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研究生: 吳珮萱
Wu, Pei-Shiuan
論文名稱: 中學生生涯興趣/性向整合組型與升學定位的一致性對生涯決定與生活適應之影響
The Impact of Middle School Students’ Congruence of Career Interest/Aptitude Profile and High School Orientation on Career Decisions-Making and Life Adaptation
指導教授: 宋曜廷
Sung, Yao-Ting
口試委員: 田秀蘭
Tien, Hsiu-Lan
Wu, Chih-Yi
Sung, Yao-Ting
口試日期: 2022/06/27
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 172
中文關鍵詞: 興趣性向整合組型升學定位一致性生涯決定生活適應
英文關鍵詞: aptitude-interest profiles, high school orientation, congruence, career decision-making, life adaptation
研究方法: 實驗設計法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201302
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:359下載:19
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  • 中學生的生涯輔導中,興趣性向整合組型影響了學生的升學定位,且整合組型與升學定位的一致性將對學生的生涯決定、生活適應情形造成影響。本研究分為研究一與研究二,研究一以臺灣中學生為主軸,聚焦在興趣性向整合組型與高中職16群科連結之分類,並結合每位學生的實際升學定位,探討現今臺灣中學生一致性之比例。研究一搜集了7289名國二、國三生的興趣性向測驗之分數與追蹤畢業後於高中職入學群科資料,利用貝氏分類器進行興趣性向組型之分類,形成整合組型並結合高中職16群科,將學生區分為交集型—寬廣型、交集型—一般型、無交集型—待探索型、無交集型—鴻溝A型、無交集型—鴻溝B型共五型,連結升學定位的群科探討一致性比例分佈。
    研究一結果主要有兩項,第一,整合組型與升學定位一致之學生占比大於不一致之學生,表示高中職學生所選擇升學群科,符合自身興趣性向整合組型類型的學生,多於不符合之學生。且在不同的整合組型中一致情形之結果,寬廣型、待探索型的一致性比例極高;而在一般型、鴻溝B型、鴻溝A型中不似寬廣、待探索型一致比例極高,且有一致比例小於不一致的情況。第二,研究發現整體樣本中,不同性別在一致、不一致比例上具有顯著差異(p < .001),特別是在鴻溝A型、鴻溝B型兩型中具有顯著差異(p < .001),在整合組型的推薦群科大多只符合興趣的學生中(鴻溝A型),男生比起女生會容易趨向符合興趣的升學決定;且在整合組型的推薦群科大多只符合性向的學生中(鴻溝B型),女生比起男生會容易趨向符合性向的升學決定。
    研究二從研究一隨機抽取700名學生進行追蹤,測量其在高中高職的生涯決定、生活適應情形。利用研究一之結果,將升學定位與整合組型結合為一致、不一致兩大類,並進行生涯決定、生活適應程度之分析,研究二結果主要有生涯決定、生活適應兩方面。在生涯決定中,可分為三點觀之。第一,整體學生中,整合組型與升學定位為一致之學生,在生涯決定總量表分數顯著高於不一致之學生(p < .05),而在結構與信心之分量表上,一致之學生表現顯著較佳(p < .001)。第二,在不同整合組型下為一致的學生中,一般型之總量表分數顯著於其他四型(p < .001),代表若整合組型大部分的群科落在高興趣、高性向,且又不似寬廣型有多達9—16個群科造成選擇猶疑,一般型的生涯決定情況會最佳;而在Tukey的事後檢定中,除了一般型表現最高之外,鴻溝A型(只符合興趣)學生在「生涯決定確定程度」、「結構與信心」分量表上表現為次之;鴻溝B型中(只符合性向),則在「雙趨衝突」、「外在障礙」分量表上表現為次之。第三,同一個組型下的一致、不一致的學生中,一般型、鴻溝B型兩型的總量表分數顯著高於不一致之學生(p < .001)。
    在生活適應的部分,也可分三點觀之。第一,整體學生中,整合組型與升學定位為一致之學生,在生活適應皆顯著高於不一致之學生(p < .001)。第二,在不同的整合組型下為一致的學生中,發現寬廣型、一般型以及鴻溝A型生活適應的感受上顯著高於待探索型與鴻溝B型(p < .001),表示興趣對學生的生活適應之影響較大。第三,在同一組型下一致、不一致之學生中,會發現一般型(p < .001)、鴻溝B型(p < .05)兩型,一致之學生的總量表分數顯著高於不一致。

