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研究生: 許庭瑋
Hsu, Ting-Wei
論文名稱: 化妝品包裝設計創新與品牌權益關係之研究—以韓國彩妝品牌為例
A Study of the Relationship Between the Innovation of Cosmetics Packaging Design and Brand Equity – An Example of Korean Cosmetics Brands
指導教授: 嚴貞
Yen, Jen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 162
中文關鍵詞: 化妝品包裝設計品牌權益創新性
英文關鍵詞: cosmetics, packaging design, brand equity, innovation
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203458
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:193下載:29
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  • 化妝品是現代女性日常生活中不可或缺的用品,除了賦予女性美麗外更能增加自信。根據2014年調查臺灣化妝品市場有近2200多億台幣的消費需求(財政部關務署,2015),而在競爭激烈的化妝品市場中,品牌要如何脫穎而出被消費者所選擇呢?品牌可以透過包裝設計的創新性而影響品牌權益程度的改變嗎?為能瞭解化妝品包裝設計的創新性與品牌權益的關係,並建構其創新要素,本研究分為三階段進行:1. 以Nature Republic、The Face Shop、Etude House、Too Cool For School等4家韓國化妝品品牌的唇彩與眼彩包裝設計為樣本,透過多重資料搜集各品牌樣品的包裝設計要素,針對主色彩、圖像表現形式、編排與外包裝印刷表現等項目進行分析;2. 對包裝設計與品牌領域相關專家3位及化妝品銷售人員2位進行深度訪談,歸納訪談內容與文獻探討建構出包裝設計創新要素;三、根據前一階段包裝設計創新要素結果研製問卷調查題項,針對臺灣40歲以下女性消費者以網路進行問卷調查,回收共計238份問卷。


    1. Nature Republic整體包裝設計的視覺應用簡單無複雜設計,材質與顏色選擇上亦皆符合自然純淨之品牌理念;The Face Shop的品牌理念崇尚自然主義,但在其包裝設計表現上關聯性較小,較難聯想到其品牌理念且缺乏一致性;Etude House整體包裝予人充滿女孩、公主等甜美的形象,符合其「讓所有女孩都夢想成真」的品牌理念;Too Cool For School整體而言,每款包裝有自己獨特的風格,符合其品牌理念之設定「擁有獨特品味,想要展現自我風格的族群」。

    2. 化妝品的潛在包裝設計創新「要素(elements)」為:(1)提高包裝辨識性之設計創新(創造包裝視覺面的差異化);(2)以情感的連結延續(傳遞)品牌DNA;(3)創造個人價值認同。化妝品包裝設計的潛在創新「因素(factors)」為:(1)吸引注意進而產生情感;(2)創造個人價值認同;(3)獨特性;而受影響的品牌權益因素有「品質認知與領導力」及「品牌個性與聲望」。

    3. 潛在包裝設計創新因素與品牌權益有高度正相關(r > 0.7),同時對品牌權益整體亦呈現顯著影響,其中「創造個人價值認同」因子對品質認知與領導力的影響最大;「吸引注意進而產生情感」對品牌個性與聲望影響最大,「獨特性」為其次。調查結果顯示Too Cool For School(M=3.54)的潛在包裝設計創新性最高,其次為Etude House(M=3.25),The Face Shop(M=2.69)最低;Too Cool For School(M=3.43)品牌權益的認知程度最高,其次為Etude House(M=3.2),Nature Republic(M=2.61)最低。不同年齡層的受測者皆認為Too Cool For School的潛在包裝設計創新性最高,Etude House次之;20歲以下的受測者對Too Cool For School與Etude House的品牌權益認知程度同列為最高,21歲至40歲的受測者則認為Too Cool For School的品牌權益程度最高,Etude House次之。

    4. 根據研究結果提出化妝品包裝設計的建議如下:(1)在包裝的色彩、造形與圖像上多著墨,或使用異材質結合與特殊加工處理,使該品牌與競爭品牌產生差異化,但仍需能適切的傳遞品牌DNA,不可偏離,使消費者感受到該品牌的個性而被吸引;(2)訂立良好的品牌策略,針對目標客群進行包裝設計,貼近目標客群的心,使其可以藉由包裝投射出自我價值認同並感覺參與其中,認為該品牌具有較高的品質而尊崇該品牌。

    Nowadays cosmetic products are a necessity for the female population. Not only does it enhance female beauty also boots confidence. According to a 2014 survey, the cosmetics market demand surpassed NTD220 billion in Taiwan (Customs Administration, Minstry of Finance, 2015). In face of such a competitive market, what should brands do in order to stand out and get chosen by customers? Can the innovation of packaging designs bring about a significant change in brand equity? In order to understand the relationship between the innovation of cosmetics packaging design and brand equity, as well as construct the innovation elements of cosmetics packaging design required, this study shall proceed in 3 stages: (1) Use the packaging design of lipsticks and eyeshadows of 4 Korean cosmetic brands as example, including “Nature Republic”, “The Face Shop”, “Etude House” and “Too Cool For School”, and analyze the packaging design elements through collective data; including main theme colours, image representation, layout and the quality of the packaging printing. (2) Conduct in-depth interviews with 3 professionals of packaging design and branding background and 2 cosmetic salesperson. Through the evaluation of interview content and document reference; construct the potential innovation elements of packaging design. (3) Develop a questionnaire based on the results of stage (2) and conduct a web survey on Taiwanese female consumers under the age of 40. A total of 238 valid questionnaires were collected.

