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研究生: 謝佳利
Chia-li Hsieh
論文名稱: 外語焦慮和溝通策略運用之關係 -- 以臺灣高中生為例
The relationhsip between anxiety and the use of communication strategies in L2 context
指導教授: 周中天
Chou, Chung-Tien
Chen, Chyi-Ruey
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 138
中文關鍵詞: 焦慮溝通策略外語學習外語習得外語教學外語焦慮口語溝通
英文關鍵詞: anxiety, communication strategy, foreign language learning, foreign language acquisition, foreign language teaching, foreign language anxiety, oral communication
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:179下載:0
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  • 本研究以臺灣高中生為對象,觀察其對抽象圖形的英語描述和焦慮程度的關係。研究的結果如下 ﹕
    1. 焦慮程度不同,對多重策略的使用不同。換言之,低焦慮者較願意使用多個溝通策略來描述一個抽象圖形。
    2. 不論焦慮程度高低,研究對象皆傾向於將抽象圖案當做一個完整個體來描述 (holistic strategy);高焦慮者和低焦
    本研究顯示外語焦慮和溝通策略的運用有某些程度的相關。在基本策略的選擇上,高焦慮者和低焦慮者並無不同,皆傾向從整體的觀點 (holistic)來描述圖形;但焦慮可能和外語學習者使用溝通策略的個數有關,低焦慮者有使用多重策略的傾向,而相對之下,高焦慮者使用策略的態度較為保守,偏向使用單一策略來完成一項溝通任務。

    Anxiety has for a long time been recognized as an important factor in foreign/second language learning. While many researchers have explored the effects of anxiety in terms of course scores, the relationship between anxiety and actual language use is less examined. To experienced foreign/second language teachers, anxiety can not be ignored with respect to its relationship with actual oral communication. The obvious symptoms include: tongue tied-ness, low class risktaking in adopting various language structures, trembling, etc. (cf. Horwitz, Horwitz, and Cope, 1986; Beatty et al., 1989). Though based on the inference, anxiety is suspected to be relevant to the use of communication strategies, little research in this respect has been conducted. It is difficult to deny the role of communication strategies in achieving the communicative goals, especially in interlanguage contexts (cf. Bialystok, 1990). How the L2 learner employs communication strategies deserves further inspection, which would contribute to a better understanding of language acquisition. However, in order to solve such pedagogical and linguistic problems, and to release those learners from anxiety, it is even more worthwhile to investigate into the relationship between the factors of anxiety and the use of communication strategies. Is anxiety related to the use of communication strategies? If yes, what is the relationship? To find out the answers to these questions is the objective of the present study. The findings indicate that anxiety is related to the use of communication strategies. That is, less anxious learners tend to use multi-strategies to complete a task. However, to some extent, foreign language learners are the same in adopting communication strategies, for both highly anxious and less anxious learners are inclined to adopt holistic strategies in describing the abstract shapes.

    Table of Contents Page List of Tables .......................................................................................................vi List of Figures .....................................................................................................vii List of Abbreviations ...........................................................................................viii 1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Research background and rationale ..................................................................1 1.2 The scope of the study ......................................................................................5 1.3 Research questions and hypothesis ................................................................. 8 1.4 The limitation of the study ...............................................................................11 1.5 Organization of the study .................................................................................12 2. Review of literature ............................................................................................13 2.1 Anxiety in foreign language using ...................................................................14 2.1.1 General views on anxiety .............................................................................15 2.1.2 State anxiety and trait anxiety .......................................................................15 2.1.3 Foreign language anxiety..............................................................................17 The construct of foreign language anxiety ..................................................19 Communication apprehension ................................................................20 Test anxiety .............................................................................................21 Fear of social negative evaluation ............................................................23 The causes of foreign language anxiety .......................................................23 The effects of foreign language anxiety .......................................................25 Facilitating and debilitating effects ...........................................................26 Language Class Risktaking and foreign language anxiety ........................27 2.1.4 The relationship between state anxiety and foreign language anxiety..............29 2.1.5 The measures of anxiety ................................................................................30 2.1.6 Summary .......................................................................................................32 2.2 Communication strategies ................................................................................33 2.2.1 Language proficiency and communication competence ................................33 2.2.2 Strategic competence .....................................................................................36 2.2.3 The definition of communication strategy .....................................................40 The preliminary study of communication strategies ....................................40 Two approaches in the study of communication strategies .........................44 The interactional perspectives ...................................................................46 The psychological perspectives .................................................................48 2.2.4 The taxonomy of communication strategies ..................................................54 The weakness of the Pros' taxonomies ........................................................54 The Cons' taxonomy of communication strategies ......................................57 The reduction strategy ..................................................................................61 2.2.5 The factors in the selection of communication strategies ...............................63 2.2.6 The preference and order in L1 and L2 referential strategies...........................68 2.2.7 Research methodology ...................................................................................74 2.2.8 Summary .......................................................................................................75 3. The method ...........................................................................................................77 3.1 The materials ......................................................................................................77 3.2 The coding principles .........................................................................................80 3.3 The subjects ........................................................................................................87 3.4 The procedure ......................................................................................................88 3.4.1 Arrangements for subjects and testers ..............................................................88 3.4.2 The test .............................................................................................................89 3.4.3 Data analysis .....................................................................................................91 4. Results ...................................................................................................................92 4.1 State anxiety and the selection of the subjects ......................................................92 4.2 Statistic analysis of communication strategies manipulated .................................93 4.2.1 Test of Hypothesis 1 ........................................................................................94 4.2.2 Test of Hypothesis 2 and 3 ..............................................................................95 4.3 Motives and reflections of the subjects ...............................................................101 5. Discussion and conclusion ...................................................................................104 5.1 Findings of the study ..........................................................................................104 5.2 Implication to foreign language teaching ............................................................110 5.3 Suggestions for future study ...............................................................................112 5.4 Conclusion ..........................................................................................................113 Bibliography ...............................................................................................................116 Appendix ....................................................................................................................122

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