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研究生: 岳立容
論文名稱: 資訊素養教學研究--以大六教學法融入高中三民主義課程為例
The resarch on the teaching of Information Literacy--Example:An integrating the Big6 Teaching Approaches into the Instruction of the three Principles in Senior high Schools
指導教授: 吳美美
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 社會教育學系
Department of Adult and Continuing Education
論文出版年: 2004
畢業學年度: 92
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 209
中文關鍵詞: 資訊素養大六教學法三民主義課程
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:436下載:17
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The goal of this action research is to study the practice of integrating the Big6 Teaching Approaches into the instruction of the Three Principles of the People in senior high schools. Being enforced in the freshmen of a certain senior high school in Taipei County, this practice -- both instructors and students follow the guide-lines of the Big6 Teaching Approaches, which contains nine units in a whole. Following a semester-round experimental curriculum, accordingly, instructors and students are required to do paper-writing and curriculum-assessing on the basis of the Big6 Teaching Approaches.
The education of information literacy is founded on the theories of teaching with critical thinking, cooperative learning, self-directed learning, constructive learning and independent learning. Also, from the perspectives of instructors and students, this study is to have an insight of the instruction itself as well as its effects, and further to suggest the problems needed to be attended to while the practice is proceeding. The procedure for the study includes the following points: the design of action research, such as the design of unit based and instruction-related activity, and feedback list. Furthermore, instructors should attend, observe, interview, fill up forms and keep records of the on-coming problems, while such an experimental curriculum is being proceeded. Finally, in assessing the effects of this curriculum as a whole, instructors’and students’assessment do play a key role.
According to the various records following the action research such as the design of instruction-related activities, feedback lists, interviewing records, and various assessments. The results have been found as follows: (A) To assure the effect of this curriculum , instructors need to have a good grip on their professional expertise and subject-related knowledge, such as the awareness of political and economical issues, as well as the philosophy and know-how of the Big6 Teaching Approaches, which contain the abilities of designing teaching plans, making teaching material,collecting information,processing words, and taking notes.In addition, instructors have to devote themselves and instruct with enthusiasm. (B) In terms of the students’ learning process, it is a developing one, which started with a situation of fuzziness and then shaped into a clear concept. (C) The advantages of such a practice are many, instructors can be aware that the Big6 Teaching Approaches are systematic. Also students can polish their thinking styles. (D) On both sides of instructors and students, they may encounter the difficulties like the deficiency of equipment and material, or even low motivation of students.Based on the above,the research provides the main principles when implementing the Big6 Teaching Approaches and other suggestions concerning curriculum designs, the support needed from the school administration and the appropriate teaching environments, and so on.Here the researchers offer instructors the direction of applying the Big6 Teaching Approaches to diverse subjects and students, and hope that the department of curriculum design and administration can take it into account to enlarge the range or prolong the period of the research on the Big6 Teaching Approaches .

謝 辭 中文摘要 英文摘要 目 次 表 目 次 圖 目 次 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究問題 4 第三節 研究之重要性與貢獻 5 第四節 解釋名詞 6 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 資訊素養理論基礎 7 第二節 大六教學法的內涵 19 第三節 課程設計與教學模式 27 第三章 研究設計與實施 第一節 行動研究 29 第二節 研究實施步驟 31 第三節 研究現場 37 第四節 資料分析與處理 38 第四章 研究分析與討論 第一節 課程設計檢視 39 第二節 教學日誌之分析結果 47 第三節 學生學習日誌及訪談紀錄之探討 57 第四節 學習單結果之探討 69 第五節 師生自評表之分析歸納 73 第五章 結論 第一節 教學者的看法 79 第二節 學習者的看法 82 第三節 大六教學法的優點 84 第四節 大六教學法實施的困難與對策 86 第六章 實施大六教學法的建議 第一節 大六教學法實施要領 89 第二節 其他建議 93 第三節 未來研究建議 95 參考文獻 96 附錄一 102 A 1 研究設計單—教學活動設計1-9 102 A 2 研究設計單—學習單1-9 151 A 3 研究設計單—教學日誌1 162 A 4 研究設計單—學習日誌4-9 163 A 5 研究設計單—訪談紀錄4-9 169 A 6 研究設計單—教師自評表1 170 A 7 研究設計單—學生自評表1 171 附錄二 172 B 1 原始資料—教學日誌結果彙整1-9 172 B 2 原始資料—學習日誌結果彙整4-9 180 B 3 原始資料—訪談結果彙整4-9 199 附錄三 三民主義教學網路資源 205 附錄四 課程實驗同意書 209 表 目 次 表2-1-1 資訊素養教學理論基礎彙整表 16 表2-2-1 資訊素養在學科上的運用 20 表2-2-2 資料蒐集與報告寫作課程大綱 25 表3-2-1 三民主義科資訊素養課程實施表 35 表4-3-1 學生學習歷程發展模式 68 表4-5-1 教師自評結果 74 表4-5-2 學生自評分析表 75 表6-1-1 大六教學法實施要領彙整表 89 圖 目 次 圖2-1-1 葉尼斯的批判思考教學方案 9 圖2-2-1 資訊素養教育策略圖 24 圖2-3-1 圖書館利用教育實驗課程之發展模式 28 圖3-2-1 實施步驟圖 32 圖3-2-2 本實驗課程之發展模式 34 圖4-2-1 教師必備知識圖 53

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