簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 翁雯郁
Wen-Yu Weng
論文名稱: 線上音樂使用者之需求與行為研究
A Study of the Need and Behavior of Online Music User
指導教授: 陳昭珍
Chen, Chao-Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 圖書資訊學研究所
Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 129
中文關鍵詞: 線上音樂服務使用者線上音樂使用者研究
英文關鍵詞: online music service user, online music, user study
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:162下載:0
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  • 本研究旨在了解線上音樂服務使用者之需求與行為。本研究透過文獻分析,編製「線上音樂服務使用者之需求與行為」之調查問卷,研究對象為「曾經使用過」或「正在使用」線上音樂服務的使用者,利用網路問卷為管道,取得有效問卷數761份。研究結論如下:
    四、受試者每次的平均使用時間為1小時;主要的數位音樂收聽裝置為電腦、MP3 隨身聽;管理數位化歌曲檔案的方法主要是「移至其他檔案夾作備份」;線上音樂服務的主要使用項目為「聽歌」與「參與相關音樂活動」;受試者很少參與線上音樂社群討論;偶爾會與他人分享音樂心得;偶爾向他人推薦喜愛的歌手或歌曲。

    The purpose of this study was to explore the need and behavior of online music user. The survey questionnaire was designed based on literature review. The study population was the users who had used online music service before or who use online music service. Finally, 761 valid questionnaires were obtained by a web-based survey. The following conclusions were made:
    1. Subjects like to use legitimate and free online music service, and the main reason which they do not want to use the service was “the high price”. The most emphatic fact was “the speed and stability of connecting”, and the most unemphatic fact was “community discussion”. Contrasting between users and potential users, we found that users care more about “the quality of music”, “the quantity of music”, “the genre of music”, “the accessibility and stability of software ”, “the artistic interface of software”, “the speed and stability of connecting”, and “the way to pay”.
    2. The motivations of subjects to use online music service were music information, convenience, mentality, price, and legitimacy. They usually used online music service when they “use computers”, ”kill time”, ” make themselves happier”, or “read”. They usually used music services at home.
    3. The main information needs of subjects were “lyrics” and “the information, activities and reports of singers”. They want to have the right of “listening to music offline” and the right of “listening to music anywhere by transferring to mobile music devices”. Subjects valued the quality of music. The acceptable way to pay were “subscription and pay-per-download” and “subscription”. The main mediums or occasions which triggered music information searches were “mass mediums”, “internet”, “concerts” and “stores”. “The same generation” was the main target that trigged music information searches and the main target subjects want to consult. “The name of singers or groups”, “The name of songs” and “The name of albums” were tools for searching and browsing music.
    4. The average using time of subjects was one hour. The main digital music devices were computers and MP3 players. The main way to manage digital music files was “moving to another files for backup”. Subjects like to use the online music service such as “listening to music” and “joining music-related activities”. Subjects rarely took part in the discussion of online music community. Subjects occasionally shared their music feeling with others. Subjects occasionally commended their favorite singers or songs to their friends.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與背景 1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題 3 一、研究目的 3 二、研究問題 3 第三節 研究範圍與限制 5 一、研究語言的限制 5 二、研究對象的限制 5 三、研究時程的限制 5 四、研究範圍的限制 5 第四節 名詞解釋 6 一、線上音樂 6 二、線上音樂服務使用者 6 第二章 文獻分析 7 第一節 線上音樂服務現況 7 一、線上音樂服務整體趨勢 7 二、線上音樂服務類型與現況 9 三、線上音樂服務著作權議題 37 第二節 線上音樂服務使用者相關研究 53 一、付費考量因素 53 二、使用動機與情境 57 三、音樂資訊需求與尋求行為 59 四、使用行為 64 第三章 研究設計與實施 67 第一節 研究架構 67 第二節 研究工具 68 第三節 研究對象 73 第四節 研究調查與實施 73 第五節 資料分析 74 第四章 研究結果 77 第一節 問卷施測與資料處理 77 第二節 人口統計資料分析 77 第三節 線上音樂服務使用者之考量因素 80 第四節 線上音樂服務使用者之使用動機與使用情境 87 第五節 線上音樂服務使用者之音樂資訊需求與尋求行為 91 第六節 線上音樂服務使用者之音樂使用行為 102 第五章 結論與建議 109 第一節 結論 109 第二節 建議 115 參考文獻 117 附錄 123

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