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研究生: 李明憲
Lee Ming-Shinn
論文名稱: 國小、國中學生體能活動、健康體能相關影響因素之調查研究--花蓮縣宜昌國民小學、宜昌國民中學二所學校為例-
The survey of correlated variables of the physical activity , health-related physical fitness in the primary school and the junior high school
指導教授: 呂昌明
Lu, Chang-Ming
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 健康促進與衛生教育學系
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
畢業學年度: 86
語文別: 中文
中文關鍵詞: 體能活動健康體能
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:325下載:0
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  • 本研究目的在於瞭解國小﹑國中學生之體能活動量﹑健康體能以及影響因素。經立意取樣選取花蓮縣宜昌國小四﹑五﹑六年級﹑宜昌國中一﹑二﹑三年級學生為研究對象﹐研究方法包括使用封閉式問卷收集體能活動量﹑及健康體能的影響因素以及三日記錄法記錄體能活動量﹐並測量學生之健康體能包括BMI﹑體脂肪率﹑1600(800)公尺跑走﹑仰臥起坐﹑坐式體前彎。共得有效樣本1221人﹐其中男生有626人﹑女生有595人。研究資料以次數分配﹑t檢定﹑單因子變異數分析﹑複迴歸﹑pearson積差相關﹑共變數分析等統計方法進行統計。本研究之重要結論如下:一、研究對象在假日有較多的絕對體能活動量﹐男生從事較多的中重度體能活動、且有較高的絕對體能活動量及絕對中重度體能活動量。二、男女生的絕對體能活動總量有隨著年級增加的傾向﹐國中學生顯著較國小學生為高。三、本研究對象男女生之體脂肪率﹐有隨著年齡漸趨肥胖的傾向﹐而柔軟度、心肺耐力亦多屬於不好的範圍﹐僅肌力、肌耐力屬於好的範圍﹐但亦有隨著年齡往普通範圍下降的傾向。四、角色楷模、是否曾參加運動社團、及同儕支持變項是國小學生相對體能活動量、相對中重度體能活動量的重要預測因素。五、性別、年齡、是否曾參加運動社團、是否為運動校隊、角色楷模、運動自我效能、同儕支持是國中生相對體能活動量、相對中重度體能活動量之重要預測因素。六、性別、種族、年齡是健康體能變項重要的預測因子﹐預測力由 5.5%至16.5%。七、相對體能活動量與健康體能是有相關存在的﹐特別是肌力、肌耐力﹐但相關不高。本研究之結果將提供提昇學生體能活動以及健康體能的參考。

    The purpose of this research is to understand the estimated energy expenditure,health-related physical fitness, and correlated variables of the students of theprimary school and the junior high school. The subjects chosen were the 4th, 5th,and 6th grade students of the I-chang Primary school and the 1st , 2nd , and 3rdgrade students of the I-chang Junior High School. Correlated variables of physicalactivity and health related physical fitness were measured by a closed-endedquestionnaire.The Bouchard three-day physical activity record was used to recordsubjects' energy expenditure. Besides, 1600(800)-meter run, sit-ups, BMI,sit-and-reach, and the percentage of body fat were the items used to measurestudents' health-related physical fitness. Among 1221 effective samples, therewere 626 males and 595 females. The statistical techniques, such as frequency,t-test, ONE-WAY ANOVA, multiple regression, ANCOVA, were used for data analysisfrom which the following conclusions were drawn. 1. The energy expenditure of thesubjects was higher on weekends than on weekdays. Males' mean energy expenditure ,mean frequency and absolute energy expenditure of MVPA (moderate to vigorousphysical activities) were significantly higher than females'. 2. There was a tendencyindicating that the average of the absolute energy expenditure was increased withthe grades. The students in the junior high school had significantly higher absoluteenergy expenditure than the students had in the primary school. 3.Both males andfemales, there was a tendency becoming fatter with the growing of their ages,the flexibility and the cardiovascular endurance were not good, the performance ofmuscular strength and muscular endurance were good but there was a tendency thatkeep going down . 4. Role modeling, whether students participated the sport club ,and thepeers' support were the important predicable factors of all relative energy expenditureand the relative energy expenditure of MVPA (moderate to vigorous physical activity)of the students in the primary school. 5.Sex, age , whether students participatedthe sport club ,whether students were the members of the school athletic team ,role modeling , self- efficacy for exercise and peers' support are the predicablefactors of all relative energy expenditure and the relative energy expenditure ofMVPA of the students in the junior high school. 6.Sex, race and age were the importantpredicable factors of each health- related physical fitness items which could explainthe variance from 5.5% to 16.5%. 7.The most correlated variables between the relativeenergy expenditure and health-related physical fitness were the muscular strength andmuscular endurance ,but the relationship was low. As a result, this study providesschools with information on how to increase students' physical activity and developtheir health-related physical fitness.
