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研究生: 蕭逸維
論文名稱: 大專原住民族學生中輟,復學及其學校生活適應之研究
The study for aboriginal college students who drop out, get back to school, and how they get used to school life
指導教授: 洪泉湖
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 公民教育與活動領導學系
Department of Civic Education and Leadership
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 163
中文關鍵詞: 大專原住民族學生中輟復學學校生活適應
英文關鍵詞: Aboriginal college students, dropout, back to school, get used to school life
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:206下載:71
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  • 本研究旨在探究大專院校原住民族學生中輟歷程及其復學後學校生活適應情形,研究問題包括:1. 瞭解大專原住民族學生其輟學歷程為何?2. 瞭解大專原住民族學生輟學之影響因素為何?3. 探討大專原住民族中輟學生復學後所面臨到的學校生活適應情形(即學術系統與人際系統)為何?本研究透過六位歷經休、退學,以及復學經驗之研究參與者,以深度訪談的方式,進行對現象的描述和分析,獲得研究發現如下:
    一、 大專原住民族學生結合興趣與科系所需技能,此有助於減少學業挫折。
    二、 大專原住民族學生家庭經濟遭遇困難,成為抉擇是否輟學之直接考量因素。
    三、 「大學」成為原住民族父母期待子女提昇社會階層之重要管道。
    四、 在家庭背景方面,父母的教育投入與其學歷之間無法證明是否有相互影響關係。
    五、 大專原住民族學生依賴加分心態間接影響其學習態度,但加分制度的實施並未與其入學後之學習程度互有直接相關。
    六、 大專原住民族學生其科系選擇動機與入學後期待,兩者結合所學,有助於學術系統之成長,但入學後之期待無法與學術及人際系統產生媒合時,則將會提高輟學危機發生之機率。
    七、 我國大專原住民族學生其中輟歷程為一連貫且消極之循環。
    八、 原、漢同儕關係與學習方式,因彼此文化差異,而容易導致我國大專原住民族學生在其人際與學術系統方面遭受挫折。
    九、 大專原住民族學生感受『社團』人際系統挫折較學術系統挫折程度強烈,但此並不一定會造成離開學校的結果,反之,學術系統無法維持適當成績,卻是『直接』離開校園之基本因素。
    十、 大專原住民族通車學生較為缺乏校園連結,且易與校園住宿群體形成隔閡。
    十一、 我國大專原住民族學生復學後之期待與中輟前遭遇學術系統挫折互有明顯之相關。

    一、 在原住民族教育單位方面
    (一) 應提供大專原住民族學生自學工讀機會
    (二) 每學年度均應調查各大專院校原住民族學生中輟情形與復學後適應狀況。
    二、 在大專院校學生事務與教務單位方面
    (一) 實施同儕輔導機制
    (二) 積極營造校園多元文化氛圍
    (三) 加強大專原住民族通車學生與校園之連結
    三、 對未來研究之建議
    (一) 研究方法
    (二) 研究主題


