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研究生: 黃鑫喻
Huang, Hsin-Yu
論文名稱: 探究一位高中英文教師如何透過議題式導向教學促進學生的深度學習
Exploring How a Senior High School English Teacher Enhances Students’Deep Learning Through Issue-Integrated Instruction
指導教授: 王宏均
Wang, Hung-Chun
口試委員: 簡靜雯
Chien, Chin-Wen
Lo, Mei-Lan
Wang, Hung-Chun
口試日期: 2024/01/19
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 142
中文關鍵詞: 議題融入式教學深度學習高中英文教師素養
英文關鍵詞: issue-integrated instruction, deep learning, senior high school English teacher, competency
研究方法: 個案研究法內容分析法半結構式訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400114
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:151下載:61
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  • 臺灣的十二年國民基本教育課綱強調全人教育,因此每一門科目和學校的課程設計都很重視核心素養;然而,如何培養學生的素養尚未明確規定。教師也需要付出許多心力來思索該如何將教學與世界接軌。

    The Curriculum Guidelines of the 12-Year Basic Education in Taiwan highlight holistic education. Core competencies are consequently emphasized in every subject and the design of school curricula. However, how to cultivate students’ competencies has not yet been given clear guidelines. How to address the tangle of connecting with the world in teaching is what teachers always have to put lots of effort into.
    Nowadays, more and more English teachers adopt issue-integrated instruction to augment students’ deep learning. The attributes of an issue include facilitating students to connect knowledge with the world, discovering diverse points of view, and analyzing values behind each alternative. Therefore, using issue-integrated instruction can coordinate students’ learning and avoid fragmentation of received knowledge.
    The present study adopted qualitative design and aimed to seek suitable instructional practices and evidence for providing future teachers with ways to integrate issues into their teaching and to further foster students’ deep learning and competency. Data collection methods involved observing two diversified elective courses taught by an experienced teacher and conducting interviews to explore her perceptions of deep learning and issue-integrated instruction. After collecting all the data, open coding with predetermined categories from the five dimensions of Instructional Support in the Classroom Assessment Scoring System—Secondary was used to analyze the received data.
    The results showed that the teacher’s instructions could be divided into three aspects and meanwhile corresponded to the definition of deep learning in the present study: (1) instructions that facilitated meaningful learning, (2) instructions that enhanced transfer learning, and (3) instructions that created the process of competency cultivation. In conclusion, this study considered that issue-integrated instruction helped students link to the world, create a more comprehensive context, nurture their competency, and lead to their deep learning.

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS i 摘要 ii ABSTRACT iii TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xi CHAPTER ONE 1 Background and Motivation 1 Rationale of the Study 8 Purpose of the Study 12 Significance of the Study 13 Definitions of Terms 15 Organization of the Study 16 CHAPTER TWO 17 Deep Learning in Education 17 Development of Deep Learning 17 Features and Significance of Deep Learning 23 Designing Deep Learning for Classes 26 New Pedagogies for Deep Learning (NPDL) 31 Issue-Integrated Instruction 33 Issue-Integrated Instruction in the 12-Year Curriculum Guidelines for Basic Education 33 Issue-Integrated Instruction With Deep Learning 37 Research on Issue-Integrated Instruction in English Curriculum 39 Chapter Summary 40 CHAPTER THREE 42 Research Design 42 Qualitative Design 42 Research Participant 44 Instruments 46 Classroom Observation 46 Semi-Structured Interview 47 Teaching Resources 51 Data Collection Procedure 52 Data Analysis Procedure 53 Analysis of Videotaped Classroom Observations 54 Instructional Support of Classroom Assessment Scoring System—Secondary 54 Data Analysis for Semi-Structured Interviews 57 Trustworthiness 58 Chapter Summary 59 CHAPTER FOUR 61 Instructions that Elicited Students’ Deep Learning 62 Integration of Science-Education-Related Issues in the Course (Grade 10) 62 Instructions that Facilitated Meaningful Learning 65 Leading Students to Find Facts and New Knowledge 65 Incorporating the Cultivation of Organizational and Analytical Skills 67 Designing Questions to Inspire Students’ Reflection 68 Strengthening Students’ Learning of English Vocabulary 70 Instructions that Enhanced Transfer Learning 70 Guiding Students to Come up with Solutions 71 Guiding Students to Reflect on Their Learning 73 Enhancing Students’ Planning Skills 74 Instructions that Created the Process of Competency Cultivation 75 Summary 79 Integration of SDGs Issues in the Course (Grade 11) 80 Instructions that Facilitated Meaningful Learning 83 Inspiring Students to Write an English Story 84 Designing Activities to Acknowledge SDGs Issues 85 Creating Tasks for Students to Collect Data and Research 88 Instructions that Enhanced Transfer Learning 89 Leading Students to Show Culture to the World 90 Guiding Students to Finish the Story Project 91 Designing Activities for Students’ Reflection and Making Declarations of Action 91 Instructions that Created the Process of Competency Cultivation 92 Summary 95 Differences and Similarities Between the Grade 10 & Grade 11 Courses 96 A Preliminary Framework of the Teacher’s Issue-Integrated Instruction in the Two Courses 100 The Teacher’s Perceptions 102 Curricular Design 102 Creating Authentic Contexts to Use English 103 Deep Learning in Two Courses 104 Chapter Summary 106 CHAPTER FIVE 108 Using Issue-Integrated Instructions to Elicit Students’ Deep Learning 108 Relationship Between Issue-Integrated Instruction and Deep Learning 111 Pedagogical Implications 113 Limitations of the Study 115 REFERENCES 117 APPENDICES 140 Appendix A 140 Appendix B 141

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