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研究生: 林瑛萍
論文名稱: CPU 設計與教學之FPGA 硬體平台製作—以MIPS 為例
FPGA Platform for CPU Design and Educational Training Using MIPS
指導教授: 張吉正
Chang, Chi-Jeng
Huang, Chi-Wu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 131
中文關鍵詞: FPGAVHDL中央處理器(CPU)設計MIPS
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:369下載:149
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  • 本研究用VHDL硬體描述語言,做精簡指令集MIPS CPU設計為主體,
    經模擬(Simulation)完成之CPU電路下載至FPGA(Field Programmable Gate
    VHDL為業界經常使用於電路設計之工具軟體,MIPS CPU亦是業界主

    This research used VHDL to design a MIPS-like CPU and the related I/O
    interface as well as device driver circuits. They were downloaded to a FPGA
    platform for various function verifications. Most textbooks about “computer
    architecture and design” are concerned with the instruction to the design
    concepts and design flows, no practical circuit design and implementation are
    involved, partially due to their large complicated circuitries. This research
    offers such practical design and circuit implementation to make the design
    concepts from textbooks become some realized products.
    VHDL is a popular hardware design tool used in industries. MIPS CPU is
    also a microcontroller extensively used for many applications in industries.
    Students use popular design tool to design a practical CPU in industries would
    truly decrease the technical gaps between schools and industries.
    The VHDL circuit design procedure, synthesis, and FPGA chip
    implementations were listed in the appendixes. The FPGA hardware circuit
    board design and I/O device interface were also described steps by steps. They
    might be offered as some references for teaching the course concerning
    “computer architecture and design”.

    謝誌....................................................................................................................I 中文摘要............................................................................................................ II ABSTRACT...................................................................................................... III 目錄...............................................................................................................IV 圖目錄...............................................................................................................VI 表目錄...............................................................................................................IX 第一章緒論....................................................................................................... 1 第一節研究背景與動機.............................................................................. 1 第二節研究目的與問題.............................................................................. 5 第三節研究方法與步驟.............................................................................. 7 第四節研究範圍與限制.............................................................................. 9 第五節名詞解釋........................................................................................ 10 第二章文獻探討............................................................................................. 13 第一節大專院校電機電子群專業能力分析探討.................................... 13 第二節HDL 硬體描述語言....................................................................... 14 第三節計算機組織與設計教學相關文獻................................................ 17 第三章MIPS CPU 規劃設計.......................................................................... 25 第一節MIPS CPU 相關知識..................................................................... 25 第二節MIPS CPU 模組規劃..................................................................... 30 第四章MIPS CPU 模組設計.......................................................................... 35 第一節資料路徑........................................................................................ 35 第二節控制單元........................................................................................ 40 第五章I/O 介面控制模組規劃與設計........................................................... 45 第一節輸入單元模組................................................................................ 45 第二節輸出單元模組................................................................................ 47 第六章實驗平台規劃及系統測試................................................................. 51 第一節實驗平台規劃................................................................................ 51 第二節系統測試........................................................................................ 52 第七章結論與建議......................................................................................... 57 第一節結論................................................................................................ 57 第二節建議................................................................................................ 57 參考文獻........................................................................................................... 59 附錄A MIPS CPU 指令集格式.................................................................... 63 附錄B MIPS CPU 設計及I/O 控制之教學與實作範例教材................... 65 附錄C FPGA 實驗平台實體圖.................................................................. 121

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