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研究生: 江恒均
Chiang, Heng-Chun
論文名稱: 禪繞畫風格應用於苑裡藺編文創商品創作研究
Practice-Based Research on the Use of Zentangle in Yuanli Rush weaving Cultural and Creative Products
指導教授: 劉建成
Liu, Chien-Cheng
口試委員: 林俊良
Chu, Su-Chen
口試日期: 2021/07/19
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 151
中文關鍵詞: 苑裡禪繞畫藺草文創商品
英文關鍵詞: Yuanli, Zentangle, Rush weaving Cultural and Creative Products
研究方法: 案例分析創作實證
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202101030
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:69下載:12
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  • 隨著數位科技及網際網路發達,許多以在地產業為主題的觀光景點紛紛興起,近年來有許多人返鄉從事推廣在地文化特色的計畫,結合地方產業特色並推動文創產品成為新趨勢。苑裡的地方特色以藺草編織聞名,近年來文創產品隨著觀光產業興起變成當地主要經濟收入之一;而禪繞畫是種藉由規律的筆畫構成圖樣,在創作過程中來達到療癒心靈的方式,禪繞畫細緻線條又和藺草編織手法有異曲同工之妙。本研究目的在於以推動地方文化特色為出發點,分析藺編文化成為夕陽產業的相關因素,並探索其改善之道;歸納禪繞畫的表現特徵與類型,嘗試與藺編產業結合的可能性,進而建構禪繞畫風格應用於苑裡地方特色文創商品的創作模式。研究方法以文獻探討苑裡藺編文化及禪繞畫風格的定義,運用案例分析法創作實證方式將禪繞畫風格應用在苑裡文創產品,分析禪繞畫與藺草編織的關聯性,並從文獻研究結果中剖析其創作內容、藺編表現媒材、禪繞畫風格之應用,並以藺草文物館、台灣手藺以及藺子現有的藺草文創產品做為取樣來源,歸納出適合應用的產品作為後續創作之參考。整合文獻探討和案例分析後,研究發現禪繞畫圖樣與藺編紋路反覆交錯的線條有異曲同工之妙,在視覺上能有所呼應連結,透過整理歸納出不同藺編紋路及其對應的禪繞畫圖樣,並將禪繞畫圖樣運用在創作苑裡風物意象,最後將兩者結合,設計出一系列抱枕、帆布袋、飲料杯袋、側背包......等以苑裡風物為主題的禪繞畫風格藺草編織文創商品。研究結果發現:一、禪繞畫是一種有結構重複的繪畫方式,變化性與可塑性很強,應用領域極為廣泛。二、禪繞畫圖樣與藺編紋路反覆交錯的線條有相似與共通之處,視覺與情感有互補作用;三、苑裡藺編文化透過文創商品的推動,建構地方文化特色有助於帶動區域經濟發展。

    With the development of digital technology and the Internet, many tourist attractions with the theme of local industries have emerged. In recent years, many people have returned to their hometowns to engage in projects to promote local cultural characteristics, combining local industrial characteristics and promoting cultural and creative products. new trend. The local characteristics of the garden are famous for Rush weaving. In recent years, cultural and creative products have become one of the main local economic incomes with the rise of the tourism industry; and the Zentangle is a pattern composed of regular strokes, which can be healed in the creative process. The way of the mind, the delicate lines of Zentangle winding and the Rush weaving technique have the same effect. The purpose of this research is to take the promotion of local cultural characteristics as the starting point, analyze the relevant factors of Rush weaving culture as a sunset industry, and explore ways to improve it; summarize the performance characteristics and types of Zentangle winding paintings, and try to combine with Rush weaving industry. And then construct the creative mode of Zentangle style applied to the cultural and creative products with local characteristics in the garden.
    The research method uses the literature to explore the definition of Yuanli’s Rush weaving culture and the style of Zentangle, and uses case analysis to create empirical methods to apply the Zentangle style to Yuanli’s cultural and creative products, analyze the relationship between Zentangle and Rush weaving, and Analyzed the content of it’s creation, the medium of expression, the application of the Zentangle style from the results of the literature research, and used the Rush Museum, Taiwan hand rush and the existing rush cultural and creative products of the rush as sampling sources to conclude that it is suitable for application The product is used as a reference for subsequent creation. After integrating the literature discussion and case analysis, the research found that the lines of the rushing pattern and the rushing pattern have the same effect, which can be visually echoed and connected. Through sorting out the different rushing patterns and their corresponding meditations Draw patterns, and use the Zentangle painting patterns to create the imagery of the garden, and finally combine the two to design a series of pillows, canvas bags, beverage cup bags, side backpacks... etc. Taking garden scenery as examples Themed Zentangle painting style Rush weaving cultural and creative products. The results of the research found that: 1. Zentangle painting is a repetitive painting method with strong variability and plasticity, and its application fields are extremely wide. 2. The pattern of the Zentangle orbiting painting and the repetitive interlaced lines of the Rush weaving pattern have similarities and commonalities, and the vision and emotion have complementary effects; 3. The culture of the Rush weaving in Yuanli is promoted by cultural and creative products, and the construction of local cultural characteristics will help to drive Regional economic development.

    第一章 緒論 1  1-1研究動機與目的 1  1-2研究方法與架構 2  1-3研究範圍與限制 5  1-4相關論文回顧 6 第二章 文獻探討 15  2-1禪繞畫 15   2-1-1禪繞畫的定義 16   2-1-2禪繞畫的發展推廣 21   2-1-3禪繞畫的圖案類型 26   2-1-4禪繞畫的創作方式 36 2-2苑裡藺草 39   2-2-1苑裡藺草的緣起 39   2-2-2苑裡藺草編製步驟 41 2-2-3苑裡藺編文化發展概況 43 2-2-4苑裡藺草編織與禪繞畫的共通性 45 2-2-5禪繞畫圖樣與藺草編織紋路的連結比較 49 第三章 藺編產品案例分析 61  3-1藺編產品 61   3-1-1藺草文物館 61   3-1-2台灣藺草學會 65   3-1-3藺子 71   3-1-4其他與藺編相關之產品 79 3-2禪繞畫的應用 84 第四章 設計創作 95 4-1創作架構與流程 95 4-2設計發想及創意理念 96 4-3創作作品呈現與說明 102   4-3-1 系列一:海洋生物 102 4-3-2系列二:山林蘑菇 133 4-4創作成果展出 141 第五章 結論與建議 143 5-1結論 143 5-2建議 144 參考文獻 146

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