研究生: |
林品中 Lin, Ping-Chung |
論文名稱: |
可能有一工——用音樂寫臺灣歷史 |
指導教授: |
Chang, Su-Bing |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
臺灣史研究所 Graduate Institute of Taiwan History |
論文出版年: | 2018 |
畢業學年度: | 106 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 53 |
中文關鍵詞: | 歷史 、音樂創作 、歷史敘事 、藝術 |
英文關鍵詞: | history, music creation, historical narrative, art |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.GTH.005.2018.A04 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:578 下載:19 |
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People had always been using their own methods to pass down and record history in different eras until the contemporary era with clear division between academic disciplines that not only divided history into the “academic” and the “public” imperceptibly, but also made written language the primary method of recording history. However, other media such as image and sound that are equally effective and possess historical and traditional narrative methods are seldom seen in academic sector. Nevertheless, media that introduce the public to history are relatively diverse comparing to academic’ unitary method of recording history. History discipline should dare to experience different media for a more open line of communication between them.
This kind of thinking supported me to carry out “historical music creation”. Following the long tradition of telling history by music with its ease of dissemination and emotion-bearing characteristics, I conducted artistic music creation with rigorous academic research methods of history in the hope to bridge its gap between the academic and the public. Doing so not only can promote history more effectively, but also provide another effective historical writing method apart from written language for future researchers.
The thesis has two main presentations. One of them was the historical music concert “Do You Hear the History Sing?” held in the National Taiwan Normal University’s auditorium this year (2018). The other one is the hard copy thesis “Perhaps One Day – Writing Taiwanese History with Music”. This paper discusses “historical music creation”, explains the reasons for a different path to history, as well as the author’s methods and content of music creation and psychological journey.
一、 音樂作品
1. 閃靈(ChthoniC),《永劫輪迴》,臺北市:水晶唱片,2002。
2. 閃靈(ChthoniC),《賽德克巴萊》,臺北市:五四三音樂站,2005。
3. 閃靈(ChthoniC),《十殿》,臺北市:禾廣娛樂,2009。
4. 閃靈(ChthoniC),《高砂軍》,臺北市:有料音樂有限公司,2011。
5. 閃靈(ChthoniC),《武德》,臺北市:禾廣娛樂,2013。
6. 黑名單工作室,《抓狂歌》,臺北市:滾石有聲出版社,1989。
7. Ensiferum, Victory Songs, Spinefarm Records, 2007.
8. Ensiferum, From Afar, Spinefarm Records, 2009.
9. Sabaton, Carolus Rex, Nuclear Blast, 2012.
10. Original Broadway cast of Hamilton, Hamilton, Atlantic, 2015.
1. 張睿銓,〈囡仔〉,《創世記》,臺北市:阿弟仔工作室,2009。
2. Iron Maiden, The Trooper, Piece of Mind, EMI, 1983.
3. Iron Maiden, Alexander the Great, Somewhere in Time, EMI, 1986.
4. David Lee Roth, Yankee Rose, Eat 'Em and Smile, Warner Bros., 1986.
5. The Stone Rose, Bye Bye Badman, The Stone Rose, Silvertone Records, 1989.
6. Billy Joel, We Didn't Start the Fire, Storm Front, Columbia, 1989.
7. Pink Floyd, A Great Day for Freedom, The Division Bell, Columbia, 1994.
二、 專書
1. 凱斯・詹京斯(Keith Jenkins)著,賈士蘅譯,《歷史的再思考》,臺北市:麥田,1996。
2. 海登・懷特(Hayden White)著,劉世安譯,《史元:十九世紀歐洲的歷史意象(上、下)》,臺北市:麥田,1999。
3. 王晴佳、古偉瀛,《後現代與歷史學》,臺北市:巨流,2000。
4. 莎拉・瑪札(Sarah Maza)著,陳健元譯,《想想歷史》,臺北市:時報文化,2018.4。
5. 張素玢,《未竟的殖民——日本在臺移民村》,新北市:衛城出版社,2017。
6. 樂信・瓦旦等,《桃園老照片故事.2, 泰雅先知:樂信・瓦旦故事集》,桃園市:桃園縣文化局,2005。
7. 葛超智(George H. Kerr)著,詹麗茹、柯翠園譯,《被出賣的臺灣(重譯校注)》,臺北市:臺灣教授協會,2016。
三、 期刊論文
1. 黃典權,〈蔡牽朱濆海盜之研究〉,《臺南文化》第6卷第1期,1958年,頁78-85。
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3. 勞文斯・史東(Lawrence Stone)著,古偉瀛譯,〈歷史敘述的復興:為一種新的老歷史的反省〉,收錄於李紀祥等編,《歷史:理論與批評》第2期,2001年5月,頁19-46。
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四、 學位論文
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3. 張凱惠,〈林爽文古戰場,今地圖——創作計畫〉,國立高雄師範大學跨領域藝術研究所碩士論文(2014)。
五、 網路資料
1. 翁佳音,〈可惜,糟蹋咱豐富的海賊故事〉(2017.9.3),「想想論壇」。網址:http://www.thinkingtaiwan.com/content/6464(2018.6.12查閱)。
2. 戴寶村,〈台灣的海洋性格〉,吳三連臺灣史料基金會網站「新臺灣史研習營
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