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研究生: 關宏宜
論文名稱: 中年男性心肺適能與健康相關的生活品質之研究
指導教授: 方進隆
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2000
畢業學年度: 88
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 87
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:235下載:4
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  • 本研究目的在探討中年男性不同年齡層(一)心肺適能之差異;(二)健康相關的生活品質之差異;(三)心肺適能與健康相關的生活品質間之相關。本研究對象為年齡介於35-64歲之中年男性,以一英里(1609公尺)走路測驗評估心肺適能,採用SF-36 量表評估健康相關的生活品質。
    本研究亦發現中年男性健康相關的生活品質八個構面概念總分大致隨著年齡增加而有減少趨勢。而中年男性之心肺適能與健康相關的生活品質間有正相關存在(r介於.23至.47之間),其中有七個構面達顯著水準(p< .05)。心肺適能較佳者有較佳健康相關的生活品質,因此心肺適能的增進有助於中年男性健康相關的生活品質之提升。


    The purpose of the present study was to investigate the difference of cardiovascular fitness and health-related quality of life among the different age categories of middle-aged males. Furthermore, on the basis of different age categories, the correlations between cardiovascular fitness and health-related quality of life were also examined. The subjects of the study were middle-aged males ranging from 35-64 years old. Cardiovascular fitness was measured by Rockport fitness walking test while health-related quality of life was evaluated by SF-36.
    Valid data were gained from 95 male subjects in the study (average age= 48.71±7.30). Statistical analyses were done using one-way ANOVA and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. The findings indicated that as age increased, middle-aged males’ maximal oxygen uptake decreased and their suffering a higher average rate of decrease in maximal oxygen uptake was more obvious.
    The present study also discovered that middle-aged males’ scores on the eight dimensions of the SF-36 decreased with increasing age. Positive correlations existed between middle-aged male adults’ cardiovascular fitness (l/min) and health-related quality of life (r= .23- .47). Among the eight correlations, seven were significant (p< .05). Therefore, the following conclusion was reached: the better cardiovascular fitness one possessed, the higher quality of life one enjoyed. More specifically, advancement of cardiovascular fitness contributed to higher quality of life of middle-aged males.

    Key words: middle-aged males, cardiovascular fitness, Rockport fitness walking
    test, health-related quality of life

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