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研究生: 連中豪
論文名稱: 宜蘭清水溪流域河道變化及輸砂行為分析
River Channel Migration and Sediment Transportation Analysis-example from Chinshui River, Ilan Northern Taiwan
指導教授: 葉恩肇
Yeh, En-Chao
Chang, Kuo-Jen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地球科學系
Department of Earth Sciences
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 94
中文關鍵詞: 數值地型模型河道變遷宜蘭清水溪
英文關鍵詞: Digtial Terrain Model, River channel analysis, Ilan, Chinshui River
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:277下載:9
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  • 台灣位於菲律賓海板塊與歐亞大陸板塊的斜向聚合碰撞帶上,由於板塊的擠壓作用,導致地震頻繁,地形陡峭,河川因而坡陡流急,沖刷嚴重。同時,台灣位於西太平洋颱風路徑上,大部分颱風帶來的豪雨常引起嚴重的災情。近年全球氣候異常,許多研究指出台灣地區年降雨日數有減少趨勢,但降雨強度增強,豪大雨發生頻率與規模亦有加大現象。由於地質、地形、氣候與人為的影響,使得臺灣地區崩塌、地滑、土石流等災害一再發生,造成生命財產損失。
    近年來因遙測技術之快速發展,數值地形模型(Digital Terrain Model; DTM)之建立日趨完備。因此,本研究運用航空照片建置不同時期之高精度數值地形模型,利用ArcGIS對於民國82年至97年宜蘭清水溪流域進行長時間的河道分析。首先對於河道位置的改變及沖積平原的變化作觀察,主河道隨著時間向兩側移動與侵蝕,沖積平原隨著時間有加大的趨勢,並配合各時期高程差變化對清水溪河道歷程作解釋,整體河道以堆積行為為主,河道兩側有大量堆積行為,於82至91年及95至97年期間河道有明顯的變化,推測可能為雨量事件造成之影響。接著,於河道中有變化位置及堆積行為明顯的兩側繪製多條橫剖面,觀察整個河谷變化的情形,其結果顯示,山坡崩塌為兩側大量堆積的主因,且於橫剖面確實看到河道側向侵蝕的行為。而沿著河道繪製縱剖面,觀察從中游至下游河道的變化情形,95年於中游區發生堆積事件使河道改變,整體河道高程於82年後變高,堆積約0.7m於河道。然後對河道中及兩側量體作估算,觀察了侵蝕與堆積的行為與地層岩性構造是相關的,最後藉由野外調查佐證了數值地形模型觀察的結果,映證了DTM之精確性。

    Taiwan is located in the conjuncted belt of oblique convergence between the Philippine Sea plate and the Eurasian plates. Due to oblique collision between two plates, earthquakes take place frequently, and rugged topography has been developing. Also, steep slope causes river short and rapid and wash out strongly. At the same time, Taiwan is on the passage of typhoons come from western Pacific Ocean. Heavy rains brought by most of the typhoons often cause serious damage. Especially, in recent years, global climate changes dramatically. Many of studies further pointed out that not only the annual number of rainy days in Taiwan has decreased but also the rainfall intensity has increased and the frequency and magnitude of heavy rain has increased as well. Because conditions of geology, topography, climate and human impact, natural hazards, such as slump, landslide, and debris flow, in Taiwan occur repeatedly. It causes huge loss of life and property.
    Most of major rivers in Taiwan start in apline areas. Thus, topography in mountains has strong influences on sediment transport and catchment hydrology. Above medium elevations, because of frequent earthquake and typhoon, landslide is easy to be induced and thus sediments deposit in the river very often. In the past, the study of river channel migration usually cannot be completed due to inconvenient transportation and lack of detailed topographic data. At the same time for the analysis of river channel, a long term monitoring is needed to gather data, for example, the amount of sediment transport, rainfall and river flux. Assessment of sediment yield is estimated usually by the data of suspended loads, river flux, and velocity. But large particles, such as gravel, often transport by slating and translation. Thus, the bed load is difficult to estimate.
    In recent years, the rapid development of remote sensing technology establishes the digital terrain models into a better performance. This study uses aerial photographs to construct the high precision digital terrain models of different periods and analyzes the river migration of ChingShui River, Ilan from 1993 to 1997. The observations of river migration and flood plain change indicate that lateral erosion of ChingShui River and size of flood plain is increased. And Chingshui river course to explain the difference in elevation changes with each period, the overall river accumulation behavior, and the river on both sides of a large accumulation behavior. Significant changes in 82-91 years and 95-97 years during the river, presumably to cause the effect of rainfall events. The river, changes in location and accumulation behavior on both sides of drawing a number of cross-section to observe the situation of the entire valley change, the results show that both sides of the large accumulation of the main because of the hillside collapsed, and in cross-section do see the river lateral erosion behavior. Stream profile, midstream to downstream river changes, 1995, the accumulation of events occurred in the midstream area to the river to change the overall river elevation change after 82 years, the accumulation of about 0.7m in the river. River and on both sides of the amount of the estimates, Chingshui river sediment content compared to the the Lanyang statistics is consistent. Erosion and accumulation behavior and formation lithology constructed distribution is related by field survey, more evidence the results of a digital terrain model was observed, reflected, the accuracy of the DTM.

    摘要 I ABSTRACT II 致謝 IV 目錄 V 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 XI 一、緒論 1 1.1研究動機 1 1.2研究目的 2 1.3研究大綱 3 1.4文獻回顧 4 二、研究區域 6 2.1地理環境 6 2.1.1地理地形 6 2.1.2氣候環境 7 2.2地質背景 7 2.2.1地質岩性 8 2.2.2地質構造 9 第三章、研究方法 12 3.1航空攝影測量 12 3.1.1影像來源 12 3.1.2相機介紹 13 3.2數值地形模型建置流程 15 3.2.1像片選擇 17 3.2.2地面控制點的選取 18 3.2.3空中三角計算 19 3.3平差 22 3.4軟體介紹 23 四、數值地形模型展示 24 4.1航空像片年代 24 4.2數值地形模型建置成果 25 4.3航空像片正射成果 43 4.4高斯模糊-平滑曲面選定 47 4.5數值地形模型平差成果 49 4.6不同航帶平差方法分析 54 第五章、研究成果與討論 56 5.1河道分析流程 56 5.1.1主河道辨識與分析 56 5.1.2河道範圍變化分析 60 5.2高程變化分析 63 5.2.1 河道剖面 66 5.2.2野外調查 72 5.3河道量體計算 75 5.4地層對比 78 第六章 結論與建議 80 6.1結論 80 6.2建議 81 參考文獻 82 附錄一:各時期控制點資訊 84 附錄二:各時期影像外方位參數 88 附錄三:碩士學位考試口試委員提問與回覆對照表 92

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