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研究生: 黃文振
Huang, Wen-Chen
論文名稱: 創造性探究教學影響學生探究力、創造力及學習成效之研究─以臺北市立松山工農園藝科為例
Impact of Creative Inquiry Teaching on Inquiry, Creativity and Learning Outcome of Students ─Department of Horticulture, Songshan High School of Agriculture & Industry in Taipei
指導教授: 吳明雄
Wu, Ming-Hsiung
Lee, Ta-Wei
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 471
中文關鍵詞: 創造性探究教學探究力創造力學習成效
英文關鍵詞: creative inquiry teaching, inquiry, creativity, learning outcome
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:94下載:0
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  • 本研究係採用準實驗研究法,以臺北市立松山工業農業職業學校園藝科一年級學生及二年級綜合高中園藝學程201班為研究對象,進行8週的創造性探究教學,並在教學實驗前、後,對學生實施Torrance創造思考活動測驗、探究力量表測驗、園藝專業基本知能測驗,以瞭解學生在實施創造性探究教學後,對學生的創造力、探究力、學習成效產生的影響。

    This study applied the quasi experimental research technique to examine the first year students in Department of Horticulture and second-year comprehensive high school horticulture programs class 201, Songshan High School of Agriculture & Industry in Taipei with an eight-week program of creative inquiry teaching. The author conducted the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT), measurements on inquiry and test in basic competence in horticulture on the students before and after the teaching experiment. The purpose was to understand the impact of creative inquiry teaching on the creativity, inquiry and learning outcome of students.
    The first step of the research process was to conduct a review and analysis on the literature in Taiwan and overseas regarding the teaching of creative thinking, inquiry and creative inquiry. Finally, this study used the 5E learning cycle teaching as the structural foundation for the construction of the creative inquiry teaching suitable for a teaching experiment on the professional courses in horticulture in vocational high schools.
    The research findings suggest that the vocational high school students of the two experiment classes in horticulture exposed to creative inquiry teaching perform better than the control group according to the ANCOVA and one-way ANOVA results and such differences were statistically significant. The paired sample t-tests indicate that the post-test results of the two experiment classes were better than their pre-test results and the differences were statistically significant. The inquiry performances of the two experiment classes were better than that of the control group and such differences are statistically significant. However, the superior performance is limited to two competences, i.e. question definition and communication/dialectics. The differences between the experiment classes and the control group in competences such as design and planning, practical validations, analysis & interpretation, were not statistically significant.
    In terms of creative expressions, There was no significant variance between the experiment group and the control group in the graphic creativity. As far as the individual competence in graphic creativity was concerned, the experiment group performs better than the control group in elaboration of the creative thinking in graphs according to ex-post comparisons. The variance in performance was statistically significant. However, There were no significant differences between the performance of the experiment group and the control group in terms of originality and fluency as sub-competences of graphic creativity. According to an analysis and comparison of the test results on language creative thinking, the experiment group demonstrates better language creativity than the control group and the difference was statistically significant. Regarding the sub-competences of language creativity, the experiment group was superior to the control group in originality, fluency and flexibility, and the difference was statistically significant.
    According to the feedback statistics on unit learning and the overall results of the survey, over 80% of the experiment group students were satisfied with the learning(Each unit of learning satisfaction above average at 3.97), citing that creative inquiry teaching was helpful to their learning. The interviews with students show that the students find creative inquiry teaching interesting and they have gradually changed their model of learning. The interviews with teachers indicate that creative inquiry teaching, although time-consuming and labour-intensive, indeed boosts the learning interest among students by inspiring thinking and encouraging participation and cooperation. The investigator triangulation of the feedback from students, interviews with students and teachers and statistics on learning satisfaction yields consistent results. That said, the limitations regarding teaching progress and the requirements for technical competences do not allow the luxury of time for students to immerse in creating thinking and inquiry. It is also worth noting that teachers have to be familiar with the techniques and strategies of creative inquiry teaching in order to achieve effective improvement in the creativity and inquiry of students.
    Finally, this study presents conclusions, discussions, reflections and suggestions based on the researching results and findings. In general, creative inquiry teaching does not achieve statistically different performance for the vocational high school students in horticulture regarding graphic creativity. However, it does contribute to statistically different performance in language creativity. In terms of inquiry and learning achievements, creative inquiry teaching does make a statistically significant difference and assistance.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 8 第三節 研究問題與假設 9 第四節 重要名詞定義 11 第五節 研究範圍與限制 13 第二章 文獻探討 15 第一節 探究教學的意義、內涵與實施問題探討 15 第二節 創造思考教學的意涵、原則與策略探討 35 第三節 探究教學理論基礎探討 43 第四節 探究式教學的類型與模式探討 56 第五節 創造思考教學模式 69 第六節 創造性探究教學架構建構 77 第七節 探究式教學相關實徵研究探討 101 第三章 研究設計與實施 115 第一節 研究設計理念 115 第二節 研究對象 116 第三節 研究方法 120 第四節 研究架構 124 第五節 研究工具 127 第六節 研究步驟與流程 139 第七節 資料處理與分析 148 第四章 研究結果與討論 153 第一節 修正創造性探究教學架構以符教學 153 第二節 不同教學法對學生專業基本知能學習成效之影響 155 第三節 不同教學法對學生探究力表現之影響 159 第四節 不同教學法對學生圖形創造力表現之影響 173 第五節 不同教學法對學生語文創造力表現之影響 186 第六節 實驗組學習滿意度問卷調查結果量化統計分析 198 第七節 實驗教學重要歷程分析 216 第八節 研究假設考驗結果 236 第五章 結論與建議 247 第一節 結論 247 第二節 檢討與反思 256 第三節 建議 261 參考文獻 271

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