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研究生: 吳芳誼
Fang-yi Wu
論文名稱: 時間、空間和記憶:《心城》和〈古都〉中的節奏漫遊者
Time, Space, and Memory: The Rhythmic Saunterers in City of the Mind and "The Old Capital"
指導教授: 蘇榕
Su, Jung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 94
中文關鍵詞: 賴芙莉《心城》朱天心〈古都〉列斐伏爾漫遊者節奏分析空間理論
英文關鍵詞: Penelope Lively, City of the Mind, Chu Tien-hsin, "The Old Capital", Henri Lefebvre, flaneur, rhythmanalysis, spatial theory
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:122下載:24
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  • 時間、空間和記憶之間存有一緊密不可分的關係;三者共存於城市之中且相互影響。城市不僅受外部發展趨勢的影響,更因著人們的生活經驗、記憶和歷史而具有形塑性。在潘內洛琵‧賴芙莉的《心城》和朱天心的〈古都〉的作品中,都在在展現出作者對於時間、空間、記憶和歷史等議題的關懷。兩位作者並且都將書中主角設定為一散步於城市之中、展現心中城市印象的漫遊者。本論文企圖以《心城》和〈古都〉為例證去檢視人們如何面對他們所生活的城市,藉以證實時間、空間和記憶如何作為每個人去建構心之城市的關鍵要點。

    There is an indivisible relationship among time, space, and memory, all of which coexist and interact with one another in the city. The city is always plastic and malleable because it is affected not only by the external, developmental forces but also by people’s lived experiences, memories, and histories on the other hand. In Penelope Lively’s ninth novel City of the Mind (1991) and Chu Tien-hsin’s novella “The Old Capital” (1996), both writers concern the issues of time, space, memory, and history in their works. They also feature flâneur narrators who stroll around the cities and display their mental visions of the cities. In my thesis, I aim to use City of the Mind and “The Old Capital” as case studies to examine how people face the cities they live, and verify how time, space, and memory serve as the key points for everyone to build one’s own city of the mind.
    My thesis consists of five chapters. In the first chapter, I briefly introduce both Lively and Chu, their works City of the Mind and “The Old Capital,” and how their works are possibly impacted by their lives. The second chapter focuses on the theories I apply to my textual analysis, including Henri Lefebvre’s triad of spatial theory and rhythmanalysis, and the figure of the flâneur and his characteristic “walking.” In the third and fourth chapters, I review City of the Mind and “The Old Capital” with the preceding theories. I regard both protagonists as the exempla of my proposed rhythmic saunterers. Their walking and examination of the memories—including the memories of the cities and themselves—provide the protagonists a way to reconstruct the histories of the city and release themselves from the traumas or the shackles of the past. In the final concluding chapter, I suggest that my urban studies of these two fictions direct me to ponder on my own city and lived experiences. By affirming the importance of personal memories and history in molding representational spaces in these two texts, and by confirming the importance of both walking and rhythms, I attempt to cultivate one possible stance, one achievable approach for us—the younger generation who are different from Chu and who confront more transient changes—in the hope that we may identify ourselves and reconcile with the rapidly changing world (in my case, Taiwan).

    Chinese Abstract…………………………………………………………iii English Abstract…………………………………………………………iv Acknowledgement……………………………………………………………vi Table of Contents ………………………………………………………vii Chapter I: Introduction Overture: Starting from the City……………………………………1 Penelope Lively and City of the Mind.....................7 Chu Tien-hsin and "The Old Capital" …………………………… 12 Chapter II: Henri Lefebvre’s Spatial Discourse, the Flâneur, and the Rhythmic Saunterer Henri Lefebvre’s Spatial Triad……………………………………23 Henri Lefebvre's Rhythmanalysis …………………………………28 The Flâneur and Walking ……………………………………………31 The Possible Revolutionary Change: Being a Rhythmic Saunterer……41 Chapter III: City of the Mind as a Case Study City: the Symphony of Rhythms ……………………………………47 The Multifaceted Characters of Time and Space ……………47 Matthew as a Rhythmic Saunterer …………………………………56 Re-examine the City, Release Oneself from the Past………61 Chapter IV: "The Old Capital" as a Case Study Starting from an Old Spirit… ……………………………………63 Memory as the Kernel of Representational Spaces…………65 The Anonymous Female Narrator as a Rhythmic Saunterer…69 Re-examine the City, Release Oneself from the Past………74 Chapter V: Conclusion Being a Rhythmic Saunterer ………………………………………83 Works Cited ………………………………………………………………90

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