alastair Dick, Carleen M. Hutchins, Klaus Marx, Sonya Monosoff, J. C. Schelleng, Boris Schwarz, Rodney Slatford, and Ann Woodward. Violin Family. The New Grove Musical Instruments Series, edited by Stanley Sadie. New York: W. W. Norton, 1989.

    ______________. The History of Violin Playing from its Origins to 1761 and its Relationship to the Violin and Violin Music. London: Oxford University Press, 1965.

    Bonétat, Évelyne. Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume: un Luthier Français. Mirecourt: Les amis du vieux Mirecourt, 1998.

    Canu, Loïc Le. Les Luthiers Français. Paris: L& V Le Canu, 1993.

    Campos, Rèmy. Violons, Vuillaume: 1798-1875. Un Maître Luthier Français du XIXe siècle. Paris: Cité de la musique, 1998.

    Cooper, Albert . The Cooper Collection. ?: Ashford, 1998.

    Gill Dominic, ed. The Book of the Violin. Oxford: Phaidon Press, 1984.

    Harvey, Brian W. The Violin Family and its Maker in the British Isles: an Illustrated History and Directory. New York: Oxford University, 1995.

    Hart, George. The violin: Its Famous Makers and Their Imitators. New York: AMS
    Press, 1978.

    Hughes, Amgela. Pierre Fournier Cellist in a Landscape with figures. USA: Ashgate, 1998.

    Kolneder, Walter. The Amadeus Book of The Violin: Construction, History, and Music.
    Translated and edited by Reinhard G. Pauly. Cambridge: Amadeus Press, 2003.

    Leipp, Emile. The violin: history, aesthetics, manufacture, and acoustics. Translated by
    Hildegarde W. Parry. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1969.

    Lindeman, Fred. 400 Year of Violin Making in the Netherlands. ?: ?,?。

    Möller, Max. The Violin-Makers of the low countries. Amsterdam: ?, 1955.

    Millant, Roger. J. B. Vuillaume: His Life and Work. Translated and edited by Andrew Hill. London: W. E. Hill & Sons, 1972.

    Milliot, Sylvette. History de la Lutherie à Paris du ⅩⅧ Siècle à 1960. Paris: Les Amis De La Musique, 2006.

    Menuhin, Yehudi. The Violin. Translated by Ed Emery. Edited by Sheila Schwartz. New York: Flammarion, 1996.

    Schlesinger, Kathleen. The Instruments of the Modern Orchestra & Early Records of the
    Precursors of the Violin Family. London: William Reeves, 1969.

    Schmitt, Jean-Frédéric. Violin Making in Lyons. Lyon: J.-F. Schmitt, 1996.

    Stoeving, Paul. The Violin: Its Famous Makers and Players. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1970.

    Stowell, Robin, ed. The Cambridge Companion to the Violin. Cambridge: Cambridge
    University Press, 1992.

    Sandys, William, and Simon Andrew Forster. The History of the Violin: and other instruments played on with the bow from the remotest times to the present. Also, an account of the principal makers, English and foreign, with numerous illustrations. London: J. R. Smith, 1864.

    Thöne, Jost. Italian and French Violin Makers. Hachenburg: Stamperia Dell’Arancio,

    二、 中文
    Faber, Toby. 《匠心獨具:史特拉底瓦里與琴的傳奇故事》(Ftradivarius: One Cello, Five Violins and Denius),席玉蘋 譯。臺北:臺灣商務,2007。

    Farga, Franz.《小提琴的名琴》(The Top Violins)。華天仍,華天禎 譯。上海:上

    Stowell, Robin, ed.《小提琴指南》(The Cambridge Companion to the Violin)。湯定
    九 譯。臺北:世界文物,1996。

    Price, Roger.《法蘭西的榮耀與堅持—革命與共和的國度》。譚鍾瑜 譯。臺北:左


    陳珍吾 編。《奇美典藏提琴圖鑑》。臺南:奇美文化基金會,1997。






    郭玲玲 編。《義大利提琴傳奇1550-1950》。臺南:奇美文化基金會,2009。

    陳蓓蕾、蔣育荏 編。《荷蘭、比利時、盧森堡 = The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg》。臺北:墨刻出版,2011。

    貳、 期刊

    Bunn, Julie and Seiber, Lydia Rose. “Music, Makers and Markets,” The Strad 108,
    no.1288 (August 2008): 839.

    Dilworth, John. “Viotti,s Famous Fiddle.”The Strad 117, no. 1391 (March 2006):

    ___________ . “Fit of the King.” The Strad 116, no.1382(June 2005):26-33.

    Bonsey, David. “Jean – Baptiste Vuillaume.” The Strad 123, no. 1472 (December
    2012): 70-71.

    ___________ . “Nicolas Lupot” The Strad 119, no.1418 (June 2008):3

    Giraud, Alain.“A thearte revolution,” The Strad 115, no.1373(September 2004):

    Hargrave, Roger.“Artistic alliance.”The Strad 111, no. 1324 (August 2000): 832-837.

    Le Louvre.“Paganini in Paris.”The Strad 117, no 1392 (April 2006): 11.

    Lindeman, Fred and Stam, Serge. “Dutch Violin Making Down the Centuries,”The
    Strad 106, no.1264(August 2006):782-788.

    Phillips,“Strad,s French successor”The Srad 108, no. 1283 (March 2008): 262

    Rattray, David. “French Accent”The Strad 112, no.1332(April 2001): 384-385.

    Roth, Kai-Thomas.“All Spruced up.”The Strad 117, 1392 (April 2006): 42-46.

    Rolland, Benoit. “Bow heirs.” The Strad 114, 1356(April 2003): 368.

    Ryan, Andrew.“Positioning and Cutting F-Holes.”The Strad 117, no. 1389 (January
    2006): 60-63.

    Rivinus, David.“Design Counsel.”The Strad 117, no.1389 (January 2006):48-49.

    Stowell, Robin.“French Impressionist.”The Strad 117, no. 1391 (March 2006):

    Strick, Jan and Ceulemans, Anne – Emmanuelle.“A close look at the work of great and unusual makers.” The Strad 122, no.1449 (June 2011): 70.

    Tinel, Guy. “Controlling force.” The Strad 109, no.1300 (August 2009):814-816

    Wagstaff, Sandra。〈小提琴的簡史:從提琴匠的角度去探討小提琴的發展過程〉。趙
    國榮譯。《音樂月刊:唱片評鑑》。No. 109(八月號,1991):126-135。

    范額倫。〈巴洛克小提琴所經歷的變化〉。《音樂藝術》。No. 69(6月號,1997):

    ___。〈小提琴及其製作在16至18世紀初的發展〉。《音樂藝術》。No. 71(12月號,1997):56-63、72。

    ___。〈小提琴弓與弦的歷史演變〉。《音樂藝術》。No. 71(12月號,1997):66-71。

    參 學術論文




