研究生: |
鄭筱瑩 Hsiao-Ying Cheng |
論文名稱: |
作答策略教學精進外語學習者克漏字測驗表現之成效:高職低成就學生個案研究 The Effects of Test-taking Strategy Instruction on EFL Learners' Performance on Cloze Tests - A Case Study of Low Achievers in a Vocational High School |
指導教授: |
Chang, Wu-Chang |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
英語學系 Department of English |
論文出版年: | 2008 |
畢業學年度: | 97 |
語文別: | 英文 |
論文頁數: | 121 |
中文關鍵詞: | 克漏字測驗 、作答策略教學 |
英文關鍵詞: | Cloze Test, Test-taking Strategy Instruction |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:349 下載:30 |
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本研究主旨在於探討克漏字作答策略教學對高職學生作答克漏字題型之表現及其策略使用上之成效。研究對象為七十一位高職二年級英文重補修班級學生,分為實驗組及控制組。本研究所使用之克漏字測驗是依照Bachman (1985)模式編製而成。在完成克漏字測驗前測及填寫作答策略使用調查問卷後,實驗組學生接受六堂作答策略訓練,教學內容以O’Malley and Chamot (1988)之理論架構為基礎,包含了局部策略(local/clause-level strategies)、轉承詞(transitional words/phrases)與指稱詞(cohesive ties)、全面理解策略(global/text-level strategies)以及測驗處理策略(test-management strategies)。教學方式採用明確指導、教師示範、引導式練習、個別練習、自我評量、小組回饋等活動來進行。控制組則施以傳統對低成就學生的教學方式,以字彙及文法學習為主。最後,兩組皆參加克漏字後測,而實驗組另填寫作答策略使用調查問卷,以及回答對本研究心得之相關問題。
(1) 在一個由低成就者組成的班級,作答策略教學有效增進學習者作答克漏字測驗之成績表現。
(2) 作答策略教學可提高學生對自我策略使用的覺察,同時也將學生的策略使用從局部理解策略提升至全面理解策略程度。
(3) 實驗組學生對作答策略教學抱持正向態度,表示此課程有助他們對克漏字所評量的知識更加清楚理解,也增進了他們的作答能力。
(4) 根據項目分析的結果,即使對一群低成就學習者,克漏字測驗可做為有良好鑑別度的綜合式語言能力測驗,其中以理解句子間關係的題目鑑別度略佳。
This study aims to investigate EFL learners’ use of test-taking strategies for cloze tests and the effects of test-taking strategy instruction on their cloze performance as well as the change in strategy use. Seventy-one students enrolled in two second-year remedial classes in a vocational high school participated in this study. The participants in the experimental group received a six-session program of test-taking strategy instruction, while the control group received the normal instruction for low achievers, which focused on vocabulary learning and grammar. The participants took the cloze pre-test and post-test and answered a retrospective questionnaire regarding their test-taking strategy use. The experimental group’s attitudes and responses toward the instruction were also explored through a post-treatment questionnaire.
The major findings of this study are summarized as follows:
(1) The test-taking strategy instruction was effective in enhancing Taiwanese vocational high school low-proficiency students’ performance on cloze tests.
(2) The test-taking strategy instruction helped the students raise their awareness of individual strategy use and upgrade their test-taking behavior from local-level to global-level strategy use.
(3) Students’ responses elicited from the questionnaire revealed positive attitudes toward the effectiveness of test-taking strategy instruction. They considered the instruction and application of test-taking strategies helpful to their test-taking processes and cloze test performance.
(4) The item analysis showed that all types of cloze items discriminated high-performing and low-performing groups moderately to adequately, with deletions of interclausal and intersentential clues showing slightly better discrimination.
Based on the findings, it is suggested that teachers integrate test-taking strategy instruction into the syllabus and embed strategy practice into routine language tasks. In addition, development of techniques for instructing students in the effective use of strategies and the ability to provide a motivational framework are essential for the success of instruction. Moreover, it is recommended that the cloze procedure be used as an integrative language test to measure overall language proficiency. Further research may include a larger number of participants and prolong the strategy instruction, so that the effects of retention and long-term changes in learners’ behavior and attitudes can be examined.
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