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研究生: 陳修瑩
Hsiu-ying Joanna Chen
論文名稱: 商用英文教學網站使用情況之個案研究
A Study of Popularity and Utilization of a Business English Website in Taiwan
指導教授: 周中天
Chou, Chung-Tien
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2002
畢業學年度: 91
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 119
中文關鍵詞: 教學網站電腦輔助語言學習
英文關鍵詞: English teaching website, Computer-assisted language learning
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:183下載:44
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  • 「商用英文教學網站」(Business English Website) 為教育部教材資源中心(National Educational Resource Center) 學習網站之一。本論文研究臺灣英語教師及學生使用「商用英文網站」之經驗及實況,並探究未能利用該網站於教學與學習英語之相關因素以及該網站對於學生學習及教師教授商用英文之影響,文中並綜合使用者對於該網站之意見,對於「商用英文教學網站」之內容及設計提出建議及改善之道。
    作者實施問卷調查方式。教師部分,共發出170份問卷給110所全國商業職業學校及60所附有商業及外語學程之綜合高中英語教師;學生部分共發出402份問卷給國立彰化高級商業職業學校主修商業課程之學生。問卷主要探究之內容為教師及學生認知「商用英文教學網站」之百分比、未能知曉該網站之原因、使用網站之目的、意見、建議事項、利用網站學習及教學情形、未能利用之原因、商用英文網站幫助學生學習及教師教學之影響。問卷共分三份,第一、二份分別由教師及學生填寫,然後學生被隨機分成實驗組及控制組。實驗組於電腦教室由作者教導使用該網站並隔週實施與該網站內容有關之測驗,一學期共計三十七小時;控制組只於電腦教室予以口頭介紹該網站一小時。經過一學期後,兩組學生再予以實施第三份問卷探知「商用英文教學網站」對學生學習英語之影響及對該網站內容及設計之改善建議。三份問卷結果統計分析了有關「商用英文教學網站」之使用情況、優缺點,並提供改進「商用英文教學網站」的建議。主要發現如下:(1) 只有19%的教師運用網路於教學,主因為學校電腦設備不足。(2) 19.7%的英文教師瀏覽過「商用英文教學網站」。(3) 5.7%的學生曾上網學習英語。(4) 控制組的學生在介紹過「商用英文教學網站」後,只有8.8%的學生瀏覽過該網站,其餘91.2%的學生沒有,因忙於準備大學聯考。(5) 有89%的實驗組學生表示該網站有助於他們學習「商用英文」這個科目。(6) 大部分的學生對於網站的整體設計及內容感到滿意。(7) 「商用英文教學網站」的內容非常實用,與教科書上的內容相符。(8) 高達68.9%的教師及97.3%的學生不知道有「商用英文教學網站」的存在,因此,教育部及建置網站的學校應要大力推廣該網站,以提高其知名度及使用率。(9) 網站中的英文發音部分,應由外國人取代本國學生來錄製。(10) 「商用英文教學網站」中的內容應隨時更新,錯字要訂正,更要維持網路的穩定性。

    This thesis investigated the popularity and evaluated the utilization of the Business English Website in National Educational Resource Center built by the Ministry of Education of Taiwan. Three different questionnaire surveys were used among the subjects, which covered 110 English teachers from vocational schools of commerce, 60 from comprehensive high with commercial program, and 402 students of the third-year students from a vocational school of commerce. The teachers’ questionnaire and first students’ questionnaire mainly explored the subjects’ awareness and experience of surfing the Business English Website and conformed if the purpose of establishing the website corresponded to their need of practical use. The students were then divided into the experimental group and the control group; the former group was given 37 hours of making good use of the Business English Website in class while the latter given only one hour of oral introduction to the website. The experiment lasted for one semester and then the second students’ questionnaire was conducted to identify if the website helped them learn English and to collect their opinions about surfing the website. Tables illustrated the results and discussion of each of the three questionnaires. The appendices comprised a list of the questionnaires and the background information of the subjects. Key criticisms, results, and recommendations for the website in question included the following: (1) Only 19% of the teacher subjects had used the Internet for teaching mainly because of the shortage of computer equipment. (2) 19.7% of the English teachers had the experience of browsing the Business English Website. (3) 5.7% of the students had the experience of learning English online. (4) In the control group, only 8.8% of the subjects had visited the Business English Website after being introduced to it and the other 91.2% did not visit it because they were busy preparing for the college entrance examination. (5) 89% of the experimental group subjects thought that this website assisted them to learn the course “Business English.” (6) Almost all of the student subjects were quite satisfied with the overall design and contents of the Business English Website. (7) The contents of the Business English Website were very practical in use because they were in accordance with what is written in the textbooks. (8) 68.9% of the teacher subjects and 97.3% of the student subjects did not know the existence of the Business English Website. Therefore MOE should make more effort to promote the knowing and the use of the website. (9) The pronunciations of the vocabularies and phrases were supposed to be recorded by native speakers of English instead of local students. (10) The information on the Business English Website should always be updated, the spelling should be checked and the instability of the server should be improved.