    The following is a summary of the analysis of this study:

    1. “Nature Republic”’s overall packaging design is simple and devoid of complexity. The packaging material and color of choice reflect their brand image of nature and purity. “The Face Shop” is a brand that advocates the importance of naturalism, yet one cannot relate to this based on their packaging designs. Their packaging also lacks a consistency in terms of style. “Etude House” adopts a more girly and princess-esque image, as if its company philosophy is to “make every girl’s dream come true.” “Too Cool for School” is a brand that shows a unique style in every one of their products. This goes accordingly with its “I have a unique taste and want to express it” brand positioning.

    2. 3 Potential innovation elements of cosmetic packaging design are: “Increasing packaging recognition of design innovation” (creating differentiation in packaging visual surface), “To connect consumers with a brand’s DNA through the channeling of emotions”, and “Creating Individual Value”.
    3 Potential innovation factors of cosmetic packaging design are: “Attracting the consumer’s attention and provoking emotional attachment”, “Creating individual value identification” and “Uniqueness”. The 2 factors of brand equity that are affected by the above are “perceived quality and Leadership” and “brand association and popularity”.

    3. Potential innovation factors of packaging design have highly positive correlation with brand equity (r > 0.7), and have significant influences on the brand equity. Among them, “Creating individual value identification” has the greatest influence on “Perceived quality and Leadership”; “Attracting the consumer’s attention and provoking emotional attachment” has the greatest influence on “brand association and popularity”, while “uniqueness” is the second. The survey reveals “Too Cool For School” (M=3.54) has the highest level of potential innovation for packaging design, “Etude House” (M=3.25) comes second, “The Face Shop” (M=2.69) has the lowest potential innovation. In terms of brand equity identification level, “Too Cool for School” (M3.43) also ranks as the highest, “Etude House” (M=3.2) comes second while “Nature Republic” (M=2.61) is the lowest. Samples from all ages show that consumers consider “Too Cool For School” to have the highest potential innovation with ‘Etude House” lying in second place. For those under the age of 20, both “Too Cool for School” and “Etude House” hold the highest brand equity identification; while for those of ages 21-40, “Too Cool For School” holds the highest brand equity identification with “Etude House” after it.

    4. Based on the analysis of this study, suggestions for optimum results are as follows:
    A. Further emphasis on color usage, style and images choice or using alternative packaging materials combined with specific manufacturing processes. This will allow for easier differentiation from competing products. However, it is important to not sway from the brand’s DNA as the goal is to let consumers feel attracted to brand personality.
    B. Establish a proper brand marketing strategy, with packaging designs aimed at specific consumer groups. The packaging design should reflect the consumer’s self-value identification and let consumers feel as they as if they are part of the brand which they appreciate for the quality premium branding.

    摘要 I Abstract III 謝誌 VI 目次 VII 表目次 X 圖目次 XII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 2 1.3 研究方法 3 1.4 研究流程 4 1.5 研究範圍與限制 6 1.6 名詞釋義 7 第二章 文獻探討 8 2.1 品牌權益 8 2.1.1 品牌權益的定義 8 2.1.2 品牌權益之構面 11 2.1.3 品牌權益的衡量 16 2.2 包裝設計 17 2.2.1 包裝設計的定義及分類 17 2.2.2 包裝設計的要素 19 2.2.3 包裝之機能 25 2.3 創新、品牌與包裝設計 27 2.3.1 創新的定義 27 2.3.2 創新的分類 29 2.3.3 包裝設計與品牌權益之關係 31 2.3.4品牌、包裝設計與創新之關係 32 2.4化妝品 33 2.4.1 化妝品定義 33 2.4.2 化妝品分類 35 2.4.3 彩妝品 37 2.4.4 化妝品產業概況 38 2.5小結 43 第三章 研究方法 44 3.1研究架構 44 3.2研究對象 45 3.2.1 品牌A:Nature Republic 45 3.2.2品牌B:The Face Shop 47 3.2.3品牌C:Etude House 49 3.2.4品牌D:Too Cool For School 50 3.2.5 分析方式 54 3.3 深度訪談 54 3.3.1 訪談目的 54 3.3.2 訪談對象 54 3.3.3 訪談形式及分析方法 55 3.3.4 訪談架構 56 3.4 問卷設計 58 3.4.1調查對象與取樣方式 59 3.4.2研究假設 59 3.4.3問卷操作 61 3.4.4 資料分析方法 63 第四章 研究結果與分析 65 4.1韓國彩妝品包裝設計分析 65 4.1.1品牌A:Nature Republic 66 4.1.2品牌B:The Face Shop 70 4.1.3品牌C:Etude House 74 4.1.4品牌D:Too Cool For School 78 4.1.5小結 83 4.2訪談結果分析 84 4.2.1理論發展 84 4.2.2潛在的包裝設計創新性要素構成 86 4.2.3韓國彩妝品包裝設計要素所展現之創新度與品牌定位 88 4.3問卷調查結果與分析 90 4.3.1 人口樣本資料之統計分析 90 4.3.2 項目分析 92 4.3.3 包裝設計創新性與品牌權益之因素分析 93 4.3.4 潛在包裝設計創新性對品牌權益之迴歸分析結果 101 4.3.5 各品牌對潛在包裝設計創新性與品牌權益因素之變異數分析結果 105 4.3.6各年齡層對各品牌潛在包裝設計創新性與品牌權益認知程度之變異數分析結果 108 第五章 結論與建議 111 5.1 研究結論 111 5.2 化妝品牌之包裝設計參考建議 114 參考文獻 115 附錄一、訪談邀請函內文 120 附錄二、化妝品包裝設計創新性與品牌權益關係之調查問卷 121 附錄三、包裝設計與品牌領域專家之訪談文本 130 附錄四、化妝品銷售人員之訪談文本 158

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