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研究生: 林素梅
Lin, Su-Mei
論文名稱: 天主教輔仁大學推動品德教育之研究
A case study of Fu Jen Catholic University on promoting character education
指導教授: 李琪明
Lee, Chi-Ming
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 公民教育與活動領導學系
Department of Civic Education and Leadership
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 220
中文關鍵詞: 輔仁大學高等教育品德教育
英文關鍵詞: Fu Jen Catholic University, higher education, character education
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:258下載:64
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  • 摘 要

    Based on the importance of character education in this new century, this study chose the case of Fu Jen Catholic University to learn how they promote character education through related curriculum design, hoping to present the research result of referable models and strategies for promoting character education to current higher education institutes in the country. The purposes of this study are: 1) to discuss the concept and related theoretical foundations of character education; 2) to understand the ideal of Fu Jen Catholic University’s promoting character education; 3) to discuss the model that Fu Jen Catholic University applies in promoting character education; 4) to analyze the strategies that Fu Jen Catholic University applies in promoting character education; 5) to conclude the research result and propose practical recommendations as references for other colleges and universities when they promote character education.
    This study concluded the followings: 1) the ideal of Fu Jen Catholic University’s promoting character education comes from the “Apostolic Constitution on Catholic Universities” and the value of whole-person education; 2) Fu Jen Catholic University promotes character education through three dimensions – formal curriculum, informal curriculum and hidden curriculum; 3) their promoting strategies include: (1) to actively convey those core values of truth, goodness, beauty and holiness to faculty members, students and staff; (2) to shape those core values through leadership; (3) to blend those core values into related formal curriculum of character education; (4) to set the basis of those core values in campus’s code of conduct; (5) to encourage open discussion and dialogue on ethic issues; (6) to assist students in practicing those core values; (7) to ensure that the campus is a caring and respectful community; (8) to commit to students of providing a whole-person education. The weakness include: (1)to enhance the assessment currently insufficient on the achievements of those core values; (2) to show pride on school’s accomplishments in promoting morality and citizen moral character. Finally, some research suggestions are proposed according to conclusions: 1) suggestions on Fu Jen Catholic University’s promoting character education; 2) suggestions on other colleges and universities in the country when they promote character education; suggestions on future studies.
    The application of this research result is mainly to improve and assess the continuous promotion of character education in Fu Jen Catholic University. In addition, this study also hopes to be able to provide valuable references for other colleges and universities in the country when they promote character education in the future and be well referred as to the direction and vision of developing excellent culture in university campus. Besides, during the research process, this study expects to arouse the public’s attention and feedback on character education so that more people will throw themselves into either academic or practical fields of study to enhance the development of character education.

    目 次 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機與目的 10 第三節 名詞釋義與研究限制 15 第四節 研究方法與步驟 17 第二章 文獻探討 23 第一節 品德教育之概念 23 第二節 品德教育之理論基礎 35 第三節 美國品德教育之發展與推動經驗 56 第四節 我國大學校園品德教育之推動概況 80 第三章 研究設計與實施 105 第一節 研究方法 105 第二節 資料的整理與分析 114 第三節 研究之信度與效度 117 第四節 研究倫理 119 第四章 研究結果與討論 121 第一節 輔大品德教育之推動理念 121 第二節 輔大品德教育之推動模式 131 第三節 輔大品德教育之推動策略 159 第五章 結論與建議 189 第一節 結論 189 第二節 建議 196 參考文獻 201 壹、中文部分 201 貳、英文部分 206 附錄 附錄一:訪談說明函 211 附錄二:研究說明書 212 附錄三:訪談同意書 213 附錄四:訪談大綱 214 附錄五:天主教輔仁大學推動品德教育之調查問卷 219 表 次 表2-1品德教育之定義 30 表2-2 Power之學校道德氣氛序階 49 表2-3政治大學「我做得到-蛻變起飛」計畫 84 表2-4靜宜大學「打造品格-開拓人生」計畫 86 表2-5海洋大學「品格決勝負-未來菁英人才的趨勢」計畫 87 表2-6東海大學「關懷服務教育」計畫 88 表2-7高雄醫學大學「通識教育卓越計畫-倫理教育」計畫 91 表2-8弘光科技大學「品格教育體驗式教學」計畫 92 表3-1訪談對象與時間一覽表 108 表4-1學生知覺授課教師在課堂上說明學校核心價值之統計表 160 表4-2學生知覺學校在新生入學時有說明學校核心價值之統計表 163 表4-3學生知覺學校藉由刊物或訊息來宣傳學校核心價值之統計表 166 表4-4學生感受校長公開支持學校核心價值之統計表 168 表4-5學生知覺學校校規、政策等與學校核心價值一致之統計表 169 表4-6學生感受全人教育課程有提供反思倫理議題機會之統計表 171 表4-7學生感受學校非常重視全人教育的學習與發展之統計表 172 表4-8學生知覺全人教育課程有結合學校核心價值之統計表 173 表4-9學生知覺學校制定的學生行為守則有結合核心價值之統計表 175 表4-10學生感受學校贊助校園活動促進倫理議題公共討論之統計表 178 表4-11學生感受學校重視倫理、人權及正義等核心價值之統計表 179 表4-12學生知覺學校鼓勵參與服務學習之統計表 181 表4-13學生感受學校是一個關懷和尊重的校園社群之統計表 185 表4-14學生感受學校支持學生的靈性發展和宗教生活方式之統計表 186 表4-15學生感受學校提供獎勵計畫來表揚師生的良好言行之統計表 188 圖 次 圖1-1研究流程 21

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