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研究生: 翁鈺涵
Weng, Yu-Han
論文名稱: 生活型態研究應用於燈飾設計創作
Lifestyle research used in lighting design creation
指導教授: 梁桂嘉
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 88
中文關鍵詞: 生活型態燈飾設計設計流程設計思考
英文關鍵詞: Life style, Lighting design, Design process, Design thinking
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:81下載:17
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  • 人類從過去農業社會到工業經濟轉變至今的科技時代,不斷吸收和轉化生活習慣、文化與社會型態的蛻變等,不同的生活型態需求改變了消費市場的供應,現今消費注重商品如何去傳達個人的文化思維或是生活價值觀,在行銷管理領域常調查與分析消費者的生活型態,反觀設計界使用行銷資料庫數據為應用則少之又少,造成前端消費者資料充足,卻無法與後端設計產業連結創造出最大的價值實屬可惜。本研究目的為探討如何應用消費者行銷資料庫中生活型態量化資料,探討如何運用相關設計方法導入設計師執行創意設計思考的程序中。研究過程首先收集生活型態及設計方法相關文獻資料進行內容歸納與分析後,透過E-ICP東方線上消費者資料庫彙整本研究設定之目標消費者生活樣貌,由人物誌建構出三名符合目標族群之虛擬角色,接續以情境故事法深入了解產品使用潛在需求,後端再加入產品意象法觀察其偏好外觀特徵,最後使用此設計流程進行設計創作。

    To transfer from the past agriculture society to industrial economies, all the way to the current technology era, mankind has been continually in the process of absorbing and changing living habit. With transformation on the culture and social patterns, the need for different life styles has thus changed the supply of the consumer market. The consumption of today place a lot of emphasis on how a merchandize can express the culture of how one thinks or one’s living value. In the area of marketing management, one would often take a survey and analyze life styles of consumers. Compared to the design industry, it is rare to see one applying the data bank of the marketing strategy to product design, which may result in sufficient data of consumer on the front end, yet unable to connect with design industry on the rear end, which is really pitiful when value is not perfectly maximized. The object of this research is to explore how to apply the quantized data of consumers’ life styles within the marketing data bank. Then, find the way out to apply related design method to leading a designer during the procedure of implementing creative thinking of the design. The process of research would first collect related literary data of the life styles and design methods, then proceed with inducing and analyzing the content. Through E-ICP (Eastern Integrated Consumer Profile), we sort through the objective set by this research on the life style of consumers, then construct three virtual characters based on the portrait that match the targeting group, followed by coming up with a storyline to further understand the potential need for the product, and to add in product image scale to observe its favorite exterior trait, finally to use this design process to proceed with design creation.
    The conclusions obtained by this research are as followed: (1) Applying E-ICP in the process of actual product design helps to model the portrait shape, and to affectively integrated storyline and product image scale on the design procedure; (2) Through the actual creation and verification of the design, we are able to propose a design procedure developed through product image that is feasible and worthy of considering; (3) To effectively transfer the quantized data into visual image based on the sequence of steps of the proposed design procedure, pictorial data can stimulate design thinking for the life style that is more precise and concentrated; (4) Through guiding the perspective of the life style into design thinking, we have a more clear view on the image and value of the consumer to understand the decision factor of the purchase. Thus we can propose a product design that can match the living value of the consumers due to the grasp on the trend of the consumer market. Furthermore, it has been discovered during the course of actual creation, when applying life style on the production of the design, it depends on how designers define quantized data and the personal recognition of the image that has been transferred from the definition, all these will influence the performance on the design creation that followed.

    謝誌……………………………………………………………………Ⅰ 中文摘要………………………………………………………………Ⅱ Abstracts………………………………………………………………Ⅳ 圖目錄…………………………………………………………………Ⅷ 表目錄…………………………………………………………………Ⅸ 第一章 緒論 1 一、 研究背景與動機 1 二、 研究目的 3 三、 研究目標 3 四、 研究範圍與限制 4 五、 研究方法與流程 5 第二章 文獻探討 7 一、 生活型態理論 7 (一)生活型態的定義 8 (二)生活型態的衡量方法與構面 10 (三)生活型態的研究架構 13 (四)生活型態的應用 13 二、 設計方法理論 15 (一)情境故事法 15 (二)人物誌 19 (三)產品意象法 22 第三章 創作方法與流程 26 一、 創作架構說明 26 二、 生活型態量表資料分析 28 三、 生活型態設計方法應用 29 四、 專家評斷 33 五、 小結 36 第四章 創作歷程 37 一、 創作方向 37 二、 人物誌描述 38 三、 情境故事版描述 42 四、 偏好產品意象圖 56 第五章 創作成果 61 一、 設計案(一)創作成果 63 二、 設計案(二)創作成果 66 三、 設計案(三)創作成果 69 第六章 結論與建議 72 一、 生活型態如何藉由設計方法轉化 72 二、 生活型態應用於產品設計思考 75 三、 後續研究與建議 76 參考文獻 77 附錄 82

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