    The purpose of this study is to find out how aboriginal college students drop out from school and how they get used to school life after getting back to school. The issues will be discussed include: 1.To know the aboriginal college students’ course of dropping out from school. 2. To know the factors which cause the aboriginal college students drop out. 3. To discuss what situations (academic and interpersonal system) the aboriginal college drop-outs will meet while getting used to new life after being back to school. After profoundly interviewing six experiment participants who have been through dropping out and getting back to school, we discussed and analyzed their context. What we find out will be mentioned under:
    The aboriginal college students’ course of dropping out and the factors for dropping out can be divided into family background, personal background and characteristics, expectations, and academic/interpersonal system. Family background can also be divided into “family economic problems”, “tense family atmosphere”, “the low enthusiasm for high education”, and “tribe familial expectation”; Personal background and characteristics can be generalized as “low self-confidence”, “reliance on bonus”, and “restraint-dislike personality”. And we also do study for the participants’ motives to choose different departments and they can be generalized as five different parts: “self- realization”, “interests for different departments”, “results for the college entrance examination”, “bonus inducement”, “predominant decisions by family relatives”. The expectations for college can be generalized as four different parts: “to help tribal people”, “to prove their ability”, “to expect to be as teachers”, “to enrich their social life”. For the academic system, it can be generalized as seven parts: “disappointment for the courses”, “apathy for what they are learning”, “low enthusiasm for learning”, “absence of techniques”, “different ways of learning”, “absence of partners while learning”, “increasing worry for being flunked out”. Interpersonal system can be generalized as seven parts: “pulling force from the student associations inside or outside campus”, “absence of interactions between teachers and students”, “alienation for differences among colleagues”, “decline of enthusiasm for student associations”, “busy in doing part-time jobs”, “lacking links while commuting”.
    The researcher will make a whole synthesis and generalization for four participants’ course of getting used to school life after being back to school. And the study will describe what situations (academic and interpersonal system) those participants will meet in their college life. For the reasons of getting back to school, they can be generalized as three parts: “self- realization”, “college diploma attainment”, “family relatives’ expectations”. For these participants’ expectations for college after getting back to school, they can be generalized as three parts: “helping tribal people”, “obtaining a skill”, “being graduated from college”. As for the academic system they will meet, it can be generalized as six part: “disappointment for the courses”, “low enthusiasm for learning”, “absence of techniques”, “absence of learning skills”, “absence of partners while learning”, “leaving school again”. As for the formal and informal interpersonal system they will meet, it can be generalized as five parts: “alienation for differences among colleagues” “ambiguous student association”, “absence of interactions between teachers and students” “alienation from student association”, “increasing efforts while doing part-time jobs”.
    For the study mentioned above, we have eleven conclusions in general:
    1. If aboriginal college students can integrate their interests and skills needed, it will help decrease learning frustration.
    2. When their family has problems in economy, to drop out or not will be the direct factor.
    3. “College” is viewed by their parents as an important channel to raise their children’s social status.
    4. As for their family background, we cannot prove that their parents’ enthusiasm for education and their educational background are relative.
    5. Aboriginal college students tend to rely on bonus will affect their learning attitude; besides, putting bonus system into practice is not relative to learning effects after entering college.
    6. If aboriginal college students can integrate their motives for selecting departments, expectations after entering college, and what they are learning together, it will help develop the academic system. But if the expectations cannot be integrated with academic and interpersonal system, it will make them feel worried for being dropped out more often.
    7. In Taiwan, aboriginal college students’ course of dropping out is continuous and negative.
    8. Aboriginal students’ colleague relations and ways of learning differ from non-aboriginal students’ because of different culture. Besides, it will easily make aboriginal students frustrated in their academic and interpersonal system.
    9. Aboriginal students feel much more frustrated in “student association” interpersonal system than in academic system; however, it will not necessarily result in leaving school. On the contrary, if they cannot maintain proper grades in the academic system and that’s the “direct” basic factor for drop-out.
    10. Aboriginal students lack linkage with their school while commuting. It will lead to barriers because of their living in campus together.
    11. In Taiwan, aboriginal college students’ expectations after being back to school and frustration in the academic system before leaving school are obviously relative.
    According to the conclusions above, we give some suggestions for these:
    1. The organizations on aboriginal education:
    (1) Give aboriginal college students opportunities to study themselves and do part-time job.
    (2) Do survey each year for their drop-out situations and conditions of adaptation after being back to school.
    2. The units of students affairs and academic affairs in college:
    (1) Put colleague guidance and assistance into practice.
    (2) Enthusiastically build up the atmosphere of multi-culture campus.
    (3) Strengthen aboriginal students’ linkage with campus while commuting.
    3. Suggestions for future study:
    (1) Methodology
    The study can be assisted by aboriginal students’, their parents’, and their teachers’ interview with observers. And it can help deeply understand aboriginal students’ affecting factors from family and school.
    (2) Subject
    The observers for the study can explore aboriginal college drop-outs’ conditions of their career development and obstruction factors more deeply. Besides, they can thoroughly know the linking process after dropping out by narrating the course.

    Key words: Aboriginal college students, dropout, back to school, get used to school life.

    第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的與待答問題 7 第三節 研究範圍與限制 8 第四節 名詞釋義 10 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 中途輟學之定義 12 第二節 大學生中途輟學之相關理論 13 第三節 影響中途輟學行為發生之相關研究 27 第四節 中輟學生復學後之學校生活適應 35 第三章 研究設計與實施 第一節 研究架構 42 第二節 研究參與者 44 第三節 研究取向 48 第四節 研究方法和工具 50 第五節 研究實施程序 54 第六節 資料整理與分析 57 第七節 研究之信實度 65 第八節 研究倫理 67 第四章 研究結果與討論 第一節 大專原住民族學生中途輟學之歷程 69 第二節 大專原住民族學生中輟學生復學後學校生活 適應之歷程 120 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 研究發現 139 第二節 結論 144 第三節 建議 149 後記 152 附錄 附錄一 各國對中輟生之定義 153 附錄二 訪談大綱 155 附錄三 訪談同意書 158 附錄四 訪談札記 159 附錄五 研究參與者檢核表 160 附錄六 逐字稿格式 161 附錄七 92學年度各級學校學生休學狀況統計表 162 附錄八 92學年度高中職以上學校學生退學狀況 統計表 163

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