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研究生: 陳俊傑
Chun-Chieh Chen
論文名稱: 建構於FPGA的網路影像顯示系統
An FPGA-based network image display system
指導教授: 吳榮根
Wu, Jung-Gen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊工程學系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 120
中文關鍵詞: DE2µClinux嵌入式系統網路影像顯示系統FPGA
英文關鍵詞: DE2, µClinux Embedded System, Network Image Display System, FPGA
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:217下載:13
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  • DE2開發板為全球百所大學所使用的多媒體開發平台,包含了許多多媒體裝置及週邊設備,提供了教學及研究開發上的需求。本研究是在DE2開發板上作開發,外接小型的液晶顯示器,透過開發板上所提供的各種裝置,自行開發出一套網路影像顯示系統。

    DE2 development board is the multimedia development platform which is using in more than 100 universities in the world. The board includes numerous multimedia devices and other peripherals, to provide requirements for teaching and research. This project was developed on a DE2 board, which connects a small liquid-crystal display (LCD) module. Using the variety of devices provided by the development board, we developed a network image display system.
    LCD module have been everywhere in modern life. Different displays may be used to meet different needs. This project integrated the hardware and software driver for the LCD display and the network function. We compiled a µClinux operating system for the target system. Finally, we download and execute all of the design on a DE2. Function of the system is to capture remote images through the network, and display them automatically on the attached LCD module.
    We believe that this research-driven process will be the basis of the development of the other drivers. Hardware and software integration will be an important example for designing other systems. By changing functions in the µClinux operating system, or using an extension of this project which adds more features, new applications can be easily developed.

    摘要..............................I ABSTRACT.........................II 誌謝..............................V 目錄..............................VIII 表目錄............................X 圖目錄............................XI 第一章 緒論.............................1 1.1 研究背景....................1 1.2 研究目的....................2 1.3 論文架構....................4 第二章 FPGA與SOPC發展平台介紹.............7 2.1 硬體平台探討................7 2.1.1 DE2開發板簡介.............8 2.1.2 FPGA晶片探討.............10 2.1.3 儲存裝置探討..............12 2.1.4 彩色LCM液晶顯示器簡介......14 2.2 軟體套件探討................15 2.2.1 QUARTUS II開發套件.......16 2.2.2 SOPC BUILDER............21 2.2.3 AVALON BUS探討..........25 2.2.4 NIOS II COMMAND SHELL...28 2.2.5 NIOS II IDE.............29 2.2.6 NIOS II PROCESSOR.......31 第三章 驅動IP設計與系統整合...............35 3.1 LCM IP設計流程.............36 3.1.1 LCM驅動原理..............37 3.1.2 IP製成..................59 3.2 DM9000A介紹...............68 3.3 硬體架構簡介................70 3.3.1 系統IP總覽...............71 3.3.2 系統調整設定..............74 第四章 µCLINUX系統編譯..................78 4.1 µCLINUX系統簡介............79 4.2 µC/OS-II & µCLINUX比較....80 4.3 移植µCLINUX流程............84 4.3.1 移植概要.................84 4.3.2 編譯環境準備..............86 第五章 FRAME BUFFER驅動設計.............95 5.1 FRAME BUFFER開發..........95 5.1.1 指令操作FRAME BUFFER.....97 5.1.2 FRAME BUFFER設計原理.....98 5.2 執行檔建立.................104 第六章 系統整合與成果展示................106 6.1 系統整合..................106 6.2 成果展示..................110 第七章 未來發展與結語...................114 7.1 未來發展..................114 7.2 結語.....................116 參考文獻.................................118

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