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE CHINESE ABSTRACT i ENGLISH ABSTRACT iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT v TABLE OF CONTENTS vi LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES xiv 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background and Motivation 1 1.2 Objective of the Study 2 1.3 Research Questions 3 1.4 Organization of the Study 4 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 6 2.1 Computer-assisted Language Learning 7 2.1.1 Barnett (1993) 7 2.1.2 Jones & Fortescue (1991) 8 2.1.3 Rakes (1996) & others 8 2.1.4 Peterson (1997) & others 9 2.2 Website Design Criteria 10 2.2.1 Milheim & Harvey (1998) 10 2.2.2 Pisik (1997) 11 2.2.3 Wilkinson, Bennett & Oliver (1997) 12 2.2.4 Shotsberger (1996) 14 2.2.5 El-Tigi & Branch (1997) 16 2.3 Researches about the National Educational Resource Center 16 2.3.1 Li (2001) 16 2.3.2 Lin (2001) 18 2.4 Theories of CALL and the Business English Website 19 2.5 Theories of Website Design Criteria and the Business English Website 20 2.6 Summary 22 3. INTRODUCTION TO THE NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL RESOURCE CENTER 23 3.1 National Educational Resource Center 23 3.2 Business English Website 25 3.2.1 Teaching Material Data Bank 28 Business English Letter 28 Business English Conversation 29 Business English Reference 30 3.2.2 Examination Data Bank 31 3.2.3 Current News 32 3.2.4 Software Source 33 3.2.5 Online Source 34 3.2.6 Discussion Forum 35 3.2.7 Data Upload 36 3.2.8 Teaching Material Search Engine 37 4. METHODOLOGY, DESIGN, AND PROCEDURE 38 4.1 Subjects 38 4.1.1 Teacher Subjects 38 4.1.2 Student Subjects 40 4.2 Instruments 41 4.2.1 Teachers’ Questionnaire 41 4.2.2 The First Students’ Questionnaire 42 4.2.3 The Second Students’ Questionnaire 42 4.3 Procedures 43 4.3.1 Step I: Teachers’ Questionnaire 44 4.3.2 Step II: Students’ First Questionnaire 45 4.3.3 Step III: Students’ Second Questionnaire 47 4.4 Data Analysis 48 4.5 Summary 48 5. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 50 5.1 Findings of Teachers’ Questionnaire Part II: the Habit of Using the Internet 50 5.1.1 Findings of Research Question 1 50 5.1.2 Findings of Research Question 2 55 5.2 Findings of Teachers’ Questionnaire Part III: the Experience of Browsing the Business English Website 56 5.2.1 Findings of Research Question 3 56 5.2.2 Findings of Research Question 4 57 5.2.3 Findings of Research Question 5 60 5.2.4 Findings of Research Question 6 61 5.3 Findings of Students’ First Questionnaire Part II: the Habit of Using the Internet 62 5.3.1 Findings of Research Question 7 62 5.3.2 Findings of Research Question 8 67 5.4 Findings of Students’ First Questionnaire Part III: the Experience of Browsing the Business English Website 67 5.4.1 Findings of Research Question 9 67 5.4.2 Findings of Research Question 10 67 5.4.3 Findings of Research Question 11 69 5.4.4 Findings of Research Question 12 69 5.5 Findings of Students’ Second Questionnaire Part II: the Control Group’s Experience of Browsing the Business English Website 71 5.5.1 Findings of Research Question 13 72 5.5.2 Findings of Research Question 14 72 5.5.3 Findings of Research Question 15 77 5.6 Findings of Students’ Second Questionnaire Part III: the Control Group’s General Evaluation of the Business English Website 78 5.6.1 Findings of Research Question 16 78 5.7 Findings of Students’ Second Questionnaire Part II: the Experimental Group’s Experience of Browsing the Business English Website 81 5.7.1 Findings of Research Question 17 81 5.7.2 Findings of Research Question 18 81 5.7.3 Findings of Research Question 19 88 5.8 Findings of Students’ Second Questionnaire Part III: the Experimental Group’s General Evaluation of the Business English Website 88 5.8.1 Findings of Research Question 20 88 6. CONCLUSION 92 6.1 Summary of the Study 92 6.2 Limitations of the Study 95 6.3 Suggestions for Further Study 96 REFERENCES 97 Appendix A: Teachers’ Questionnaire 103 Appendix B: Students’ First Questionnaire 107 Appendix C: Students’ Second Questionnaire 111 Appendix D: Background Information of the Subjects 115

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