    In the career Guidance and Counseling of middle school students, the integration of aptitude-interest profiles affects the students’ high school orientation. At the same time, congruence of the aptitude-interest profiles and high school orientation affects the students’ career decisions-making and life adjustment situations. The research was divided into Study 1 and Study 2. In Study 1 focused on the link between aptitude-interest profiles and high school vocational 16 subject clusters, and combined with each student’s actual high school orientation, to investigate the proportion of congruence between aptitude-interest profiles and orientation of high school students in Taiwan today. The study collected interest and aptitude test data from 7289 eighth grade and ninth grade students, and tracked the cluster data of high school vocational entrance after graduation. The group of subjects for further education is discussed in the congruence ratio.
    There are two main results of Study 1. First, 56.92% of students were congruent with the aptitude-interest profiles and their high school orientation; 43.07% of students were incongruent. The proportion of congruent students was larger than incongruent students, indicating that more high school students chose subject clusters of high school that fit aptitude-interest profiles than those who did not. Among the different aptitude-interest profiles type, the congruence ratios of the broad type and the explored type were extremely high at 89.59% and 99.51%. However, the proportion of congruence in general type is 27.68% much lower than the proportion of incongruence 72.32%; the proportion of congruence in discrepancy A type is 69.19%; the proportion of congruence in discrepancy B type is 51.97%. According to the above distribution of proportions, it is found that these three types do not resemble the broad and explored types with a very high proportion of congruence, and the proportion of congruence is smaller than that of incongruence. Second, there was statistically significant difference in the proportion of congruence and disagreement between genders in the overall sample (p < .001), especially in the discrepancy A and discrepancy B type (p < .001). Among the students who mostly fit the interests of the recommended subject clusters in the aptitude-interest profiles (discrepancy A type), the percentage of male students is 77.38% and the percentage of female students is 53.43%. This means that male students are easier than female to choose the subject clusters that matches their interests. In addition, among the students who mostly fit the aptitude of the recommended subject clusters in the aptitude-interest profiles (discrepancy B type), the percentage of male students is 48.19% and the percentage of female students is 55.99%. This means that female students are easier than male to choose the subject clusters that matches their aptitude.
    In Study 2, 700 students were randomly selected from Study 2 to measure their career decisions and life adaptation in high school. Using the results of Study 1, the scale scores of career decisions and life adaptation were analyzed by combining the school orientation and aptitude-interest profiles into two categories: Congruence and incongruence. The results of Study 2 were divided into two main parts: Career decisions and life adjustment. In the career decisions part, first, students who were congruence in the overall sample were significantly higher than those who were incongruence on the Career Decision Scale (p < .05), especially on the Structure and Confidence subscales (p < .001). Second, among students of different aptitude-interest profiles types and who were congruence, the total scale score of the General type was significantly higher than the other four types (p < .001), which means that the General type has the best career decision situation if most of the integration group subjects fall in the interest and aptitude profiles, unlike the Broad type which has as many as 9–16 subjects to choose from and causes indecision. In Tukey’s post hoc comparison, in addition to the highest performance of the general type, the students of discrepancy_A type (interest only) performed second in the subscales of “Career Decision Certainty” and “Structure and Confidence.” In discrepancy B type (aptitude only), the score of “Conflict” and “External Barriers” performed second. Third, among the congruence and incongruence students in the same aptitude interest profiles type, the congruence students in general type and discrepancy B type had significantly higher t than the incongruence students in total scale scores (p < .001), especially in discrepancy B type, a significant difference was found in the “Career Information” scores between congruence and incongruence students (p < .05).
    In the career decisions results can be divided into three parts. First, in overall sample the students who were congruence in their aptitude interest profiles and high school orientation were significantly more adjusted to life than those who were in congruence (p < .001). Second, among the students who were congruence under different aptitude interest profiles types, it was found that students in Broad, General, and discrepancy A type had significantly higher perceptions of life adjustment than those in exploratory and discrepancy B type (p < .001), indicating that interest has a greater influence on students’ life adjustment. Third, among the congruence and in congruence students in the same group, it was found that the total scale scores of congruence students were significantly higher than those of in congruence students in both general and discrepancy B type (p < .001, p < .05), and in discrepancy B type, congruence students were significantly higher than in congruence students in the subscales of academic adaptation and self adaptation (p < .001, p < .05).
    Summarizing the results of Study 1 and Study 2, this study provides reference for secondary school students in conducting career planning and suggestions for counseling work in career planning courses. In addition to providing information on the content and characteristics of each group of subjects and information on further education, the career planning curriculum should be adjusted to include the analysis and explanation of each integrated group type, and guide students to actively explore the future direction of each integrated group type in their academic or career development. In addition to providing information on the characteristics of subject clusters, the exploration curriculum should be adjusted to guide students’ interests and abilities by including analysis and explanation of each aptitude interest profiles type. In addition, this study found that the congruence between interest and orientation had a greater impact on students’ adjustment to life. Therefore, the schedule of interest and aptitude tests at the junior high school can be adjusted to allow students to take interest tests in their second year of high school to establish an understanding of their own interest profiles, so that students can have more time to expand their interest types before they face the choice of further education, thus leading to more appropriate career planning.

    謝詞 i 中文摘要 iii 英文摘要 v 目次 ix 表次 xi 圖次 xv 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的 8 第三節 名詞解釋 9 第二章 文獻探討 13 第一節 興趣與性向整合組型之研究 13 第二節 興趣、性向與升學定位之一致性 21 第三節 組型分群及分類之方式 30 第四節 生涯決定及其相關研究 45 第五節 生活適應及其相關研究 55 第三章 研究一 63 第一節 研究問題與假設 63 第二節 研究方法 65 第三節 研究程序與分析 73 第四節 研究結果 76 第五節 結果討論 90 第四章 研究二 95 第一節 研究問題與假設 95 第二節 研究方法 98 第三節 研究程序與分析 98 第四節 研究結果 99 第五節 結果討論 121 第五章 結論與建議 127 第一節 結論 127 第二節 實務建議 129 第三節 未來研究方向 131 參考文獻 133 中文部分 133 英文部分 148 附錄 169 附錄 1 研究一興趣性向分類—貝氏分類器R程式碼 169

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