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研究生: 林宜亭
Lin, Yi-Ting
論文名稱: RIDNet深度學習去噪模型的提升:基於網絡結構與損失函數的調整
Improvement of RIDNet deep learning denoising model:Adjustment based on network structure and loss function
指導教授: 樂美亨
Yueh, Mei-Heng
口試委員: 樂美亨
Yueh, Mei-Heng
Huang, Tsung-Ming
Kuo, Yueh-Cheng
口試日期: 2024/06/18
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 數學系
Department of Mathematics
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 48
中文關鍵詞: 影像去噪深度學習卷積神經網絡激活函數損失函數
英文關鍵詞: Image denoising, Deep learning, Convolutional Neural Network, Activation Function, Loss Function
研究方法: 實驗設計法比較研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400999
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:407下載:0
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  • 自1970年代後期以來,隨著計算機視覺領域和數字影像處理的不斷發展,影像去噪技術也獲得了改善和創新。從最初基於空間域與變換域的濾波器、字典學習和統計模型的方法,到現今基於人工智慧的機器學習技術,可以發現影像去噪的方法日益多樣和精密。儘管許多去噪模型已經取得了相當不錯的成果,但仍然存在一些缺陷,比如需要手動設定參數、優化效果不佳,或者僅適用於特定類型的雜訊等。

    Since the late 1970s, with the continuous development in digital image processing and computer vision, image denoising techniques have undergone significant improvements and innovations. From the initial methods based on spatial and transform domain filters, dictionary learning, and statistical models, to the present-day machine learning techniques based on artificial intelligence, the methods for image denoising have become increasingly diverse and sophisticated. Despite the considerable achievements of many denoising models, they still suffer from some drawbacks, such as the need for manual parameter tuning, poor optimization, or applicability limited to specific types of noise.
    With the enhanced learning capabilities of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and advancements in hardware technology, deep learning-based techniques have gradually become the primary methods for image denoising.Convolutional networks can handle large volumes of data and perform efficient training and learning. However, noise in real-world scenarios is often unknown, making blind denoising models particularly crucial in contemporary image processing. These models must possess robust adaptive capabilities to efficiently extract noise features from images and perform effective denoising without requiring prior knowledge about the noise. Consequently, in this paper, we focus on the RIDNet, which incorporates attention mechanisms and residual learning for blind denoising. We aim to modify its enhancement attention modules (EAM) layer architecture, activation functions (ACT), and loss functions, and compare it with other existing deep learning models such as DnCNN and CBDNet. These comparisons will help us understand the weaknesses and strengths of model and provide further guidance for improving image denoising techniques.

    1 Introduction 1 1.1 ResearchBackground 1 1.2 ResearchObjective 2 2 RelatedWorks 3 2.1 TypesofImageNoise 3 2.1.1 SaltandPepperNoise 3 2.1.2 GaussianNoise 3 2.1.3 PoissonNoise 4 2.1.4 SpeckleNoise 4 2.2 TraditionalandCNNsImageDenoisingMethods 4 2.2.1 TraditionalImageDenoisingMethods 4 2.2.2 CNNsImageDenoisingMethods 6 2.3 TheArchitectureofCNNs 10 2.4 ActivationFunctions(ACT) 15 2.4.1 ThePrimaryPurposeofActivationFunctions 15 2.5 AttentionMechanism 18 2.5.1 OperationofAttentionMechanism 18 2.5.2 ScoreFunctione 18 2.6 LossFunction 19 2.6.1 Mean-SquareError(MSE) 19 2.6.2 Mean-AbsoluteError(MAE) 20 2.6.3 HuberLoss 20 2.7 ImageQualityAssessment(IQA) 21 2.7.1 Mean-SquareError(MSE) 21 2.7.2 PeakSignaltoNoiseRatio(PSNR) 21 2.7.3 StructureSimilarityIndexMethod(SSIM) 21 3 ResearchMethods 23 3.1 Datasets 23 3.2 TheArchitectureoftheRIDNetModel 24 3.2.1 FeatureExtractionLayerMe() 24 3.2.2 FeatureLearningResidualLayerMfl() 25 3.2.3 ReconstructionLayerMr() 26 3.3 ModelTrainingandTesting 26 3.3.1 DatasetsusedforTrainingandTesting 27 3.3.2 TrainingDetails 27 4 ExperimentalResults 28 4.1 OriginalRIDNetModel 28 4.2 LossFunctionSelection 28 4.3 NumberofLayersintheEAMSelection 29 4.4 ACTSelection 31 4.5 ComparisonofPSNRandSSIMforDifferentRIDNetModel 33 4.6 VisualDenoisingonSIDD,RENOIR,PolyUDatasets 37 5 Conclusions 43 Reference 45

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