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研究生: 李慶宗
論文名稱: 國民中學教師甄選制度之研究
指導教授: 方炎明
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2002
畢業學年度: 89
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 131
中文關鍵詞: 國中教師甄選教師甄選甄選介聘
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:112下載:30
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  • 摘 要 本研究旨在探討國民中學教師甄選制度問題,嘗試發展出四種甄選制度,包括校長同意聘任制、統一甄試介聘制、學校自辦甄選制及委任辦理甄選制等四種方案,並建構出教師甄選制度的評估準則,以做為評析比較四種方案之依據。 綜合國民中學校長、教務主任、學校行政人員、教師實習教師或代課教師、教育學者專家及教育行政人員等類群體所填的問卷,對國中教師甄選制度不同方案評估準則之優劣得失等問題之意見,並獲致以下結論:一、國中教師甄選制度應考慮背景、輸入、過程及產出方面之適切性,評估準則包括要能符應教育思潮與現實環境、能吸引人才參與競爭、甄選人員具有專業知識、甄選內容能反映學校及社區特殊需要、甄選人員具有代表性、使用有效的甄選方法、甄選過程客觀公平公開、甄選流程簡便可行有效率、能獲致學校最適當人選及能增進教師專業素養。二、不同的關注點上各有其不同適當方案,不同的教師甄選制度各有其優劣得失。三、不同受訪者對各方案各有偏好。就整體而言,調查結果顯示,偏好統一甄試介聘制及委任辦理甄選制,而目前施行之學校自辦甄選制,顯然並未得到最多受訪者之支持,至於校長同意聘任制則評價甚低,不適合用於教師甄選。四、統一甄試介聘制與學校自辦甄選制,在十項評估準則上,雖各有所長,但其間之優劣得失差異性甚大,顯示這兩種制度有較大之爭議性,而委任辦理甄選制,在十項評估準則中,均顯示不錯的評價,爭議亦少,應是最被接受之教師甄選制度。依據研究發現,本研究對於教育行政機關、國民中學、師資培育機構以及未來的相關研究,分別提出若干建議事項。關鍵字:國中教師甄選、教師甄選、甄選、介聘 Abstract This study tries to investigate the issues about the system of teacher selection of public junior high schools in Taiwan. Four programs are developed as the alternatives for system of teacher selection, they are principal-agreed employment program, united-assessment assignment program, school-based teacher selection program, delegated selection program. And ten criteria for assess the strength and weakness about the system of teacher selection are offered. In order to inquiry the opinion of some groups about these issues states above, a questionnaires is developed to gather data from principals, deans, teachers, student teacher, substitute teacher, educational administration professors, and educational administration officials. The findings of this study includes: 1. The system of teacher selection must consider if it is appropriate on the dimensions of context, input, process, and product. The criteria for evaluation include: it must fit the real education situation and the trend of thought of; it must attract people to serve as the teacher; it must invite the evaluator who has expertise about teacher selection; it must meet the different needs between schools and communities; it must invite the evaluator who represent every stakeholder; it must gather effective information and apply discriminating method to analysis these information; its selection process must be objective, fair and open; its selection process must be simple, feasible and differentiate; it must select and promote appropriate candidate; it must promote teachers to achieve more merits and contribution. 2. The weightiness of each criteria is different . Each program has some strength and weakness. 3. The appraisals for four programs on the criteria and the favorite program are different among every groups. The united-assessment assignment program and the delegated selection program are both the most favorite program for the entire participators, and the school-based teacher selection program which is the most popular in schools is not satisfied by the participators, the principal-agreed employment program is the unaccepted one in teacher selection system. 4. There are great differentiate between the united-assessment assignment program and the school-based teacher selection program. Although they both have some strength, but they are not available. The delegated selection program is the most available one in teacher selection system, because it has some strength and less weakness assessed by ten criteria. According to the findings of this study, some suggestions are offered for the office of educational administration, the junior high school, the teacher training institution and the researches about teacher selection in future. Keyword: junior high school teacher selection,teacher selection assessment,assessment,teacher selection assignment.

    This study tries to investigate the issues about the system of teacher
    selection of public junior high schools in Taiwan. Four programs are developed
    as the alternatives for system of teacher selection, they are principal-agreed
    employment program, united-assessment assignment program, school-based teacher
    selection program, delegated selection program.
    And ten criteria for assess the strength and weakness about the system of
    teacher selection are offered.
    In order to inquiry the opinion of some groups about these issues states
    above, a questionnaires is developed to gather data from principals, deans,
    teachers, student teacher, substitute teacher, educational administration
    professors, and educational administration officials. The findings of this
    study includes:
    1. The system of teacher selection must consider if it is appropriate on the
    dimensions of context, input, process, and product. The criteria for
    evaluation include: it must fit the real education situation and the trend of
    thought of; it must attract people to serve as the teacher; it must invite the
    evaluator who has expertise about teacher selection; it must meet the
    different needs between schools and communities; it must invite the evaluator
    who represent every stakeholder; it must gather effective information and
    apply discriminating method to analysis these information; its selection
    process must be objective, fair and open; its selection process must be
    simple, feasible and differentiate; it must select and promote appropriate
    candidate; it must promote teachers to achieve more merits and contribution.
    2. The weightiness of each criteria is different .
    Each program has some strength and weakness.
    3. The appraisals for four programs on the criteria and the favorite program
    are different among every groups. The united-assessment assignment program and
    the delegated selection program are both the most favorite program for the
    entire participators, and the school-based teacher selection program which is
    the most popular in schools is not satisfied by the participators, the
    principal-agreed employment program is the unaccepted one in teacher selection
    4. There are great differentiate between the united-assessment assignment
    program and the school-based teacher selection program. Although they both
    have some strength, but they are not available. The delegated selection
    program is the most available one in teacher selection system, because it has
    some strength and less weakness assessed by ten criteria.
    According to the findings of this study, some suggestions are offered for the
    office of educational administration, the junior high school, the teacher
    training institution and the researches about teacher selection in future.
    Keyword: junior high school teacher selection,teacher selection assessment
    ,assessment,teacher selection assignment.

    第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的 3 第三節 名詞界定 4 第四節 研究方法 5 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 甄選概念分析 6 第二節 主要國家國中教師甄選制度 9 第三節 國中教師甄選制度的方案與準則 55 第四節 國中教師甄選制度優劣初評 64 第三章 調查設計與實施 第一節 研究對象 69 第二節 研究工具 71 第三節 調查實施 72 第四節 資料處理 74 第四章  結果分析與討論 第一節 評估準則之優劣評估 75 第二節 方案評選 101 第三節 討論 104 第五章  結論與建議 第一節 結論 111 第二節 建議 115


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