研究生: |
劉信廷 |
論文名稱: |
多接收器感應耦合電漿質譜儀(MC-ICPMS)之鉬同位素分析技術及貝加爾湖岩芯中鉬同位素之研究 Analytical techniques for molybdenum isotopes by using Multi-Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (MC-ICPMS) and its application to a sediment core from Lake Baikal |
指導教授: |
Yu, Ein-Fen 李德春 Lee, Der-Chuen |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
地球科學系 Department of Earth Sciences |
論文出版年: | 2013 |
畢業學年度: | 101 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 47 |
中文關鍵詞: | 雙示蹤劑解析法 、貝加爾湖岩芯 、上次冰期與間冰期湖泊的鉬同位素值變動 |
英文關鍵詞: | Double spike method, Lake Baikal, The changes in molybdenum isotope compositions over the glacial to interglacial |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:199 下載:2 |
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鉬元素的研究主要集中於海洋環境上,而湖泊中鉬元素的研究則相當缺乏,因此本研究使用貝加爾湖岩芯標本來進行探討。本論文係用序列萃取方式萃取沉積物中鐵錳氧化物所吸收之微量元素,並透過本研究工作所建立之層析方法純化並分離鉬元素。最後利用雙示蹤劑(由97Mo與94Mo配成)解析法(Double spike method)於多接收器感應耦合電漿質譜儀(MC-ICPMS)進行鉬同位素分析。
在貝加爾湖中,鉬同位素的變動是受控於何種機制影響,是本篇研究欲應用及探討之目標。由於利用鐵錳相萃取的方式可推算出水體可能代表的同位素訊號值,故貝加爾湖岩芯沉積物經鐵錳相萃取後,再經層析純化及雙示蹤劑同位素分析技術量測得到的鉬同位素值,即為貝加爾湖湖水水體鉬同位素值之回推。此淡水湖泊水體的鉬同位素值回推為98/95MoNIST3134= 1.02‰。此外,貝加爾湖岩芯的記錄顯示,以岩芯深度100公分(即年代12ka)為界,可反映該湖水體於上次冰期及間冰期以來前後兩不同階段的氣候變動趨勢。由多種證據推論,貝加爾湖湖水鉬同位素值的變動應是受冰期與間冰期氣候變遷下其是否受冰川覆蓋的影響導致不同程度的氧化結果所致為較可能的機制。
The studies of molybdenum (Mo) are mainly focusing on marine environment, and the application on lake record is rare. A three-meters long gravity core (GC-99; 52°05’23”N, 105°50’24”E; water depth 201m) from Lake Baikal is studied for Mo isotopes. This study is using Mo concentration and its isotope fractionation to examine the sources of material and the changes in conditions of Lake Baikal with climate changes.
To approach on extracting Mo isotope signal directly related to lake water, a sequential leaching technique to extract the Mo isotopes coating on the Fe-Mn oxides is established, and a robust chromatography technique to purify molybdenum isotopes is modified from previous study. Then, Mo isotope composition is measured by applying double spike method with Multi-Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (MC-ICPMS). According to the Mo concentration and its isotope composition, the results imply Lake Baikal stayed oxic condition over the last 24 ka. Moreover, the sediment core GC-99 from Lake Baikal imply two stages fluctuations of the lake environment separated at core depth of 100cm (around 12ka); and the shifting of 98/95Mo isotope composition shows that the lake during interglacial period was more oxic than the last glacial period due to absence of ice cover.
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