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研究生: 吳韋德
Wei-De Wu
論文名稱: 建立服務導向平台之家用數位監視系統之研究
Implementation of Service Oriented Home Networking Surveillance System
指導教授: 黃文吉
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊工程學系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 46
中文關鍵詞: 監視系統穿越NAT
英文關鍵詞: SIP, Zeroconf, STDP, IP Camera, surveillance, NAT traversal, UPnP, IGD, SIP ALG
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:83下載:1
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  • 本研究提出一個完整的架構,使得遠端存取家用數位監視系統的過程變的簡單而方便,同時也大量簡化使用者在家庭中佈署監視系統所需的工作,達到真正所謂隨插即用(Plug-and-Play)的功能。本研究採用 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) 結合Zero Configuration (Zeroconf) 組成的Service Trade Discovery Protocol (STDP) 做為主要的基礎網路協定,達到遠端存取區域網路中服務的目標,並在IP-Camera上整合了Universal Plug-and-Play (UPnP) ,解決了家庭網路服務均會面臨的network address translator (NAT) 穿透問題,達成IP-Camera隨插即用的目標。

    This thesis proposes a compact architecture, which is effective for accessing our surveillance system from the public network. This architecture eliminates the pre-configuration requirement to deploy the surveillance system in residential environment by providing a novel mechanism of plug-and-play. We apply Service Trade Discovery Protocol (STDP), a SIP-and-Zeroconf based framework, as our basic network transmitting protocol. The STDP enables the remote access of surveillance system over wide area networks (WANs). Besides, to solve the network address translator (NAT) traversal problem encountered in many home network applications, we integrate Universal Plug-and-Play (UPnP) solution into the IP-Camera. The UPnP make the surveillance system accessible behind NAT.
    With the architecture, people can set up the surveillance system in the residential environment without complex pre-configuration and professional skill about network. That will provide more convenience for people who have will to deploy the surveillance system. In the meanwhile, the architecture improves the security and convenience in our daily life.

    中文摘要...............................................................................................................................i Abstract..............................................................................................................................ii Content.............................................................................................................................iii List of Figures....................................................................................................................iv Chapter 1 Introduction...........................................................................................- 1 - 1.1 BACKGROUND..........................................................................................................................- 1 - 1.2 THE ORGANIZATION OF THIS THESIS.........................................................................................- 4 - Chapter 2 Basic Methods........................................................................................- 5 - 2.1 SIP............................................................................................................................................- 5 - 2.2 ZEROCONF................................................................................................................................- 8 - Chapter 3 STDP.....................................................................................................- 11 - 3.1 STDP PROTOCOL.....................................................................................................................- 11 - 3.2 STDP MESSAGE FORMAT........................................................................................................- 15 - 3.3 SERVICE TRADER.....................................................................................................................- 17 - Chapter 4 System Framework.............................................................................- 19 - 4.1 STDP WITH NAT TRAVERSAL..................................................................................................- 19 - 4.1.1 NAT Traversal for IP Camera...........................................................................................- 21 - 4.1.2 SIP Connection behind NAT..............................................................................................- 25 - 4.2 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE..........................................................................................................- 27 - Chapter 5 Experimental Result............................................................................- 32 - 5.1 EXPERIMENTAL SETTING.........................................................................................................- 32 - 5.2 RESULT...................................................................................................................................- 38 - Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Work.............................................................- 43 - References....................................................................................................................- 45 -

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