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研究生: 郭育菁
YuChing Kuo
論文名稱: 關係利益對再購意願之影響-以感激的情感、信任、關係承諾為中介變數
The Influence of Relationships Benefits on Purchase Intention Mediated by Feelings of Gratitude,Trust and Commitment.
指導教授: 周世玉
Chou, Shih-Yu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 全球經營與策略研究所
Graduate Institute of Global Business and Strategy
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 45
中文關鍵詞: 關係利益感激的情感信任關係承諾再購意願
英文關鍵詞: Relationship Benefits, Feeling of gratitude, Trust, Relationship Commitment, Repurchase Intention
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:180下載:36
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  • 本研究旨要在探討競爭日益劇烈之服務業中,服務提供者該如何制定有效之行銷策略,並著重於顧客實際知覺之社會利益、特殊待遇利益與信心利益,透過感激之情感、信任與關係承諾,進而增加對服務提供者之再購意願。經由本研究所提供之結論,業者可直接投入顧客感受最深之利益關係,以留住顧客與提高顧客再購意願,進而節省行銷成本並做出最有效率之資源配置。

    This research aims to provide service providers with an efficient marketing strategy to compete in this highly competitive service industry. It serves to understand how social benefits, special benefits and confidence benefits which customer actually get, can affect their repurchase intention via feeling of gratitude, trust and commitment. From the conclusion drawn, service providers can invest in the relationship benefits which customers like the best and would be more willing to repay themselves in this relationship directly. By doing so, service providers can increase customers’ repurchase intention, reduce the cost of marketing and to allocate resources more efficiently.
    This study use questionnaire survey and statistic analysis to validate the proposed research model. The sample population consists of those customers who have consumed in the hair, medical cosmetic, massage, repair service and information service industries; out of the 261 questionnaires collected, 253 are effective. The result from the measurement model showed that this research is highly valid, reliable and consistent, and result from the structural model showed that this research well fit the proposed model. After analyzing the output, we found that part of relationship benefits could affect feeling of gratitude, trust and relationship commitment directly. Moreover, the feeling of gratitude and relationship commitment have a positive impact on repurchase intention. Finally, special benefits have the biggest indirect impact on repurchase intention.

    摘要............................................i Abstract.......................................ii 目錄...........................................iii 圖目錄、表目錄...................................iv 第一章 緒論......................................1 第一節 研究背景與動機..............................2 第二節 研究問題與目的..............................3 第二章 文獻回顧與假設..............................3 第一節 關係利益...................................3 第二節 信任與關係承諾..............................5 第三節 關係承諾...................................6 第四節 信任......................................7 第五節 感激的情感.................................7 第六節 假說之推演.................................8 第三章 研究方法..................................12 第一節 研究架構與假說.............................12 第二節 競爭模型..................................13 第三節 研究變項的衡量.............................14 第四節 問卷設計與蒐集.............................16 第四章 研究結果..................................19 第一節 資料分析方法...............................19 第二節 測量模式分析 ...............................20 第三節 結構模式分析...............................23 第四節 路徑效果與競爭模式分析.......................27 第五節 中介效果分析 ...............................29 第五章 結論......................................32 第一節 討論......................................32 第二節 管理意涵...................................35 第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向.......................36 參考文獻.........................................37 附錄---問卷......................................44 圖目錄 圖2.2 KMV模型...................................6 圖3.1 研究架構..................................12 圖3.2 競爭模型..................................14 圖4.3 研究模型之標準化路徑係數與R^2................26 圖4.4 競爭模型之標準化路徑係數、顯著性、R^2.........28 表目錄 表3.4 問卷第一部份與基本資料分析...................18 .表4.2.2 各構面之共同性、相關係數、AVE與AVE之平方根...21 表4.2.1各構面之因素負荷量、Alpha係數與CR............21 表4.2.3 各別因素負荷量與其他構面之因素負荷量比較......22 表4.3 研究假設之標準化路徑係數、P-value...........25 表4.4 關係利益對再購意願之間接效果分析.............28 表 4.5 模型之中介效果分析.......... ..............30

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