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研究生: 郭彩虹
論文名稱: 幼兒園教師對幼兒行為問題歸因歷程模式建構暨驗證之研究
The construction and the confirmation of teachers’ attributional process models for the young children’s problem behavior in the kindergarten.
指導教授: 毛國楠
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 174
中文關鍵詞: 教師歸因歷程行為問題結構方程模式教師效能信念
英文關鍵詞: teachers’ attributional process, problem behavior, structure equation model, teachers’ efficacy belief
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:550下載:63
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  • 依據動機的人際歸因理論,本研究提出教師對幼兒行為問題之歸因歷程模式,研究目的為(1)建構幼兒教師對幼兒行為問題的歸因歷程模式,運用結構方程式進行檢驗,以實徵資料驗證模式適配度;(2)分析教學年資在教師歸因歷程模式的調節效果;(3)檢驗教師效能信念在教師歸因歷程模式的調節效果與中介效果;(4)採用質性研究方法,探討教師面對幼兒行為問題時的歸因歷程現象;(5)依據研究結果提出建議,以作為幼兒園教學、輔導與未來研究之參考。

    The study based on interpersonal attribution theory of motivation, attempted to construct the teachers’ attributional process model for the young children’s problem behavior in the preschool, the purposes of the study were: (1)to construct the teachers’ attributional process model for the young children’s problem behavior in the preschool and to verify the goodness of fit between empirically observed data and the model with the theory structure equation model(SEM); (2)to analysis of the moderating effect of teaching years in the teachers’ attributional process model; (3)to analyze moderating effects of the latent variables in the teachers’ attributional process model due to teachers' efficacy beliefs; and to test teachers' efficacy beliefs in the teachers’ attributional process model with the mediating effect; (4) using qualitative research methods to explore the phenomenon of the teachers’ attributional process for the young children’s problem behavior; (5)to make recommendations based on the findings, as teaching, counseling and future research reference.
    This study adopted the questionnaire survey, observation and interview methods to collect quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative study subjects were 684 teachers in the preschool. The instrument was "teachers deal with childrens’ problem behavior in the preschool questionnaire". The obtained quantitative data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, structural equation modeling (SEM), and multi-sample SEM analysis. About the qualitative study, researcher observed in four classroom settings of a preschool in Miaoli County. The participants of the interview were four preschool teachers. The qualitative data coding used the MAXQDA software.
    The conclusions of the study were summarized as following.
    (a)In this study, the teachers’ attributional process modify model, contains controllability, children reasons, responsibility judgments, anger, and negative coping strategies variables, can be used to well explain the empirically data.Between the relations of each latent variable, there were some results: (1) Controllability, children reasons had significant positive direct effects on responsibility judgments variables; (2) responsibility judgments variable significant had significant positive direct effects on teachers angry emotions and negative coping strategies variables. (3) teachers angry emotions had significant positive direct effects on negative coping strategies variables.
    (b)There wasn’t moderating effect for teaching years of teachers to teachers’ attributional process model.
    (c)There wasn’t moderating effect for teachers’ efficacy beliefs to teachers’ attributional process model.
    (d)The effects of responsibility judgments and children reasons are mediated by teachers’ efficacy beliefs variable.
    (e)Through qualitative research, the researchers found that the phenomenon of children problem behavior existence of teachers’ attribution, emotional response, the responsibility judgments, future expectations, and coping strategies.

    致謝辭 i 中文摘要 ii Abstract iii 目 次 v 表目次 vi 圖目次 vii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 7 第三節 名詞釋義 8 第二章 文獻探討 11 第一節 學前兒童的行為問題之探討 11 第二節 教師歸因之理論基礎 27 第三節 教師對行為問題歸因的相關研究 44 第四節 教師對行為問題歸因歷程模式之建構 47 第五節 影響教師對行為問題歸因歷程的因素 55 第三章 研究方法 63 第一節 研究架構 63 第二節 先行性研究方法及結果 66 第三節 量化研究的方法與對象 70 第四節 質性研究方法與對象 87 第五節 研究流程 96 第四章 研究結果與討論 99 第一節 基本統計分析結果 99 第二節 教師歸因歷程模式之驗證 102 第三節 教師歸因歷程模式之修正 113 第四節 教學年資對教師歸因歷程模式的調節效果 125 第五節 教師效能信念對教師歸因歷程模式的調節與中介效果 127 第六節 質性研究結果與討論 133 第七節 綜合討論 145 第五章 結論與建議 151 第一節 結論 151 第二節 建議 153 參考文獻 157 附錄一 教師處理幼兒在校行為問題問卷之項目分析 166 附錄二 幼兒園教師處理幼兒在校行為問題之正式問卷 169 附錄三 專家效度團隊 173 附錄四 行為問題事件取樣記錄表 174

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