研究生: |
劉翠伶 |
論文名稱: |
職前教師的浮力概念及科學教學態度之探討 |
指導教授: | 李田英 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
科學教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Science Education |
論文出版年: | 2003 |
畢業學年度: | 91 |
語文別: | 中文 |
中文關鍵詞: | 浮力 、教學態度 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:284 下載:17 |
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本研究探討職前教師的浮力概念及其科學教學態度。研究對象為293位來自三所國立大學正在修習中等教育學程,且將來預備教授「自然與生活科技」領域的職前教師。研究工具包括浮力試卷及科學教學態度問卷,其中科學教學態度問卷為修改Thompson和Shrigley(1986)所發表之態度量表。二份工具均經過專家審查及四次預試,浮力試卷重測信度為 .74,科學教學態度之信度(α)為 .87。所得資料以SPSS10.1套裝軟體求頻率分佈、相關分析及t考驗。研究結果顯示職前教師有和中學生相同的浮力迷思概念:1)只以物體體積來判斷浮力;2)單以物體質量來判斷浮力;3)以物體本身特性來判斷浮力;4)只以液體密度來判斷浮力;5)用分子力或物體與液體的密度差來解釋浮力。認證理化科的職前教師比非理化科職前教師在浮力試卷的表現好且達顯著差異(p < .04)。多數職前教師有正向的科學教學態度,但約有20%~30%的職前教師對科學教學會感到不自在,且擔心學生提出自己不會的問題,也有近40%的職前教師害怕實驗時產生非預期的結果。理化科職前教師比非理化科職前教師的科學教學態度較負向且成顯著差異(p < .04)。浮力試卷的得分和科學教學態度之間未達顯著相關。
The purpose of the study is to explore preservice teachers’ concept of buoyancy and attitude toward science teaching from three national university who take secondary teacher education program will teach “Science and Life-Technology” in the future. Researching instruments are buoyany test and Chinese version of Thomson and Shrigley’s revised science attitude scale. Both were used as instruments. The test-retest reliability of buoyancy test is .74. The reliability(α) of science attitude scale is .87. Frequencies, correlation and t-test were analized through SPSS10.1 package. The results indicated that preservice teachers and students had conformable misconceptions as the following: 1) only thought of objects volume when judging the buoyancy; 2)only thought of objects mass when judging the buoyancy; 3)the property of objects could judge buoyancy; 4)only thought of liquid density when judging the buoyancy; 5)neologize “molecular force” or “the difference density between object and liquid”. There was a significant difference (p < .04) in the buoyancy test between physical and non-physical science preservice teachers. Most preservice teachers have positive attitude toward science teaching, but 20%~30% of preservice teachers will feel uncomfortable teaching science and afraid that students will ask question that they can’t answer. 40% of preservice teachers will fear science experiments won’t turn out as expected. There was a significant difference (p < .04) in attitude toward science teaching between physical and non-physical science preservice teachers. There was no significant difference in buoyance test and attitude toward science teaching.
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